
  • 亥の子餅という餅
    a rice cake called 'inokomochi'  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 亥の子(旧暦10月(の月)のの日)のの刻(午後10時ごろ)に食べられる。
    People eat it at inokoku (the hour of boar, or around 10:00 pm) on inoko (inohi of inotsuki) (the day of boar in the month of boar or October under the old calendar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 玄猪、亥の子の祝い、亥の子祭りとも。
    It is also called the Gencho, Inokono (young boar) iwai (celebration), or Inoko (young boar) Festival.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子餅(いのこもち)とは、亥の子に際して作られる餅。
    Inoko mochi' is a rice cake cooked on inoko (the day of boar).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子(いのこ)は、旧暦10月(の月)のの日に行われる年中行事。
    Inoko (the Young Boar Festival) is an annual event held on the day of boar in October (month of boar) in old calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子という収穫祭
    a harvesting festival in Japan, called 'inonko'  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 詳細は、亥の子餅を参照。
    Refer to Inoko mochi section for details.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子とは旧暦10月のの日に行う刈上げ行事である。
    Inoko is a rice reaping event held on the day of the boar in October according to the old lunisolar calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 能勢からの亥の子餅が献上されていたが、宮中においても亥の子餅が作られた。
    Inoko mochi were presented to the Emperor from Nose people, as well as cooked inside the Imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • かつては、旧暦10月・上日に禁裏では、亥の子餅を群臣に下賜していた。
    In the past, Inoko mochi cakes were delivered as an Imperial gift to a large number of retainers in the Imperial court on the first wild boar days in October under old calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (十二支)・丑の年-西の方角
    Year of the boar, rat (12 signs of Chinese zodiac), and ox - west  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地方によって歌の内容は異なるが、亥の子のための歌が使用される。
    The song that children sing varies according to region, usually the song for Inoko (young boar) is used.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主に東日本で見られるもので、西日本で旧暦10月のの日に行われる亥の子に対応するものである。
    It is held mainly in eastern Japan, and it is equivalent to inoko (a baby boar festival) held in western Japan on the day of Boar in October of the old lunar calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町幕府の年中行事として、旧暦10月・上日に祝い・玄猪餅進上があった。
    The Muromachi Shogunate celebrated its annual event of Inoko-iwai or Gencho-shinjo (a celebration of little wild boars by presenting Gencho mochi) on the first day of boar in October under old calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 、甲革令、二十四節気などの暦に関することもかなり道教の影響をうけている。
    Calendar-related items such as Shi-gai (辛亥), Kasshi Kakurei (the 1st year of the 60-year cycle in Chinese calendar when changes are often said to happen), and the 24 seasonal datum points, all reveal significant influenced by Dokyo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行事の内容としては、亥の子餅を作って食べ万病除去・孫繁栄を祈る。
    In this event, people make and eat Inoko mochi (boar dumplings), wishing elimination of disease and prosperity for their descendants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸幕府の年中行事として、亥の子を祝する行事(玄猪の祝い)があった。
    As an annual event, the Edo Shogunate held Gencho-no-iwai (a celebration of wild boars) in honor of little wild boars..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのことから、能勢には亥の子餅に関して以下のような伝承が伝わっている。
    This based the following folklore about Inoko mochi, being carried down by the people of Nose district.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、3回にわたって、亥の子餅の下賜があったが、3度とも同じ色の餅ではなかった。
    Imperial grant of Inoko mochi was performed in three times, but colors were different each time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の日7日前になると、献上する亥の子餅を作る家には、亥の子餅を調理する場所・道具・使用する井戸を木代村では、真言宗・善福寺(どんどろ大師善福寺)、切畑村は法華宗・法性寺の僧侶を請じて、それぞれ清めの加持を行った後に調理が始まる。
