
  • 闕腋袍を着て、巻纓の冠をかむり、緌をし、剣をき、弓箭をする
    He is dressed in Kettekino-ho (open sleeve seams outer robe), putting on Kenei no kanmuri (headdress) with Oikake (accessories for the headdress), wearing a sword, holding bows and arrows.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代も前半はまだ直刀の時代で、この時期に最高位の刀剣外装である飾剣様式が完成し、束姿で儀式に参列する時などに用されたが、上級の公卿にしか使用は許されないものであった。
    The first half of the Heian period was an era of straight swords, during which the ornamental sword style which is the form of highest-rank sword mountings was established and adopted when attending ceremonies wearing sokutai (traditional ceremonial court dress), but such style was only allowed to the highest-ranked Kugyo (the top court officials).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
