
  • 事大
    the trimmers  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 事大主義
    a trimming policy  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • あなたはお仕事大変ですね。
    Your work is very tough, isn't it? - Weblio Email例文集
  • 米国では万事大規模だ
    In America, everything is on a large scale.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 満洲は万事大陸的だ
    Everything is continental in Manchuria.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 大物忌神社(大行事)大年神
    Oomonoimijinja (Daigyoji) Otoshinokami  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 事大属(正七位下相当)
    Hanji-Daisakan (secretary of judge, corresponding to Shoshichiinoge [Senior Seventh Rank, Lower Grade])  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • あなたからのお返事、大変嬉しいです。
    I am very glad for your reply. - Weblio Email例文集
  • あなたはお仕事大変でしょうが、頑張って下さい。
    I am sure that work is tough, but please do your best. - Weblio Email例文集
  • 彼女のような事大主義者を私はどうも好きになれない。
    I just don't like a flunkey like her.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 人々はその国の事大主義を憂いている。
    People are worried about flunkyism in that country.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • 小事は大事、大事は小事より起こる
    Great things have small beginnings  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 小事は大事、大事は小事より起こる
    Great events will turn on small circumstances.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • お仕事大変そうだけど、体調崩さないようにね。
    I know things are crazy at work right now, but don't let it ruin your health. - Tatoeba例文
  • 新潟県弥彦村彌彦神社灯篭神事『大御膳』
    "Ogozen" in Toro shinji of Iyahiko-jinja Shrine, Yahiko-mura, Nigata Prefecture  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 時の韓国政府は事大思想以外になんらの方針も無かった
    The then Koran government had no policy but that of trimming.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 事大変みたいだね。体調崩さないように気をつけるんだよ。
    Looks like work's been tough. Be sure to take care of yourself. - Tatoeba例文
  • -秋田県大館市で行われる行事大文字まつりの中の催しの一つ。
    - One of the events of Daimonji Festival held at Odate City, Akita Prefecture.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 歴史を通して、多くの国々は強国から守るために事大主義を採用していた。
    Throughout history, many countries employed flunkeyism to protect themselves from more powerful countries.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • これからは諸事、大将と議したい」と伝え、これを聞いた実資は歓喜した。
    Sanesuke rejoiced to hear the emperor's words that he wished to consult him about all matters from then onward.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大総督府は長州藩士大村益次郎を軍防事務局判事として赴任させた。
    The supreme commander's office appointed Masujiro OMURA, a retainer of the Choshu Domain, as the Hanji (top job) of the Defense Secretariat (軍防事務局判事).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 開化派は日本公使の支援を利用して事大派政権打倒を計画した。
    The Enlightenment Party planed to use the support of the Japanese minister to overthrow the government led by Serving the Great Party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 眉目秀麗な名将であった蘭陵王が優しげな美貌を獰猛な仮面に隠して戦に挑み見事大勝した。
    Ranryo-o, who was a handsome and great commander, challenged to a battle covering his graceful face under fierce mask, and won a great victory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この下には官人代(承平(日本)6年(936年)以後は執事)、大籍喚、大籍奏事、別籍が各1名ずつ置かれていた。
    Under them, each one person was appointed to kanjindai (steward) (called shitsuji since 936), daisekikan (major inspector), daisekisoji (middle inspector) and besseki (minor inspector).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この他、名誉員に京都府知事、大審院評定官、京都始審裁判所所長、同検事、京都府警部長らが就いた。
    Additionally, the governor of Kyoto, the professor of Daishin-in (professor of the Supreme Court of Japan), the chief and the public prosecutor of Kyoto Shishin Saibansho and the chief of police of Kyoto Prefecture were installed as honorary members.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これが天皇が節刀(遣唐使や征夷将軍などに軍事大権の象徴として授けられた)を授けた初例という。
    This is said to be the first case of setto which an emperor granted someone (among the cases of setto which were given to Kento-shi [Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty China] or seii shogun [great general who subdues the barbarians] as a symbol of authority over the military power).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治4年(1871年)2月、角田市知事、大参事は、旧白石藩士の窮状を理解し、開拓使に協議のうえ政府に具申。
    In February 1871, the prefectural governor and chief councilor of Kakuda City acknowledged the distress that former Shiraishi feudal retainers suffered, and reported the situation to the central government after consultation with the Development Commission.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政府首脳(閔氏一族)が事大政策を採る中、金玉均らは国王高宗(朝鮮王)のいわば「一本釣り」を計画。
    While the government leaders (the Min family) were serving the Great, Ok-gyun KIM planned to take aim at Gojong-King of Korea only.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 而して此地獄国の当局者は誰ぞと尋るに、事大党政府の官吏にして、其後見の実力を有する者は即ち支那人なり。
