
  • もし良かったら、食事でもいかが?
    If you wouldn't mind, would you like to go eat out with me?  - Weblio Email例文集
  • 良かったら、私たちはまた食事でもしませんか?
    If you want, why don't you eat with us again or something?  - Weblio Email例文集
  • ひょっとしたらしないほうが良かったかもしれない。
    Maybe it would have been better if I hadn't done it. - Tatoeba例文
  • ひょっとしたらしないほうが良かったかもしれない。
    Maybe it would've been better if I hadn't done it. - Tatoeba例文
  • もし明日天気が良かったら、私たちはピクニックに行くつもりです。
    If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go on a picnic. - Tatoeba例文
  • もし明日天気が良かったら、私たちはピクニックに行くつもりです。
    If it is sunny tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • そのことも閣僚懇で申し上げまして、各他の役所もここ10年間、例えば、文部科学省が大学に書類を求めるように、色々な機関に提出を求める書類が物凄く増えています。私も医者ですけれども、本当にお医者さんが患者さんを診たら、昔は書類なんかそんなに出さなくても良かったけど、(今は)もう細かく書類を書けと言って、極端な話、患者さんを診る時間よりも書類を書く時間の方が長いような感じがありまして、本末転倒でございます。
    I reported this issue at the informal gathering with Cabinet ministers as well. As exemplified by documents that universities are required to submit to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), documents which various institutions are required to submit not only to the FSA but also to other government offices have substantially increased over the past decade. I will give you an example as a doctor: back in the day, few documents had to be prepared upon medical examination, but nowadays we have to write documents in detail. To go to the extreme, we could say that we spend more time writing documents than examining patients. This defeats the purpose.  - 金融庁
