
  • 小林賀直哉に心酔しており、作品の評を乞うたこともある。
    Takiji KOBAYASHI adored Naoya SHIGA and asked for SHIGA's opinion of his work.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 延喜式神名帳には「大和国十市郡坐弥理都比古神社座」と記されている。
    In the Engishiki Jimmyocho (a register of shrines in Japan), this shrine is listed under 'Toichi-gun, Yamato Province, Onimasumishiritsuhiko-jinja Shrine Niza (enshrining two deities).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 成務天皇朝に井之宇迦諸忍之神狭命の10世孫の兄毛比命が无邪国造に任じられたという。
    It is said that Etamohi no mikoto, the 10th descendant from Futaino ukamoroo no kamusa no mikoto was appointed as Musashi no kuni no miyatsuko during the reign of Emperor Seimu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この時に血判署名した同は有吉を含む、高杉、久坂玄瑞、大和弥八郎、長嶺内蔵太、道聞(井上馨)、松島剛蔵、寺島、赤禰幹之丞(赤根武人)、山尾庸三、品川弥郎の11名である。
    The members who sealed the pledge on this occasion were these eleven: Takasugi, Genzui KUSAKA, Yahachiro YAMATO, Kurata NAGAMINE, Monta SHIJI (Kaoru INOUE), Gozo MATSUSHIMA, Terajima, Mikinojo AKANE (Taketo AKANE), Yozo YAMAO, Yajiro SHINAGAWA, and Ariyoshi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 折りしも、外国公使がしばしば武州金澤(金澤八景)で遊ぶからそこで刺殺しようと同(高杉晋作、久坂玄瑞、大和弥八郎、長嶺内蔵太、道聞、松島剛蔵、寺島忠三郎、有吉熊次郎、赤禰幹之丞、山尾庸三、品川弥郎)が相談した。
    Just at that time, Takasugi and his comrades (Genzui KUSAKA, Yahachiro YAMATO, Kurata NAGAMINE, Monta SHIJI, Gozo MATSUSHIMA, Chuzaburo TERAJIMA, Kumajiro ARIYOSHI, Mikinojo AKANE, Yozo YAMAO and Yajiro SHINAGAWA) conspired to kill the foreign ministers who often holidayed in Kanazawa in Musashi Province (Kanazawa Hakkei).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 延喜式神名帳では「大和国十市郡坐弥理都比古神社座」と記され、名神大社に列し、月次祭・相嘗祭・新嘗祭の幣帛に預ると記されている。
    In the Engishiki Jimmyocho (a register of shrines in Japan), this shrine is listed under 'Toichi County, Yamato Province, Onimasumishiritsuhiko-jinja Shrine Niza,' included in the Myojin-taisha Shrine and qualified to receive the offerings to deities in Tsukinami-sai Festival, Ainame-sai Festival and Niiname-sai Festival.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年12月、高杉晋作、久坂玄瑞、道聞(のちの井上馨)、伊藤俊輔(のちの伊藤博文)、品川弥郎らとともに攘夷の血判書(御楯組血判書)に名を連ねた。
    In January 1863, he put his name on the paper with a seal of blood (of Mitate group) swearing to the expulsion of foreigners along with Shinsaku TAKASUGI, Genzui KUSAKA, Monta SHIDO (later Kaoru INOUE), Shunsuke ITO (later Hirobumi ITO) and Yajiro SHINAGAWA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弘安4年(1281年)、蒙古の第次侵攻である弘安の役では、安達盛宗(泰盛の子)の指揮下において、賀島や壱岐国の海戦で敵の軍船に斬り込む等の活躍をして軍功を挙げ、大な恩賞を与えられた。
    In 1281 after the Koan War (the second Mongolian attempt to invade Japan), Suenaga was awarded a massive amount of compensations by cutting his way into enemy vessels in a naval battle in the Shikanoshima Island and Iki Province under the direction of Morimune ADACHI (a son of Yasumori).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただしこの説は北宋時代の高承『zh事物紀原』卷酒醴飲食部や曾三異『』などに記事があり、のちの明時代に書かれた説話『三国演義』に収録されく知られるようになり、このように解説されることがい。
    This story is talked a lot, however, because it is mentioned in books such as the Shurei inshokubu, the Vol. 2 of the "Jibutsukigen (similar books of China)" written by Cheng GAO and the "Yin hua lu (因話録) (Anthology of Essays and Short Stories)" written by Sanyi ZENG (曾三異), and then became well known for the episode in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" which was later written during the time of the Ming dynasty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇(神武天皇)にはヒメタタライスケヨリヒメ(ヒメタタライスズヒメ)との間の子、神八井耳命、日子八井命、カムヌナカワミミ(神沼河耳命)の他に、日向にいたころに吾平津媛との間に手研耳命(美美命)、キスミミ(岐須美美命)の柱の子をもうけていた。
    In addition to three children he had with Himetataraisukeyorihime (Himetataraisuzuhime), Kamuyaimimi no Mikoto, Hikoyai no Mikoto, and Kamununakawamimi no Mikoto, the emperor (Emperor Jinmu) also had two children with Ahiratsuhime while he was in Himuka (Hyuga), Tagishimimi no Mikoto and Kisumimi no Mikoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、現在では『上宮聖徳法王帝説』(聖徳太子の伝記)の「癸島天皇御世戊午年十月十日」や『元興寺伽藍縁起』(元興寺の成り立ち・変遷を記述したもの)の「天國案春岐廣庭天皇七年歳戊午十月」を根拠に538年(戊午年、宣化天皇3年)に仏教が伝えられたと考える人がいようである。