    If you ask who the authority of the hell land is, it is the officer from the Satedan Party (pro-Chinese) government; and the person who has the power to control him is Chinese.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は,経済大国や軍事大国としてではなく,民主主義と自由の擁護者として米国を敬っていると述べた。
    He said that he admires the United States not as an economic and military superpower but as a champion of democracy and freedom.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 欧州視察後、明治元年(1868年)に明治新政府の参与職外国事務掛となり、外国官権判事、大阪府権判事兼任として大阪に赴任し、堺事件などの外交処理にあたった。
    After visiting Europe, he became a Sanyo (junior councilor) of foreign affairs office under the new Meiji government in 1868, and he worked at Osaka to serve as Assistant Judicial Officer of foreign affairs office and Osaka prefectural judge and handled diplomatic issues including Sakai incident.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江華島事件後の朝鮮では、急進的欧米化を進めようとする親日的な開化派(独立党)と、漸進的改革を進めようとする親清的な守旧派(事大党)との対立が激しくなっていった。
    In Korea after the Ganghwa Island incident, confrontation escalated between the Enlightenment Party (Independence Party), the pro-Japanese group seeking radial westernization, and the Conservative Party (Serving the Great' Party), the pro-Qing group seeking gradual reforms.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 12月4日郵政局開局祝賀宴に際し事大派要人を襲撃、その後王宮内で6人の大臣を殺害するなどして5日に新しい政権を発足させた。
    On December 4, the Enlightenment Party attacked leaders of Serving the Great Party in a banquet to celebrate the opening of the Postal Agency and six ministers in the palace, and inaugurated a new administration on the 5th.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時の李氏朝鮮は、壬午軍乱(1882年)で興宣大院君が清へ連れ去られており、閔妃をはじめとする驪興閔氏一族は、親日派政策から清への事大主義へと方向転換していた。
    At that time in the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, as Heungseon Daewongun was abducted to Qing under the Imo Incident (1882), the Min clan of Yeoheung, including the Empress Myeongseong, had turned to serving the great Qing from the pro-Japanese policy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時の李氏朝鮮は、壬午事変(1882年)で興宣大院君が清へ連れ去られており、閔妃をはじめとする閔氏一族は、親日派政策から清への事大主義政策へと方向転換していた。
    In the Joseon Dynasty at that time, Heungseon Daewongun was taken to China after the Imo Incident (1882) and the Min family including Queen Min were changing their policies from pro-Japanese to Sadaejuui (Loving and admiring the great and powerful).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清朝廷中心の中華思想、小中華思想への急激な回帰、事大主義政治の復活が起き、そうして金玉均などの開化派は危機的状況に陥る。
    With the movement to a sudden return to Sinocentrism and petit Shinocentrism to have the Qing Dynasty in the middle and revival of the administration based on the Sadaejuui policy, members of the Progressive group such as Ok-gyun KIM were in trouble.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東アジアにおける伝統的な華夷秩序、朝鮮では事大主義というが、に留まることを望む朝鮮側と条約に基づく国際関係を求める日本側では公使派遣をめぐっても対立していたのである。
    Kaichitsujo, which is traditional in East Asia is called in Korea Jidai shugi (serving-the-Great-ism) and Korean side wished to maintain the situation, but on the other hand Japan side wished for international relationship based on treaties and the two countries was opposed to each other regarding dispatch of ministries.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、例えば、日系物流船会社が、アジア等の海事大学に幹部船員養成のためのコースを設置するなど、海外人材向け教育訓練・研修制度の充実も見られる。
    For example, a Japanese cargo service company is providing a course to train executive class seaman in maritime universities in Asian countries, and improvements in education and training systems for overseas human resources have been observed. - 経済産業省
  • フランス文学研究者・桑原武夫は「第二芸術」にて(雑誌「世界」1946年)「俳句というものは同好者だけが特殊世界を作りその中で楽しむ芸事。大家と素人の区別もつかぬ第二芸術に過ぎない」と糾弾している。
    In 'Daini Geijutsu' (Second-Class Art) ('Sekai' Magazine, 1946), Takeo KUWABARA, a scholar of French Literature, denounced haiku as being 'a hobby enjoyed by the members of a special world they create themselves. It is merely a second-class art that is incapable of distinguishing the experts from the amateurs.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江華島事件以来、当時の朝鮮は、朝鮮は清朝の冊封国(または冊封国)としての朝鮮のままであるべきであるという「守旧派」(事大党ともいう)と、現状を憂い朝鮮の近代化を目指す「開化派」(独立党ともいう)とに分かれていた。
    In Korea at the time, the government had been divided between two factions even since the Ganghwa Island incident: the 'Conservative Party' (also known as the Sadaedang, or 'Serve the Great' Party) which advocated that Korea should remain a vassal state of Qing China and 'the Gaehwadang' (Progressive Party, also called the Independence Party) that was anxious about the current situation and hoped to modernize Korea.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これによって部落問題が差別から解放されたわけではなく、むしろ江戸時代に有していた所有地の無税扱や死牛馬取得権などの独占権を喪失した事、大木の構想した生活改善事業も行われなかった事により、部落の生活水準は下降した。
