
  • 代議士の資格
    eligibility for an M. P.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 代議士になる
    to be returned to the Diet―obtain a seat in the Diet  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 代議士の候補者
    a candidate for the Diet  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 代議士の候補者に立つ
    to stand for the Diet  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 代議士は国事を議す
    The representatives deliberate on the affairs of state.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 選出された代議士
    a member of the Japanese Diet  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 彼は代議士の資格がある
    He is eligible for an M. P.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼は代議士に立候補しています。
    He's running for Congress. - Tatoeba例文
  • 彼は代議士に立候補しています。
    He's running for Congress.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 国会議員は選挙区の代表者[代議士]である.
    An MP represents his constituency.  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • いくら安く踏んでも代議士位には見える
    He must be a P. M., at the very least.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 彼は宮城県の代議士に選挙された
    He has been returned member of the Diet for Miyagi Prefecture.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 代議士はいすにふんぞり返ってたばこをすっていた。
    The new Diet member was smoking, leaning back proudly in a chair. - Tatoeba例文
  • 代議士はいすにふんぞり返ってたばこをすっていた。
    The new Diet member was smoking, leaning back proudly in a chair.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • その後代議士にもなり、政友倶楽部に属した。
    Later he became a Diet member and belonged to the Seiyu Club.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼は青森から代議士に打って出る意向を明らかにした.
    He has announced his intention to run for the Diet from Aomori.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • あの代議士はスキャンダルを防ぐためには相当のこともやりかねない.
    That Dietman would go a long way [to any lengths] to avoid scandal.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • ところで、平河代議士は、この件にどのていどタッチしているんでしょうか。
    By the way, I wonder how much of a hand Hiragawa MP plays in this matter? - Tatoeba例文
  • ところで、平河代議士は、この件にどのていどタッチしているんでしょうか。
    By the way, I wonder how much of a hand Hiragawa MP plays in this matter?  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 国会では代議士が国会議場の外で掴み合いになったといわれている。
    In the Diet, it is said that the parliamentarians got into a scuffle outside the Diet building.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 賀川豊彦(社会運動家)・松田竹千代(立憲民政党代議士。戦後、衆議院議長)・三木武夫(代議士。戦後、首相)らとともに「日米同志会」を立ち上げて会長となる。
    He worked with Toyohiko KAGAWA (engaged in a social movement), Takechiyo MATSUDA (a parliamentarian of Rikken Minsei-to political party, who became the Chairman of House of Representatives after the Second World War), Takeo MIKI (a parliamentarian who became the Prime Minister after the Second World War), etc. to found "Japan-U.S. Fellow Association," and he became the first chairman.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元々1938年阪神大水害直後の代議士時代に提唱したものだが、それは以下のようなエピソードで知られる。
    This concept was the one he originally advocated in his Diet member days immediately after the serious flood disaster in the Hanshin area in 1938, and it was known for the following episode.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 帰国後は国内で司法省付属代言人(弁護士)の第1号となって活躍し、明治14年(1881年)には自由党(明治)の議員(代議士)となり、政党政治の基礎作りの一翼を担った。
    After returning to Japan, HOSHI became the first lawyer under the Ministry of Justice and actively worked in Japan, and in 1881, he became a councilor (as parliamentarian) of the Liberal Party, and took part in building the foundation of party government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 19日の歌舞伎座での憲政擁護第1回大会では、政友会、国民党の代議士や新聞記者のほか実業家や学生も参加し、約3,000の聴衆を集めて「閥族打破、憲政擁護」を決議している。
    In the first rally of the Campaign for the Defense of the Constitutionalism held at Kabuki-za Theater on December 19, many people took part, such as the Diet members of the Seiyukai and the Rikken Kokuminto (Constitutional National Party, hereinafter referred to the Kokuminto), journalists, businessmen, students and about 3,000 audiences, and they adopted a resolution that 'cliques should be overthrown and that constitutionalism should be defended.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大日本協会は超党派の団体であり、佐々のように国民協会_(日本)に所属したまま、大日本協会に属している代議士や大日本協会専属の議員など、所属形態は多様であった。
    The Dai Nihon Kyokai was a nonpartisan organization consisting of members from different political parties, including representatives such as Sassa, who also belonged to the Kokumin Kyokai (National Association), and some councilors belonging exclusively to the Dai Nihon Kyokai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 週に1回、代議士会を開いていますから、その辺の党内の回し、あるいは他党との交渉は、下地幹事長兼国対委員長がやっていますから、その辺の総合的な情報は、国民新党の週に1回の国会議員の会議、全体会議で、大体、情報交換いたしております。
    We hold weekly meetings of our party's lawmakers, and Mr. Shimoji, who doubles as the party's Secretary General and Chairman of the Diet Affairs Committee, is responsible for intra-party coordination and negotiations with other parties, so we exchange information on general matters at the weekly meetings.  - 金融庁
  • 第一期生卒業式は1903(明治36)年7月12日に講堂にて執り行われ、来賓として京都帝国大学教授・助教授のほか、第三高等学校(旧制)長、京都地方裁判所所長、京都弁護士会会長代表、京都府議会副議長、地元選出代議士、京都府庁参事官、視学官など多数が参加し、一私学としてはかなり盛大なものとなった。
    The first graduation ceremony was held at the hall on July 12, 1903, and among the guests were the professor and assistant professor of Kyoto Imperial University, the (former) principal of Third High School, the chief of the Kyoto District Court, a representative from the Kyoto Bar Association, the vice president of the Kyoto Prefectural Assembly, a local politician, a counselor of the Kyoto Prefectural Assembly, and an executive officer in charge of education, all of whom contributed to the magnificent ceremony for this private school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが、大正政変の際に大正天皇より公家出身の立憲政友会総裁西園寺公望に対して第3次桂内閣への内閣不信任案を撤回させて政友会を内閣に協力させるように勅命が出されたものの、政友会の代議士達は自分達は日本国民の代表であるとして西園寺に突き返させた(1913年2月9日)。
    In the Taisho Political Crisis, Emperor Taisho issued an imperial command that Kinmochi SAIONJI, president of Rikkenseiyukai (a political party originally organized by Hirobumi ITO) should withdraw a parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet related to the 3rd Katsura Cabinet and urge Seiyukai to collaborate with the Katsura Cabinet, but the parliamentarians of the Seiyukai made Saionji return the imperial command for the reason that the parliamentarians were the representatives of the Japanese nation (February 9, 1913.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