    On the day, seven days prior to the day of boar, each house preparing Inoko mochi cakes for the Imperial Court had invited monks of either Zenpuku-ji Temple of Shingon sect (also called Dondoro Taishi Zenpuku-ji) in Kishiro village or Hossho-ji Temple of Hokke sect in Kirihata village in order to hold an incantation to purify the places, instruments and wells for cooking of Inoko mochi, in advance of commencing their cooking process.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 尚、昭和40年代に、この時期になると準備や亥の子歌の練習に夢中になり、宿題や勉強がおろそかになることなどから、学校が亥の子行事を禁止し廃れてしまった地域もある。
    During the period from 1965 to 1974, some schools prohibited Inoko events and the Inoko event was abolished because students were too preoccupied with preparation for the event or practice of Inoko songs to concentrate on their homework or to study.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1870年(明治3年)まで、摂津国能勢(のせ)(現在の大阪府豊能町)にある木代村(きしろむら)・切畑村(きりはたむら)・大円村(おおまるむら)から、毎年、旧暦10月のの日に、宮中に亥の子餅を献上していた。
    Until 1870, Inoko mochi cakes had been presented to the Imperial Court from Kishiro, Kirihata and Omaru villages of Nose district in Settsu Province (current Toyono-cho town, Osaka Prefecture) annually on the day of boar in October under old calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そこで1455年(享徳4年)、康胤は原胤房とともに、千葉胤直・胤宣父を猪鼻(鼻城)(現在の千葉県千葉市中央区(千葉市)鼻)に攻め、千田庄(現在の千葉県香取郡多古町付近)へ追いやった。
    In 1455, Yasutane, together with Tanefusa HARA, attacked Tanenao CHIBA and Tanenao's son Tanenobu CHIBA at Inohana (Inohana-jo Castle) (present-day Inohana, Chuo-ku Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture), and drove them into Chida no sho Manor (present-day the area in and around Tako-machi Town, Katori-gun County, Chiba Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また『日本書紀』では、『百済本記』(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太倶崩薨由此而言辛之歳當廿五年矣」)を引用して、天皇及び太、皇が同時に死んだとの説を紹介しており、何らかの政変によって継体自身が殺害された可能性もある(「辛の変」説)。
    "Nihonshoki" quotes the lines from "Original records of Paekche" ('the article in the Original records of Paekche says that King Anjang of Goguryeo encountered rebellion from his subjects and was murdered in 531. Around the same time, Japanese Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince were killed altogether by their subjects.') to introduce a theory that the Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince died at the same time, which hints the possibility that Keitai was actually killed in a political turmoil ('Xinhai Incident' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子餅を販売する菓店があるが、新暦10月よりも旧暦10月(新暦11月)に入ってから販売されることが多い。
    Many confectioneries sell Inoko mochi in October under the old calendar (or November according to the solar calendar) rather than in October of the solar calendar.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 亥の子餅の色は、公卿までは黒色の餅・四品の殿上人までは赤色の餅などである。
    For example, black Inoko mochi were given to Court nobles or other lower ranked retainers, and red ones to retainers of higher ranks than Court nobles but not higher than shihonno tenjobito (the fourth-ranked courtiers allowed into Imperial Court).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『延喜式』によれば、の刻・の刻は左近衛府が、丑の刻・寅の刻は右近衛府が担当している。
    According to "Engishiki " (codes and procedures on national rites and prayers), Sakonefu (Left Division of Inner Palace Guards) took the duty from I-no-koku to Ne-no-koku (from nine o'clock in the evening to one in the morning), and Ukonefu (Right Division of Inner Palace Guards) did from Ushi-no-koku to Tora-no-koku (from one o'clock to five in the morning).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行事の実施形態はさまざまで、亥の子餅を食べるが石は搗かない、あるいはその逆の地方もある。
