
  • 主な七五調の詩
    Main Poems in Seven-and-five Syllable Meter  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かな47文字を各1回だけ読みこんだ七五調の歌
    the song utilizing the seven-five syllable meter, used to recite the Japanese alphabet  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 七五調という,日本の詩歌に用いる音数律の形式
    a form of the syllable meter for Japanese poetry  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 七五調の歌詞を持つ歌は、同じ七五調の別の曲の節で歌っても歌唱上は違和感がない。
    Songs with words in seven-and-five syllable meter can be sung in the melody of other song in this meter without uncomfortable feeling as a song.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、五七調から七五調への移り変わりがみられる。
    Additionally, a transition from the five-and-seven syllable meter to the seven-and-five syllable meter was detected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 現在でも校歌に七五調を採用する学校は多い。
    There are many schools today which use this meter for their establishment of the school song.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 多くの歌が七五調四句や、八五調四句、あるいはそのバリエーションの調子を持つ。
    Many songs had four phrases of seven-and-five syllable meter and eight-and five syllable meter, or other tunes of those variations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 謡とは、八世観世銕之亟によれば「七五調を基本にした長い詩」である。
    Utai (chanting of a Noh text), according to Tetsunojo KANZE VIII, is "a long poem based on the seven-and-five-syllable meter."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 七五調で書かれた十二文字を一つの節として、八拍子でうたわれる。
    With 12 characters written in the seven-and-five-syllable meter as one paragraph, the poem is chanted in an eight-beat rhythm.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 七五調とは対照的に素朴で力強い感じを与えることを特徴とする。
    It gives simple and powerful impression in contrast with seven-and-five syllable meter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 七五調(しちごちょう)とは詩で七音・五音の順番で繰り返す形式。
    Save-and-five syllable meter is a form of poem in which words of Shichion (seven syllables) and Goon (five syllables) repeat one after another.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 七五調で作られたものが多く、これに創作当時流行していた節を付けて朗唱する。
    Many of the Wasan were made in poems of the seven-five syllable style, and were chanted with the intonation that was popular in the period when the Wasan was made.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また技法として、余韻・余情をかきたてる体言止め、七五調の初句切れ・三句切れなどが使われている。
    Regarding poetic devices, taigendome (to use a noun in the end of a poem), which makes poems resonant, shokugire (to distinguish the meaning between the first and second phrases) and sankugire (to distinguish the meaning between the third and fourth phrases) in the seven-and-five syllable meter were used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 88節に渡り、建武の新政当時の混乱する政治・社会を批判、風刺した七五調の文書。
    It consists of 88 stanzas, and was written in seven-and-five-syllable meter, criticizing and satirizing politics and society in the chaotic days of the Kenmu Restoration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一人ずつ「渡り台詞」で見得を切り、縁語や掛詞を駆使した七五調のリズミカルな「連ね」で名乗る姿には歌舞伎の様式美が凝縮されている。
    The beauty of form is concentrated in the scene that each man makes Mie (a pose) while saying 'watarizerifu' (dialogue passed along), and makes a speech using rhythmical 'tsurane' (range) in shichigo-cho (seven-and-five syllable meter rhythm) commanding engo (associated words) and kakekotoba (pivot words).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、七五調のリズミカルな台詞や下座音楽を効果的に用いた黙阿弥独自の叙情的な作劇術は幕末退廃期の雰囲気を濃厚に表す。
    Yet making effective use of rhythmical dialogues in pseudo-seven-five syllable metre as well as off-stage music, Mokuami's lyrical dramaturgy strongly expresses the atmosphere of decadence at the end of the shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 新七は梅若殺しの場を、義太夫の伴奏(チョボ)を入れて上方生まれの小團次の芸風に合わせ、梅若と惣太の台詞を七五調で耳に響きのよいの割科白にするなどの工夫をこらして書き換えた。
