
  • 金融セクターにおいては、不良債権の処理が進展し、また日本版ビッグ・バンによってディレギュレーションがもたらされている中で、銀行や証券などの垣根を超えた合併や買収、日本の金融市場への外国金融機関の本格的な参入、及び非金融企業の銀行業への参入の表明など、日本の金融システムの構造を大きく変化させる動きが見られます。
    On the financial front, the disposal of bad loans is proceeding and financial deregulation under the so-called Japanese Big Bang initiatives is in its final stage. In these circumstances, the structure of Japan's financial sector is undergoing a drastic change. Mergers and acquisitions are blurring the traditional distinction between banking, securities, and insurance. Foreign financial institutions are increasing their presence by buying out Japanese financial houses. On-financial companies are expressing their interest in entering the financial sector.  - 財務省


  • 財務省
    Copyright(C) 財務省