    The embodiment of an event varies according to region, in some regions, they eat Inoko mochi (boar dumplings), but don't pound stones, and vice versa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 官職の高低により、下賜される亥の子餅の色(黒・赤・白)と包み紙の仕様に厳格な決まりがあった。
    Depending on a retainer's officiary title, the color of Inoko mochi (either black, red or white) to be given and the designs of its wrapping paper were strictly specified.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対して黒岩重吾は『日本書紀』継体天皇廿五年での『百済本記』引用「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太倶崩薨由此而言辛之歳當廿五年矣」天皇および太、皇が同時に死んだという記述等を根拠にそれぞれ実際には即位していない安閑・宣化は暗殺・軟禁されたとした。
    Based on the statement in "Original records of Paekche" in section of "25 years of Emperor Keitai" in "Chronicles of Japan", saying "百濟本記爲文 其文云 大歳辛亥三月 軍進至于安羅 營乞?城 是月 高麗弑其王安 又聞 日本天皇及太子皇子 倶崩薨 由此而言 辛亥之歳 當廿五年矣"(Emperor in Japan and the prince passed away at the same time), Jugo KUROIWA believed that Ankan and Senka did not succeed to the throne and they were actually assassinated or under custody.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 応神天皇は、皇太の時に、猪に危難を救われた事を思い出して、吉例として、詔を発して、能勢・木代村、切畑村、大円村より、毎年10月のの日に供御を行うように命じ、亥の子餅の献上の起源であると言い伝えらえれている。
    Emperor Ojin, who remembered the boar that had saved him from danger when he was a prince, issued an imperial edict to make it a festive custom for the people of Kishiro, Kirihata and Omaru villages in Nose district to present kugo (emperor's meal) on the day of boar in October every year, which is now believed to be the origin of the custom to present Inoko mochi cakes of Nose district to Imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、『日本書紀』に引く「百済本記」(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太倶崩薨由此而言辛之歳當廿五年矣」)によれば、531年頃に天皇と太・皇が共に薨去したという所伝があるといい、継体天皇の死後、安閑天皇・宣化天皇の朝廷と欽明天皇の朝廷が並立していたとか、2朝間に内乱があったと見る説もある(「辛の変」説)。
    According to the 'Kudarahonki' (Original records of Paekche) quoted by "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), a legend has it that Emperor Keitai and Prince died together around 531, and another theory has it that after the death of Emperor Keitai, two Imperial Courts existed at the same time, one was reigned by Emperor Ankan and Emperor Senka, the other was reigned by Emperor Kinmei, and they had a domestic conflict ('Shingai Coup' theory).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 旧暦10月のの日の夕方から夜にかけて、地区の供たち(男のみの場合もある)が集まり一軒一軒を巡って、歌を歌いながら平たく丸いもしくは球形の石に繋いだ縄を上下させて地面を搗く。
    From the evening to the night on the day of boar in October in the old calendar, children (sometimes all are boys) in the area get together, and visit houses one by one, singing a song, and swinging a rope connected onto a flat round stone or globular shape stone up and down, pounding the ground with the stone.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 能勢から、宮中へ献上される亥の子餅(能勢餅(のせもち)とも言う)(近世ごろ)の調理方法が「禁裏献上能勢のおいの」に記載されている。
    Cooking process of Inoko mochi cakes (also called Nose-mochi) to be presented to the Imperial Court from Nose district in the early modern times was then referred to in the description 'Kinri Kenjo Nose no Oinoko' (Nose's rice cakes presented to the Imperial Court).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 名前は三、字は孔陽、号は米庵のほかに楽斎・百筆斎・亦顛道人・小山林堂・金洞山人・金羽山人・西野など。
    His given name was Sangai and Chinese courtesy name was Koyo and, besides being called Beian, his pen names included: Rakusai ("楽斎"), Hyakuhitsusai ("百筆斎"), Ekiten (or Yakuten or Mataten) dojin ("亦顛道人"), Shosanrindo (or Koyamarindo or Oyamarindo or Kosanrindo, written as "小山林堂"), Kinto-sanjin ("金洞山人"), Kin-u-sanjin ("金羽山人") and Seiyashi ("西野子").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「古今要覧稿」(明治38年~40年刊行)に亥の子餅の項目があり、「蔵人式」(橘広相撰)の中に、禁中年中行事の1つとして記されている。
