
  • 「東京駅」開業、「宝塚少女歌劇」初演、「女性パーマ」流行、「森永製菓森永ミルクキャラメル」発売、美術団体「二科会」発足、初のカラー長編映画「義経千本桜」公開、「東京ゴルフ倶楽部」創立、上野「大正博覧会」にてブラジル珈琲の宣伝
    Opening of the 'Tokyo Station,' first performance of 'Takarazuka Shojo Kagekidan' (Takarazuka Girls Revue Company), popularity of perms among women, launching of 'Morinaga's milk caramel' by Morinaga & Co., Ltd, inauguration of an art organization 'Nika Association,' release of the first feature-length color motion picture film 'Yoshitsune Senbonzakura' (Yoshitsune and One Thousand Cherry Trees), establishment of 'Tokyo Golf Club,' and advertisement of Brazilian coffee at the 'Taisho Exposition' held in Ueno.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
