
  • 薄暗いところを好み、カラダが白っぽく、やせて華奢な姿をしていることから。
    It is so named because it likes dark places and has a whitish, thin, slim body.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 雨ニモマケズ/風ニモマケズ/雪ニモ夏ノ暑サニモマケヌ/丈夫ナカラダヲモチ/慾ハナク/決シテ瞋ラズ/イツモシズカニワラッテイル
    He's not beaten by the rain; he's not beaten by the wind; neither the snow nor the heat of the summer will beat him; his body is robust, without greed; he never angers, but is always serenely smiling. - Tatoeba例文
  • ほふく性の、直性の、あるいは葉状体の樹枝状地衣:サルオガセ属、ヤマヒコノリ属、カラダチゴケ属、バンダイキノリ属
    fruticose lichens having prostrate or erect or pendulous thalli: genera Usnea, Evernia, Ramalina, Alectoria  - 日本語WordNet
