
  • 彼は生まれが下賤だ
    He is of humble birth―of low birth―of low origin.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • の隔て無くこの日を祝う
    High and low celebrate the day.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • あれはしい性格の男だ、劣な性格の男だ
    He is a man of low character―a man of mean character―a man of base character.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • これ以前の日本にも、邪馬台国の奴婢制や奈良時代の五色のなど、身分差別は存在したが、それは視(へ見す見方)であった。
    Before that time, there also was a caste system in Japan such as Nuhi system in Yamatai-Koku kingdom and Goshiki no sen (Ryoko, Kanko, Kenin, Kunuhi, Shinuhi) in the Nara period, and was a way of exhibiting disdain (a way of looking down.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「タカラヲンズルトテ、ナゲスツルニハアラズ、五穀ヲ第一トシテ、金銀コレヲ助ケ、五穀ニミチミチテ、上ノ用ニ達スルヲ貨ヲズトイフナリ」
    Abhorring money does not mean throwing money away, it just places the most importance on gokoku (five kinds of grain) and gold and silver are to help gokoku flourish on the ground, so that money is abhorred for gokoku to flourish,'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時の対立が翌年のヶ岳の戦いにつながり、織田家の瓦解と秀吉の天取りへ影響する。
    The conflict generated at the conference led to the Battle of Shizugatake during the following year and influenced the collapse of the Oda family and Hideyoshi's taking the reins of government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉方で功名をあげた兵のうち以の7人は後世にヶ岳の七本槍(しずがたけのしちほんやり)と呼ばれる。
    Among those who had achieved the greatest feats on the Hideyoshi side, the following seven warriors came to be called the "Seven Spears of Shizugatake" by later generations.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして天正11年(1583年)、ヶ岳の戦いで武則は佐久間盛政配の宿屋七左衛門という武士を討ち取るなどして活躍し、福島正則や加藤清正らと共にヶ岳の七本槍の一人に数えられ、その戦功により播磨国に二千石、河内国に一千石など合わせて三千石余を拝領する。
    During the 1583 battle of Shizugatake, Takenori took an active role in the arrest of a subordinate of Morimasa SAKUMA, the samurai Shichizaemon YADOYA; Takenori is included among Masanori FUKUSHIMA, Kiyomasa KATO and others as one of the "seven lancers of Shizugatake"; due to his valor in battle, he was awarded 2,000 koku of land in Harima Province and 1,000 koku in Kawachi Province, representing a combined grant exceeding 3,000 koku of land.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀吉と敵対関係になったヶ岳以降、家臣として秀吉にった後も二人で灸をすえ合うなど友人関係を内密で続けたという。
    It is said that after Toshiie was hostile toward Hideyoshi in the Battle of Shizugatake, and also after he yielded under Hideyoshi as a vassal, they kept secretly the personal friendship such as cauterizing moxa each other.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、実際には芸を売って糊口をしのぐこともこれを貪らないかぎりはとは見做されず、貧窮にあえぐ文人の多くが書画を売って米に換えた。
    However, it was not actually regarded as a plebeian behavior for Bunjin to make a living by selling works as long as they did not do so to satisfy their greed, so many poor Bunjin sold calligraphic works in order to buy rice.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 律令制の五色のとの歴史的連続性については、ほぼ否定されているが、江戸時代の近世部落との連続性は、現在、歴史研究の主要な議論テーマとなっている。
    Connections between these people and the five lowly castes of the ritsuryo system were mostly denied, but connections of these people with buraku in early-modern times during the Edo period has become a major theme of historical research.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 十市郡田原本(現・磯城郡田原本町)の平野氏は、豊臣秀吉騎ヶ岳七本槍の一人平野長泰の裔で、交代寄合表御礼衆の家である。
    The Hirano clan in Tawaramoto, Toichi County (present Tawaramoto Town, Shiki County) was a descendant of Nagayasu HIRANO, one of the seven spear soldiers at Mt. Shizugatake under Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, and was provided with kotaiyoriai-omoteoreishu status.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本能寺の変後、ヶ岳の戦いで豊臣秀吉が織田信長の後継者としての地位を確立すると、隆景は進んで毛利家を羽柴秀吉の天統一事業に参加させ、には四国征伐の功賞として伊予国一国を与えられて独立した大名となった。
    After the Honnoji Incident, when Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI established his status as the successor of Nobunaga ODA at the Battle of Shizugatake, Takakage willingly got the Mori family in on Hideyoshi HASHIBA's task of unification of the whole country; in 1585, he was given a whole Iyo Province after the Conquest of Shikoku and became an independent daimyo (Japanese feudal lord).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 念佛の行者は智慧をも愚癡をも捨て、善惡の境界をも捨て、貴の道理をも捨て、地獄をおそるる心をも捨て、極樂を願ふ心をも捨て、又諸宗の悟をも捨て、一切の事を捨てて申す念佛こそ、彌陀超世の本願に尤もかなひ候へ。
    Nenbutsu devotees should throw out wisdom and doubts, throw out the differentiation between good and evil, throw out the distinction between high and low social standing, throw out fear for Hell, throw out hope for the Buddhist paradise, and throw out enlightenment of various sects, and when you practice nenbutsu throwing out everything, it comes closest to the transcendent, Original Vow of Amida.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、中国や韓国では「飯はあたたかい状態で食べるもの」という意識が強く、おにぎり等の冷や飯というものに対し「な者が食べる物」「やむを得ない場合の携行食」というイメージが強く根付いており、中国では「"飯糰"」(飯団子の意)、韓国では「こぶし飯」などと呼び、日常的に食べられることはまずなかった。
    In China and South Korea, however, they have had a strong belief that 'rice should be eaten in hot' and a persistent image that cold rice such as onigiri is 'for petty people' and 'an inevitable portable meal,' and hardly eaten daily respectively calling 'fan twan' (rice dumpling) in China and 'fist rice' in South Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祖先は陵戸(みささぎのへ)で沙沙貴(ささき)の名前も陵戸が変化した物と言う説があるが、日本書紀には「狭々城山君韓袋宿裲」(ささきやまぎみからふくろのすくね)が雄略天皇による押磐皇子謀殺に荷担したために罰せられ、死刑とする代わりに身分を落とし民である陵戸とされ全ての官籍を剥奪の上で山部連のに置かれたが、同族の「置目老嫗」(おきめのおみな)が押磐皇子の遺骨の所在を知らせた功により置目老嫗の兄である「倭袋宿裲」が韓袋宿裲に代わり狭々城山君の姓を賜ったとある。
    There is a theory that the name Sasaki was changed from the ancestor's name, Misasagi no He, but in Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan) it was written that 'Sasakiyama gimi Karafukuro no Sukune' helped the Emperor Yuryaku to murder Prince Oshiha and was therefore demoted to the humble rank of Ryoko instead of receiving the death penalty and was transferred under Yamabe no muraji after being deprived of any title; however, because 'Okime no Omina' from his family confessed to where the remains of the Prince Oshiha were placed, 'Yamato Fukuro no Sukune', who was the brother of Okime no Omina, was given the name Sasakiyama gimi in place of Karafukuro no Sukune.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