    Shinshichi rewrote the script employing some unique techniques: the scene of Umewaka-killing was accompanied by gidayu (a style of reciting dramatic narratives; gidayu accompaniment is also called chobo) which goes well with Kamigata-born Kodanji's performing style, and lines of Umewaka and Sota became warizerifu (divided speech) in seven-and-five syllable meter for a good sound.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「大川端庚申塚の場」におけるお嬢吉三の「月も朧(おぼろ)に白魚の、かがりも霞む春の空…こいつあ春から延喜(えんぎ)がいいわえ」の七五調の長い台詞が有名である。
    In the 'Okawabata Koshinzuka no ba,' a long line with seven-and-five syllable meter by Ojo Kichisa is famous: 'the moon is misty and 白魚の、かがりも霞む sky of the spring … this implies that something good is going to happen even from the spring, the first season of the four.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「聖夜」の作曲は、中山晋平(1887年~1952年)で、歌詞は七五調で構成され、夜空に輝く美しい数多の星のようにおわする仏たちに護られて生きていることの歓喜と安らぎが表現されている。
    The lyrics of 'Seiya', for which the music was written by Shinpei NAKAYAMA (1887 - 1952), are in seven-and-five syllable meter, and express the joy and peace of a person who is protected by infinite Buddha's filling the universe like the splendor of millions of sparkling stars in the evening sky.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • とくに『切られ与三』では七五調の台詞を黙阿弥に先駆けて使用して幕末期の世話狂言の基本を築き、『佐倉義民伝』では日本最初の農民劇を創作するなどの功績をあげている。
    His achievements are noteworthy; especially in "Kirare Yosa," he established the bases of the sewa kyogen (a category of plays depicting the people's common life) in the end of Edo Period by introducing seven-and-five syllabic rhythmical dialogues prior to another Kabuki playwright Mokuami, and in the "Sakura Gimin Den" he created the first peasant play in Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時の民間の流行歌謡であり、白拍子という女性芸人(しばしば遊女を兼ねた)のうたう七五調四句を基調とする今様も貴族社会でもてはやされた。
    The imayo (popular style of song during the Heian period), a popular music among common people, which was based on the seven-and-five syllable meter and four phrases and sung by shirabyoshi, female entertainer (who was often a yujo [a prostitute]), was loved by the noble society.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 歌舞伎界では「厄払い」と呼ばれ、リズミカルな七五調に掛詞・縁語を駆使し、一人で或いは複数で語ることでオペラのアリアや二重唱のような効果を上げている。
    Dialogues in the Mokuami-cho tone are called 'Yaku-harai' (a 7-5 arrangement of syllables set to music in a special lilting rhythm) in the kabuki terminology, which are spoken in the rhythmical seven-five syllable meter, exploiting rhetorical devices for waka poetry such as Kakekotoba (a type of pun that uses a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings) and Engo (a related or associated word), and a monologue or a dialogue among a plurality of actors spoken in the Mokuami-cho tone can produce a similar effect to that of an aria or duet in an opera.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • お松が強請に言う「今こそこうした女房なれ、元はわたしも祇園町、拾壱匁六分の、花を咲かせて宮川町、縄手をふんで道場か、高台寺前下り坂、八坂と落ちて欠け上り、二条新地や御りょう裏、おはもじながら虱の辻、泣かぬ勤めの蛍茶や、あらゆる場所を欠けめぐり・・・」の科白は七五調の小気味よい調子で京の花街を巧みに織り込んでいる。
    The threatening lines of Omatsu, 'I am like this now, but once I was in Gion-machi, earning twelve monme six fun (monme and fun are units of silver currency; fun is one-tenth of monme), being successful in Miyagawa-cho, went through rice fields to Dojo, then to a downhill in front of Kodai-ji Temple, down to Yasaka, up to Nijo-shinchi and behind Goryo Shrine, to the embarrassing lousy streets, and didn't cry working at a night tea house, going around everywhere...' artfully illustrates the red-light districts of Kyoto with the lilting rhythm of seven-and-five syllable meter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
