
  • 業が成長して、全米の主要都市や郊外の地域に80 以上の小売店を構えるほどになった。
    The business has grown to include more than 80 retail stores in major cities and suburban areas across the US. - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • また戦場での体勢で即座に敵を射る為に、矢を番えた弓を体の左斜め前方で構えるが有利であるのも理由である。
    Moreover, since this way allows the archer to shoot the enemy immediately by employing this body pose on the battlefield, it is advantageous for the archer anchored in the frontal facing posture, to set up the bow.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また上洛して義昭を将軍とするとなると三好家と事を構えるとなり、当時の浅井・朝倉連合ではこれを破って上洛するは難しいと思われる。
    In addition, going to the capital and putting Yoshiaki in the position of Shogun means he had to take an aggressive position against the Miyoshi family, and it seems to have been difficult for the then Azai and Asakura allied forces to defeat them and go to the capital at that time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 二条為世に師し、西行を慕って諸国を行脚、京都東山双林寺の西行の旧跡に草庵を構えるなど隠遁者の生活を送った。
    Next he studied under Tameyo NIJO, and went on a walking tour of several different provinces in honor of his hero Saigyo, leading the lifestyle of a recluse by, among other things, building a thatched hut on the historic site where Saigyo had lived at Sorin-ji Temple in the Higashiyama area of Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1091年(寛治5)6月 義家の郎党藤原実清と源義綱の郎党藤原則清が、河内国の所領の領有権を争い、義家・義綱兵を構える件がおき、京を震撼させた。
    In June 1091, Kyoto was shocked when Yoshiie's retainer, FUJIWARA no Sanekiyo and MINAMOTO no Yoshitsuna's retainer, FUJIWARA no Norikiyo fought over the rights to the estate in Kawachi Province and shook Kyoto by mobilizing Yoshiie and Yoshitsuna armies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 従って、地盤改良の手段を直接利用して基礎構造を構えることができるので、基礎工費の大幅な節減と、基礎構造の地上部の外観や床下利用に大きな自由度を持たせることができる。
    Thus, the foundation construction can be built by directly utilizing the means of soil stabilization and therefore the foundation construction cost can be greatly reduced and a great degree of freedom can be given to the appearance of the portion of the foundation construction above ground and the utilization of an underfloor space. - 特許庁
  • そのため他府県のラーメン店が京都に進出した際に情を把握せず価格設定し、客が付かず閉店した例も少なくなく、政令指定都市を核に構える人口の割に、シビアといえる(京都における、この種の傾向は、ラーメンだけではなく多岐の商品、サービスに渡る)。
    For this reason, quite a number of ramen stores from other prefectures which penetrated Kyoto failed, because they set price-points without conducting market research or were unable to retain regular customers, reinforcing the point that business is difficult despite the population of the area which includes a government-orginance-designated city (this is seen not only in the ramen business, but a wide range of articles and services as well).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 次ぎに、「義家に対して随兵の入京禁止令」「義家への土地の寄進禁止」であるが、これは、1091(寛治5)6月 義家の郎党藤原実清と義綱の郎党藤原則清、河内国の所領の領有権を争いから、源義家・源義綱が兵を構える態となり、京が騒然としたことに関する当時内大臣・藤原師通の日記『後二条師通記』と、鎌倉時代後期に、それまでの諸日記を編纂した『百錬抄』(ひゃくれんしょう)に見える記である。
    Finally, there were the 'Ban on Yoshiie bringing his army into Kyoto' and the 'Ban on Yoshiie accepting land donations,' knowledge of which comes from entries in "Gonijo Moromichi Ki," the diaries of Naidaijin (the Minister of the Center, ranked below Udaijin) FUJIWARA no Moromichi, and the edited collection of diaries, "Hyakuren-sho," written in the late Kamakura era, concerning events in June 1091, when Kyoto was in uproar over the mobilization of Yoshiie and Yoshitsune's troops following the territorial dispute between their retainers, FUJIWARA no Sanekiyo and FUJIWARA no Norikiyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 6月5日(旧暦)の池田屋件で新選組に藩士を殺された変報が長州にもたらされると、慎重派の周布政之助、高杉晋作や宍戸左馬之助らは藩論の沈静化に努めるが、福原越後や益田右衛門介、国司信濃の三家老等の積極派は、討薩賊会奸を掲げて挙兵し、益田、久坂玄瑞らは大山崎町天王山、宝山に、国司、来島又兵衛らは嵯峨天龍寺に、福原越後は伏見長州屋敷に兵を集めて陣営を構える
    When word of the July 8 Ikedaya Incident, in which the Shinsengumi forces had assassinated domainal samurai warriors, reached Choshu, the prudence faction, which included Masanosuke SUFU, Shinsaku TAKASUGI, and Samanosuke SHISHIDO, tried to calm the raging debate in the clan, but members of the activist faction, like the elders of the three clans, Echigo (Mototake) FUKUHARA, Uemonnosuke (Kanenobu) MASUDA, and Shinano (Chikasuke) KUNISHI, cunningly created a group designed to destroy Satsuma, against whom there was considerable enmity, and to that end they prepared for battle; Masuda and Gensui KUSAKA began gathering troops at Mt. Tenno and Mt. Takara in the town of Oyamazaki, while Kunishi and Matabe KIJIMA gathered troops at Saga Tenryu-ji temple, and Echigo FUKUHARA at the Choshu estate at Fushimi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