    This did not emancipate Buraku problem (issue of discrimination against certain hamlets) from discrimination, in reverse the living standard of those Buraku (hamlets) declined because Buraku people lost the exclusive rights of non tax treatment of their demesne and acquisition of carcasses that they had enjoyed since Edo period and the service of life bettering was not carried out which was planned by OKI.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、朝露密約がされるが、そのような経緯の中で井上角五郎等から具に事情を聞いた福澤諭吉らは、ここに至り事大主義、小中華思想で、平等や義や独立の精神に反する朝鮮王朝政府に見切りをつけた。
    Later on, when a secret agreement was signed between Korea and Russia and Yukichi FUKUZAWA and others who heard about it from Kakugoro INOUE, they gave up on the government of the Korean Dynasties that were against equality, righteousness and independence with their Sadaejuui policy and petit Sinocentrism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうした考えかたは、日本独自の芸という観念の確立、心境や境地を特に重視する芸術観の尊重、芸系のたしかな伝承、芸が芸にとどまらず思索性を持つことによる内容の深化など、さまざまな効果をもたらしたが、一方で芸の世界における事大主義、神秘主義、普遍性の否定、通に代表される特殊な閉鎖性を生むことにもなった。
    On the one hand, this way of thinking had various positive effects such as the establishment of ideas regarding Gei that are peculiar to Japan, respect for artistic views that place special importance on one's feelings and mental state, the correct passing on of arts knowledge from one generation to the next, and the deepening of arts not only through acquisition of its skills but also by speculation; on the other hand, it had a number of negative effects, such as worship of the powerful in the world of arts, mysticism, denial of universality, and development of a uniquely closed nature as represented by tsu (experts at certain arts).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この案をほぼそのまま継承した「戸籍編成例目」が翌明治3年(1870年)3月に正式に大蔵省から太政官に提出されたが、戸籍を大蔵民部省(当時、大蔵省と民部省が実質統合されていたことから付けられた俗称)が行うことに東京府知事大木喬任を始めとして地方官が反対したことから実現しなかった。
    Following this proposal as it almost was, "Koseki hensei rei moku (family register formation illustration list)" was presented officially by Okurasho (Ministry of Treasury) for Dajokan in March of the next year (1870), but it did not materialized because chihokan (local officials) led by Takato OKI, the Governor of Tokyo Prefecture, who opposed for Okura-Minbusho (commonly called due to the fact that Okurasho and Minbusho were virtually unified) to deal with the family register  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ここでの「悪友」とは、福澤諭吉らの「平等」や「義」や「独立心」を重んずる思想と違って、福澤らから見れば、閨閥、門閥政治、小中華思想(日本蔑視思想)などの旧弊に固執し血なまぐさい権力闘争を繰り返し、事大主義で外交において信義がなく、外交方針がころころ変わる清国や李氏朝鮮という認識で用いられた言葉である。
    Unlike the thought which put a high value on 'Equality,' 'Righteousness' and 'Independence' by Yukichi FUKUZAWA and others, 'Bad friends' in the 'Datsu-A Ron' was the word used meaning the Qing and Joseon Dynasty Korea where, adhering to their old customs of Keibatsu (network by blood connection), lineage government and petit Sinocentrism (idea of disrespect for Japan), bloody strifes over authority were repeated, being Sadaejuui (Loving and admiring the great and powerful) and faithless in diplomacy and diplomatic policies changed so often.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 早馬がもたらした京の朝廷、及び六波羅探題への第一報はでは「去二十三日午剋、左京権大夫時村朝臣、僕被誅了」(『実躬卿記』の4月27日条)、「関東飛脚到著、是左京大夫時村朝臣、去二十三日被誅事」(大外記中原師茂)と、「時村が誅された」である。
    The first report brought to the Imperial court in Kyoto and to Rokuhara Tandai (the office of Shogunal deputy in Kyoto placed by the Kamakura shogunate) through a post horse-carried message was "Tokimura was killed due to his crime," such as "Ason Tokimura, Sakyo no gon no daifu, was killed due to his crime" (according to the article on April 27 of "Sanemikyoki") and "An express messenger arrived from Kanto, and Ason Tokimura, Sakyo no gon no daifu, was killed due to his crime on the last 23rd" (according to Moroshige NAKAHARA, Daigeki (a senior secretary).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • つまり、門閥、閨閥政治や中華思想また小中華思想など民族(人種)差別、日本蔑視思想で、「平等」の精神に真っ向から反する思想、親子(姑、嫁)が血みどろの権力闘争を繰り広げ、そのために事大主義に走り独立心がなく外交の一貫性がないこと、と福澤諭吉らから見れば、そう見える朝鮮王朝政府に対し、「天は人の上に人をつくらず...」(『学問のすゝめ』)とする思想を重んじる立場から「脱亜論」に至ったのだ、という解釈がある。
    For Fukuzawa, the government of the Korean Dynasties appeared to be totally against 'Equality' by discrimination by putting too much value on lineage and Keibatsu blood connection, Sinocentrism or petit Sinocentrism and disrespect for Japan as well as families repeating bloody strife over authority, no intention to be independent with their Sadaejuui policy and no consistency in their diplomacy; these things led him to write 'Datsu-A Ron' with his standpoint of 'ten wa hito no ue ni hito o tsukurazu...' (The heavens do not create Man above his station...) ("Gakumon no Susume" [An Encouragement of Learning]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
