大悲願寺13世海譽の元で弟子として在山していた弟・秀雄のもとを政宗が訪れ四方山話をし庭にあった白萩を気に入り所望し貰い受け、臥龍梅を大悲願寺に贈った。 When Masamune visited his young brother Shuyu, who was at the Daihigan-ji Temple as a disciple of the 13th chief priest Kaiyo, they had a talk in various topics; Masamune was pleased with Japonica flowers in a garden and asked for them; in return he sent Garyubai (Lying-dragon plum) to the Daihigan-ji Temple.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス