
  • 菊池桃子のデビュー作となる。
    It became the debut for Momoko KIKUCHI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鏡花の文壇デビュー作
    It was the first novel by Kyoka as a professional novelist.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後鮎川さんはデビューした。
    He then made his debut.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 彼のデビューアルバムは超ヒット品になった。
    His first album became a megahit.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 漫画家さいとうたかおのデビュー作
    Kuki danshaku is the debut volume of the cartoonist Takao SATO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 監督デビュー作は『丹下左膳・こけ猿の壺』(1954年)。
    His directorial debut was a movie entitled "Tange Sazen: Kokezaru no tsubo"(1954).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2目の『山暮るる』で監督デビュー
    He debuted as a director in the company's second film "Yama Kururu" (The Mountains Grow Dark).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「ラブ・アクチュアリー」は彼の監督としてのデビュー作だ。
    "Love Actually" is his debut as a director.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • これはザック・ヘルム監督の監督デビュー作品だ。
    This is director Zach Helm’s debut film.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 彼が本で衝撃の映画デビューを飾る
    He will make a sensational screen debut in this film.  - 京大-NICT 日英中基本文データ
  • 谷崎はデビュー作「誕生」や出世「刺青」などを発表。
    TANIZAKI published his debut drama piece 'Tanjo' (literally, 'The Birth'), and the work brought him recognition in the liberary circle, the novel 'Shisei' (Tattooer).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国木田独歩原の『酒中日記』で監督デビュー
    He debuted as a director with "Shuchu Nikki" (The Diary of a Dunkard) originally written by Doppo KUNIKIDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家としてデビューする前は,いくつかのホテルに勤務していた。
    He worked at several hotels before his debut as a writer.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • の小説はこの家のデビュー作で,1990年に日本推理サスペンス大賞を受賞した。
    The original novel, the author's first, won the Japan Mystery-Suspense Story Award in 1990.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • なお、この梅原説を基にして、井沢元彦が著したものがデビュー作『猿丸幻視行』である。
    In addition, Motohiko IZAWA made his debut with a novel based on this theory of Umehara's, called "Sarumaru Genshi Ko"(Illusionary Travel around Sarumaru).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 70本以上の品を生み出し、また山中貞雄を映画監督としてデビューさせたことでも知られる。
    It produced over seventy works and was known for debuting Sadao YAMANAKA as a film director.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1963年-内出好吉監督『続・てなもんや三度笠』にて脚本家デビュー(澤田隆治との合)。
    1963: He made his debut as a script writer in "Zoku, Tenamonya sandogasa" (Continued, Tenamonya Sandogasa) (co-written with Takaharu SAWADA) directed by Kokichi UCHIDE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1962年、早船ちよ原、吉永小百合主演の『キューポラのある街』で監督デビューする。
    In 1962, he made his debut as a director with "Kyupora no aru machi" (Foundry Town), based on Chiyo HAYAFUNE's novel, and featuring Sayuri YOSHINAGA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 島津の助監督を経て、1925年、原、脚本も手がけた『南島の春』で監督デビューした。
    After serving as Shimazu's assistant director, he made his directorial debut in 1925 with "Nanto no Haru" (lit. "Spring in the Southern Islands"), for which he was also writer and screenwriter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1937年、宝塚退団と同時に日活品『宮本武蔵 地の巻』のお通役で映画デビュー
    In 1937 when she left Takarazuka, she made her film debut in the Nikkatsu title "Miyamoto Musashi: The Earth Chapter," playing the role of Otsu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1943年、黒澤明の監督デビュー作『姿三四郎』のヒロイン小夜役で人気を集める。
    In 1943, she became popular for her role as Sayo, the heroine in "Sanshiro Sugata," the directorial debut of Akira KUROSAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 井上さんの影響を受けて,山崎さんは1957年にデビュー作「暖(の)簾(れん)」を執筆した。
    Under Inoue's influence, Yamasaki wrote her debut work, "Noren," in 1957. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • その後、1951年に高千穂ひづるのデビュー作『ホープさん』、翌々年1953年には、東宝で初のカラー映画『花の中の娘たち』をった。
    Yamamoto later directed Hizuru TAKACHIHO's debut movie "Hopu-san" (Mr. Hope) in 1951 and the first color film at Toho "Hana no naka no musumetachi" (Girls Amongst the Flowers) 2 years later in 1953.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本当はデビュー作は『狙われた男』でも『狂った果実』でもなく、山本周五郎原の「かあちゃん」になる筈だった。
    At first, his debut film was planned to be neither "Nerawareta Otoko" nor "Kurutta Kajitsu" but 'Ka chan' (Mother) written by Shugoro YAMAMOTO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2007年12月にデビュー作のドキュメンタリー映画『シアトリカル~唐十郎と劇団唐組の記録』が公開。
    In December of 2007, his debut documentary film, "Theatrical: A record of Tojuro and Theater Company Karagumi" was released.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 師匠にあたる伊丹万の息子・伊丹十三は常連出演者となり影響を強く受けつつ監督デビュー
    Juzo ITAMI, the son of Mansaku ITAMI who was Ichikawa's master, became a regular actor in Ichikawa's works and debuted as a director that was greatly impressed by him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1909年(明治42年)、横田商会制・牧野監督の『碁盤忠信』(ごばんただのぶ)に主演し映画デビューを果たした。
    In 1909 Matsunosuke made his film debut, starring in "Tadanobu GOBAN" produced by Yokota Shokai and directed by Makino.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは,「ラスト・サムライ」での成功したハリウッド・デビューに続く,渡辺の2目のハリウッド映画である。
    This is Watanabe's second Hollywood movie following his successful Hollywood debut in "The Last Samurai."  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 翌年の「マキノ映画製所」設立の翌月には、牧野・金森共同監督による市川幡谷主演品『紫頭巾浮世絵師』で、牧野は寿々喜多を脚本家としてデビューさせた。
    In the month following the establishment of Makino Film Productions in 1923, Makino made Susukita debut as a scriptwriter in "Murasaki Zukin Ukiyoe-shi" (The Purple Hood: Woodblock Artist) starring Hataya ICHIKAWA and co-directed by Makino and Kanamori..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 島津保次郎、吉村公三郎、小津安二郎、野村弘将、木下惠介らの助監督を経て、1944年、監督昇進試験主席合格ののち織田之助原の『還って来た男』で監督デビュー
    After working under Yasujiro SHIMAZU, Kozaburo YOSHIMURA, Yasujiro OZU, Hiromasa NOMURA, Keisuke KINOSHITA and others as an assistant director, in 1944 he passed the promotion examination to director at the top, and made his debut as a film director with "Kaette kita otoko" (A man who returned) based on the original work by Sakunosuke ODA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、処女は出演俳優が兵役に取られるなどして完成が大幅に遅れ、やっと公開されたのが2年後の1939年、『沼津兵学校映画』が監督デビュー作となった。
    The production of his first film, however, was greatly delayed partly due to the draft of some of the actors, and 2 years later, in 1939, it was finally released as Imai's debut film "Numazu Heigakko" (Numazu Military Academy).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同社は「牧野教育映画製所」開業と同時に入社した横浜・大活出身の俳優二川文太郎、井上金太郎をそれぞれ監督としてデビューさせた。
    The company made Buntaro FUTAGAWA and Kintaro INOUE, the actors who had belonged to Daikatsu in Yokohama before joining Makino's company at its start, come out as film directors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • デビュー作の『愛と希望の街』は本人は当初『鳩を売る少年』という題名で企画を出したが、幹部から題名が暗くて地味だと抗議された。
    Oshima had originally planned for the title of his debut film "A Town of Love and Hope" to be "A Boy Who Sells Pigeons," but the title received objections by executives as too dark and simple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時一般的にいわれていた、清順美学は『野獣の青春』で突然開花したという定説を自ら覆し、デビュー作の頃から意識していたと発言した。
    In the foregoing show, Suzuki made a statement that he had been developing his own style of aesthetics which later came to be referred to as the Seijun Aesthetics from the time of his directorial debut contradicting the generally accepted explanation back then that it suddenly blossomed with the film "Youth of the Beast."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三船敏郎は、岡本のデビュー作『結婚のすべて』にバレエ教師役でワンシーン出演し、野太いアンドウトロワの掛け声とタイツ姿で爆笑を誘う。
    Toshiro MIFUNE appeared in only one scene in Okamoto's first film "All About Marriage" for the role of a ballet instructor, and his "Un-due-trios" pronounced in a deep voice and with a funny costume of tights draw our belly laughs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『かぼちゃ騒動記』で監督デビュー後、『情熱の浮沈』、『阿里山の侠児』、『かんかん虫は唄う』、『この母を見よ』、『春と娘』など、様々なジャンルの佳を発表する。
    After making his directorial debut with "Kabocha Sodoki" (literally, pumpkin fuss), he released renowned works in a number of genres including "Jonetsu no Fuchin" (Rise and Fall of Love), "Orishan no kyoji" (The Gallant Child of Orishan), "Kankanmushi wa Utau" (lit. "The Rust Chipper Sings"), "Kono Haha wo Miyo" (Behold This Mother), and "Haru to Musume" (Spring and A Girl).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1940年(昭和15年)初めに17歳で退団、日活に入社、稲垣浩監督、片岡千恵蔵主演の『宮本武蔵』の「お通」役に抜擢されて華々しくスクリーンデビュー、同は同年3月31日に公開された。
    At the beginning of 1940, at the age of 17, she retired from the Takarazuka revue and entered Nikkatsu Corporation, in which she was selected for the role 'Otsu' in "Miyamoto Musashi" with Chiezo Kataoka in the title role directed by Hiroshi INAGAKI to make her movie debut; the movie was released on March 31in the same year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 遠藤周の原をもとに実験的演出を試みた『わたしが・棄てた・女』を撮ったのち日活を離れ、大竹しのぶのデビュー作となった『青春の門』、『青春の門・自立篇』、テレビドラマ『飢餓海峡』などを演出する。
    He left Nikkatsu after making "Watashi ga suteta onna" (The Girl I Abandoned), an attempt at experimental direction based on Shusaku ENDO's novel, and he directed "Seishun no mon" (The Gate of Youth) as Shinobu OTAKE'S debut, "Seishun no mon: Jiritsu hen" (The Gate of Youth Part 2) and TV drama "Kiga kaikyo" (Straits of Hunger).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1924年(大正13年)に東亜キネマとの合併前のマキノ映画製所等持院撮影所に入社、同年7月の合併を経て、翌1925年(大正14年)6月の牧野省三の再独立にあたって、新設のマキノ・プロダクション御室撮影所に移った武井龍三は、同年9月、金森万象監督・寿々喜多呂九平オリジナル脚本の『奇傑鬼鹿毛』全3篇の主役に抜擢されてデビューした。
    Ryuzo TAKEI, having joined Makino Eiga Seisaku-jo Tojiin Studio in 1924 before the merger with Toa Kinema and moving to Makino Productions' Omuro Movie Studio, which was newly established after the merger in July 1924 and Shozo MAKINO's separation from the merged company in June 1925, made his debut in September that year when he was selected as the leading character in all three episodes of "Kiketsu Onikage"(Great Onikage) directed by Bansho KANAMORI and based on the original screenplay written by Rokuhei SUSUKITA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1936年(昭和11年)には、トーキー脚本に力を見せた脚本家グループ「梶原金八」のメンバーである山中貞雄を起用、山中が『河内山宗俊』を日活との提携で撮り、また、その弟子の助監督・萩原遼(映画監督)が、山中の原を得て自ら脚色し、高勢実乗を主演にした『お茶づけ侍』で監督としてデビューした。
    The company hired Sadao YAMANAKA, who was a member of 'Kinpachi KAJIWARA', which was a group of script writers that proved their ability in talkie scripts, and Yamanaka shot "Soshun KOCHIYAMA" with Nikkatsu, and his disciple assistant director Ryo HAGIWARA (film director) gained and adapted the original script of Yamanaka to make a debut as a director in "Ochazuke Samurai" (literally, "rice soup samurai"), starring Minoru TAKASE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以降は島津をはじめ、同じく島津門下生の五所平之助、豊田四郎や成瀬巳喜男の助監督を務めて、ついに監督昇進の命が下り、1939年に『女こそ家を守れ』で本格的に監督デビュー、続いて東宝に移った島津保次郎が撮る予定だった岸田國士原の『暖流(小説)』を撮り、新人離れした見事な演出でベスト・テン7位に選ばれるなど好評を博した。
    Later, he worked as an assistant director with Shimazu, and Shimazu's students such as Heinosuke GOSHO, Shiro TOYODA and Mikio NARUSE and was finally promoted as director to make his actual debut as a director with "Onna koso iewo mamore" (It is women who guard the home)" in 1939, and the next film, "Danryu" (warm current), based on a novel with the same name by Kunio KISHIDA and originally scheduled to be directed by Yasujiro SHIMAZU, which was a popular and fabulous production that was way beyond what was expected from his youth and was selected as seventh place in the ten best films.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 応募者(応募品)に対する一般視聴者の意見を採り入れることによりデビュー後の成功度を推測することができるようにするとともに、一般視聴者をオーディションの審査に見返りを与えることを条件に有料で参加させることにより、オーディション実施費用を軽減することのできる視聴者参加型オーディション審査方法を提供する。
    To provide an examination method for an audience participation audition in which success after debut can be estimated by taking in opinions of general audiences for an applicant (application), cost for implementing the audition can be reduced by allowing the general audience participate in the examination with charge on condition that they are rewarded. - 特許庁
  • 桜井啓子(俳優)(『無理心中日本の夏』映画出演前はフーテン族だった)、荒木一郎(『日本春歌考』)、ザ・フォーク・クルセダーズ(『帰ってきたヨッパライ』)、横尾忠則(『新宿泥棒日記』)、栗田ひろみ(『夏の妹』本が映画デビュー作で主演)、坂本龍一(『戦場のメリークリスマス』)など、俳優を本業としない人物や素人に近い新人俳優を多く抜擢し、品においても彼らの生のままの素材を活かすことに成功している。
    He selected many of his characters from people who were not performers or new actors nearly equal to amateurs, such as Keiko SAKURAI ("Double Suicide: Japanese Summer," she had been been a job-hopper before the film experience), Ichiro ARAKI ("Sing a Song of Sex"(A Treatise on Japanese Bawdy Songs)), The Folk Crusaders ("Three Ressurected Drunkards"), Tadanori YOKOO ("Diary of a Shinjuku Thief"), Hiromi KURITA ("Dear Summer Sister," which was her film debut where she played a central role) and Ryuichi SAKAMOTO ("Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence"), making a great success in exploiting their abilities in the works.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