    However, based on the phrases "the twelfth day of the tenth month in the year tsuchinoe-uma (583), during the reign of Emperor Kishishima (Kinmei)" in "Jogu Shotoku Hoo Teisetsu" (a biography of Prince Shotoku) and "the twelfth month of the year tsuchinoe-uma, the seventh year of the reign of Emperor Amekuni Oshiharuki Hironiwa (Kinmei)" in "Gango-ji Garan Engi" (a history of the origins of Gango-ji Temple), many people seem to think that Buddhism was introduced in 538.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政府は曩に一の帝国大学を京都に新設し、天下学問の中心を東西都に置くの制を採れり、蓋し東西大学の競争をして学問進歩の動機たらしめんとするに在るべし、而して東京には帝国大学の外各種の官私学校ありて各般学生の望に充つることを得、青年のを立つる者此に集合し自ら既に天下学問の中心たり、然るに京都に在りては帝国大学新たに設置せられ関西の学術大に振るわんとし青年のを有して京都に集まり来るもの頗るきも、大学の門戸は未だ高等学校卒業生以外の望者を迎ふるに至らず、大学以外に在りて高等の学術を修めんとするも其機関あることなし、是れ頗る恨事なり、爰に於てか有の者相図り京都法政学校を新設し、講義を京都帝国大学教授及其他博学知名の諸氏に嘱託し、政治法律経済に関する高等の学術を広く社会に紹介するの一機関たらしめんとす、是れ蓋し、一は政府か学問の中心を東西の都に置かんとするの趣意に賛同の意を表し、又一は帝国大学か広く門戸を開放して高等学校卒業生以外の望者を迎ふる能はさるの欠点を補はんとするの微意に出つるものなり (「立命館大学沿革略」『立命館学報』 一九一五・大正4年3月)
    The government established one campus of Teikoku (Imperial) University in Kyoto. It had been decided that there would be two universities (in the east and west, respectively) as the center of the best education, and that the two universities would compete with each other as motivation for progress in education; and in Tokyo, several public and private schools as well as Teikoku (Imperial) University already began accepting various applicants; thus the students who had youthful resolution gathered, which is the center of education. However, there were many good, enthusiastic young students gathered at Teikoku (Imperial) University, which was newly established in Kyoto, but the university couldn't accept the applicants who had not graduated from high school, so there was no school to study high education without status as a university, which was the problem of greatest concern, so volunteers who were of the same mind gathered and established the Kyoto Hosei School, entrusting the lectures to the professors of Kyoto Imperial University and other well-known teachers; thus the institution could provide higher education in politics, law and economics to society. Certainly, a reason for that was to demonstrate the government's approval concerning the establishment of education in two places (east and west), and another reason was to make up for the flaw in the educational system whereby Teikoku (Imperial) University was not widely open to applicants who had not graduated from high school ('A Brief History of Ritsumeikan University,' "Ritsumeikan Gakuho," March 1915).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『雍州府(ようしゅうふし)(擁州とは山城国の別称で山城の地理案内書)』貞享元年(1648年)刊に、京の唐紙師について「いまところとどころこれを製す。しかれども東洞院条南の岩佐氏の製するは、襖障子を張るのにもっともよし、もっぱらこれを用いる」とあり、『新撰紙鑑(かみかがみ)』には、「京東洞院、平野町あたりに唐紙細工人し」とある。
    In the "Yoshufu-shi" (a geographical description of Yamashiro Province) published in 1648, there is a description on kami-shi in Kyoto as 'This is now made in a number of places. However, the one made by the Iwasa clan of Nijo-minami, Higashinotoin is best for papering fusuma sliding doors, and is exclusively used,' and in the "Shinsen Kamikagami" (Newly edited Kamikagami) there is a description as 'a number of karakami craftsmen living in Higashinotoin and Hirano town, Kyoto.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 賀を慕って武者小路実篤や小林秀雄(批評家)、尾崎一雄、若山為三、小川晴暘、入江泰吉、亀井勝一郎、小林、桑原武夫ら白樺派の文人や画家・文化人がしばしば訪れ、文学論や芸術論などを語り合う一大文化サロンとなり、いつしか高畑サロンと呼ばれるようになった。
    Writers of the Shirakaba school, painters, and other people of culture who admired Shiga, such as Saneatsu MUSHANOKOJI, Hideo KOBAYASHI (critic), Kazuo OZAKI, Tamezou WAKAYAMA, Seiyo OGAWA, Taikichi IRIE, Katsuichiro KAMEI, Takiji KOBAYASHI, and Takeo KUWABARA, frequently visited his residence; it became a major cultural salon where people met and discussed art and literature, and eventually came to be known as the Takahata Salon.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