    According to an article in 'Kokon yoranko' (an illustrated encyclopedia) publihed in 1905-1907, there had already been a description of Inoko mochi as an item for one of annual events in the Imperial court in the book of 'Kuroudo-shiki' (rules of officials in charge of classified documents) compliled by TACHIBANA no Hiromi.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 万葉歌人としても万葉集巻1雑歌28に藤原宮御宇天皇代(高天原廣野姫天皇元年丁11年譲位軽太尊号曰太上天皇)天皇御製歌として名を留めている。
    Her tanka (31 syllables' poem) appears in Manyoshu volume one as the 28th zoka (poems other than love poems and elegies), and her name is referred to as the Empress at Fujiwara Palace (Takamanohara Hirono Hime no Sumeramikoto; who started ruling in 686 for 11 years, abdicated the throne to Karu no Hitsugi no miko [Emperor Monmu] and became a Daijo Tenno [the retired empress]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 橘広相は貞観_(日本)年間に存命していたことから、いつごろから、亥の子餅に関する行事が行なわれいたか定かではないが、貞観年間には宮中行事として、行なわれていたと推察される。
    Because TACHIBANA no Hiromi lived in the Jogan era (around 9th century) of the Heian period, it may be assumed that Inoko mochi cakes were cooked as an item for an Imperial ceremony in Jogan era at the latest though the time of their origin is unknown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、僧と光秀の関係で言えば、光秀の(とされる)・南国梵桂が建立した海雲寺→本徳寺(岸和田市)には光秀の唯一の肖像画が残されているが、この寺にある光秀の位牌の裏には「当寺開基慶長四巳」と刻まれている。
    In reference to the relation between the priest and Mitsuhide, Mitsuhide's only portrait hangs in Kaiun-ji/Hontoku-ji Temple (Kishiwada-shi), and on the backside of Mitsuhide's memorial tablet in this temple are carved the words, "at this temple a grave was made in Keicho 4."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、前述の伊良光順の日記においては、翌25日の記録には、天皇が痰がひどく、藤木篤平と静顕が体をさすり、光順が膏薬を張り、班に関係なく昼夜寝所に詰めきりであったが、同日の刻(午後11時)過ぎに崩御された、と記されている。
    However, according to the record on the following day, on the 25th in Mitsuoki IRAKO's diary mentioned previously, it said that the Emperor had much phlegm and Atsuhira FUJIKI and Seiken gave him a massage, and Mitsuoki applied ointment on Emperor's body, all the doctors, mixed from different groups, were watching the Emperor closely day and night, and then the Emperor died after eleven o'clock in the morning on the same day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この祭日は地方によって違いがみられ、東北地方では「三九日」(みくにち)、関東地方の北西部から甲信越地方にかけては「十日夜」(とおかんや)、西日本から千葉県・茨城県・埼玉県の一部など太平洋沿岸にかけてでは「」(いのこ)、九州では霜月祭などと呼ばれる。
    This festival day varies from region to region; it is called 'Mikunichi' in Tohoku region, 'Tokanya (the night on the 10th day of October)' from northern west of Kanto region through Koshinetsu region, 'Inoko' from western Japan through a part of Chiba, Ibaraki, and Saitama Prefectures along the Pacific coast, and Shimotsuki-matsuri Festival in Kyushu region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ちなみに文政8年(1825年)の大小月覚え言葉は1月、3月、5月、7月、10月、12月が大月で「大好きは雑煮草餅柏餅ぼんのぼた餅亥の子寒餅」という。
    Incidentally, the long months in the year of 1825 were January, March, May, July, October, and December and a mnemonics for remembering the long months of the year was "daisukiha zoni, kusamochi, kashiwamochi, bon no boatamochi, inoko, kanmochi" (meaning "What I like is zoni (vegetable soup containing mochi (rice cake), eaten on January 1), kusamochi (rice-flour dumplings mixed with mugwort, eaten on March 3), kashiwamochi (a rice cake which contains bean paste and is wrapped in an oak leaf, eaten May 5), botamochi of the Obon festival (a rice ball coated with sweetened red beans, soybean flour, or sesame, eaten on the day of Obon festival (Festival of the Dead or Buddhist All Soul's Day in mid July)), inokomochi (rice cake like a little boar, eaten on the day of boar in October), and kanmochi (rice cake pounded during the coldest season in December (around present-day January)).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
