
  • 伶人草という植物
    a plant called Aconitum loczyanum  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 1895年伶人兼楽師。
    He became Reijin (the performer of Gagaku) and Gakushi (musician) in 1895.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1872年宮内省一等出仕、1888年楽手伶人
    He became the first grade Shusshi (supernumerary government official) of the Imperial Household Ministry in 1872 and the Gagaku musician in 1888.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後明治13年(1880年)に宮内省宮内庁式部職雅楽課の伶人奥好義がつけた旋律を一等伶人の林廣守が曲に起こし、それを前年に来日したドイツ人の音楽家であり海軍軍楽教師フランツ・エッケルトが西洋風和声を付けた。
    After that, in 1880, Hiromori HAYASHI, who was an itto reijin (literally, first class performer of gagaku) prepared the setting based on the melody composed by Yoshiisa OKU, who was a Reijin (performer of gagaku) belonged to Gagaku (ancient Japanese court dance and music) Section, Shikibushoku of Imperial Household Agency and Franz Eckert, who was a German musician came to Japan in 1879 as a teacher for the military band of the Imperial Japanese Navy, added western-style harmony to the setting.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この他、神職には含まれない職員や、神職見習いである「出仕」や主典、典仕、伶人、神宮などでは事務職員としての参事、主事、録事、主事補や宗教職員として教導司、教学司、技術職員としての技監、技師、その他の職員としての嘱託、警備職員としての衛士、守衛などの職員を置いている神社もある。
    Moreover, some shrines employ non-shinshoku personnel in a variety of categories, for example apprentices to shinshoku, including "Shusshi," Shuten, Tenji, and Reijin (gagaku performers), or administrative workers like Sanji, shuji (deputy secretaries), rokuji (clerks) and shujiho (assistant deputy secretaries), or religious employees like kyodoshi and kyogakushi, or workers in engineering such as executive advisory engineers or regular engineers, and finally miscellaneous employees like temporary workers, or security staff working as guards or gate guards.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
