
  • だが、後継は定まらず、2ヵ月後に諸臣の要請を受けて首皇子成までの中継ぎとして元明天皇として即位した。
    However, the successor to the throne was not officially decided, and two months later, she was asked by the vassals and temporarily occupied the throne as Emperor Genmei until Obito no Miko (Prince Obito) become old enough to succeed to the throne.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし実枝は子の公国が幼かったため、弟子の一であった細川幽斎に中継ぎとして歌道を継承した。
    However, because Saneeda's son, Kinkuni, was too young, the waka poetry tradition was carried on by Yusai HOSOKAWA, who was Saneeda's pupil.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後宇多は、あくまでも邦良を自分の正統な後継者と考えており、後醍醐の即位は邦良が成するまでの“中継ぎ”でしかなかった。
    Gouda considered Kuniyoshi as his genuine successor and the accession of Godaigo was only an "interim" measure until Kuniyoshi came to age.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは『万葉集』において「中皇命」なる物を間皇女とする説から来るもので、「中皇命」とは天智即位までの中継ぎの天皇であるという解釈出来るという主張である。
    In the Man'yoshu ("The Anthology of Myriad Leaves)," "Nakatsusumera-mikoto" is considered to be Hashihito no Himemiko, and it is said that the one named "Nakatsusumera-mikoto" was a temporary Emperor until the enthronement of Emperor Tenchi (Tenji).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大覚寺統内部では当初より後醍醐天皇は傍流、中継ぎとして認識されており、その即位は兄後二条天皇の遺児である皇太子邦良親王成までという条件付のものであった。
    In the Daikakuji-to lineage, the Emperor Go-Daigo had been considered from the beginning as a caretaker emperor, and his enthronement was conditional, to be terminated at the time when the Prince Kuniyoshi, son of the late Emperor Go-Nijo (his elder brother), would be grown up.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後光明以降は、直系男子への継承を基本として、継承者が未成などの場合に中継ぎとしての女帝が擁立されていた。
    After the era of Emperor Gokomyo, although the basic rule for Imperial succession was for a male Imperial member to succeed to the throne, there were some female Empresses that temporarily succeeded, in case the other candidates were too young to become Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局皇太子のまま草壁は早世してしまい、彼女は草壁の遺児・軽皇子(後の文武天皇)が成するまでの中継ぎとして、690年旧正月にようやく持統天皇として即位した。
    Since Prince Kusakabe ended up as Crown Prince and died young, Uno no Sarara no Himemiko succeeded to the throne temporarily as Emperor Jito in the lunar New Year in 690, until Prince Kusakabe's son, Prince Karu (Emperor Monmu) became old enough to enthrone.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、蘇我氏の実権が蝦夷の息子の蘇我入鹿に移ると、入鹿はより蘇我氏の意のままになると見られた古大兄皇子の擁立を企て、その中継ぎとして皇極天皇を擁立した。
    However, when the power in the Soga clan transferred to SOGA no Iruka, son of Emishi, Iruka planned to enthrone Furuhito no Oe no Miko, who Iruka could control at his will, and Iruka put up Empress Kogyoku as a interim successor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弘長3年(1263年)に時頼が没すると、泰盛は時宗が成するまでの中継ぎとして執権となった北条政村や北条実時と共に得宗時宗を支えた。
    After Tokiyori died in 1263, he assisted Tokimune, who was tokuso (the head of the main branch of the Hojo clan), together with Masamura HOJO and Sanetoki HOJO who became regents before Tokimune came to the age of manhood.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実父は桜井松平家の当主ではあるが、その実兄である先代・忠正が没し、その遺児松平家広(生母は信吉と同じ多劫姫であるため、異父兄にもあたる)が成するまでの中継ぎであった。
    His real father, Tadayoshi was the head of the Sakura Matsudaira clan, but he became a temporary head after Tadayoshi's real elder brother and the former head, Tadamasa died and had been in that position until Iehiro, the son of Tadamasa, turned twenty (the real mother of Iehiro was alsoTakihime, so, Iehiro and Nobuyoshi were half brothers with the same mother).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 三条西家による歌学の継承は、三条西実枝のあと、本来は三条西公国が継ぐべきであったが、まだ幼かったため、三条西実枝の高弟細川幽斎が中継ぎとして古今伝授を受け、三条西公国の成をまって伝えた。
    After Saneki SANJONISHI, the study of waka by the House of Sanjonishi should have been inherited by Kinkuni SANJONISHI, but since he was still young, Yusai HOSOKAWA, a high disciple of Saneki SANJONISHI, received teachings in Kokinshu (Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern) as an intermediary, and Yusai passed it on to Kinkuni once he had reached the age of adulthood.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その背景には皇太后が実子の竹田皇子の擁立を願ったものの、敏達の最初の皇后が生んだ押坂彦大兄皇子(舒明天皇の父)の擁立論が蘇我氏に反対する勢力を中心に強まったために、馬子と皇太后がその動きを抑えるために竹田皇子への中継ぎとして即位したのだと言われている(だが、竹田皇子は間もなく死去してしまう)。
    Behind this, there is a story that the Empress Dowager hoped for enthronement of her biological son Prince Takeda, but because an opinion for enthronement of OSHISAKA no Hikohito no Oenomiko became stronger, centering around the opponents of the Soga clan and, in order to suppress that movement, Umako and the Empress Dowager decided that she be enthroned (however, before long, Prince Takeda passed away).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
