元禄6年(1693年)に修築された。 It was repaired in 1693.
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学校の修築を急ぐ必要がある The need for school repairs is pressing. - Eゲイト英和辞典
掛川では城の修築と城下町づくりを行い、 In Kakegawa, he restored the castle and constructed the castle-town.
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文安2年(1445年)修築、寛文12年(1672年)に再建。 It was repaired in 1445 and rebuilt in 1672.
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12世紀後半の平清盛による修築が有名。 The reconstruction by TAIRA no Kiyomori during the late 12th century is well known.
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朝山日乗と共に京都御所の修築も担当している。 He also managed the repairment of Kyoto gosho (the Imperial Palace) with Nichijo ASAYAMA.
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姫路城を現在残る姿に大規模に修築したことで知られる。 He is known as the one whose large-scale renovation of Himejijo Castle brought it to its current form.
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元和6年(1620年)1月18日、大坂城の修築工事を命じられる。 On February 21, 1620, he was ordered to renovate Osaka-jo Castle.
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また、寛永寺の勧学寮に、修築費として300両を寄進している。 Additionally, Ryoo donated three hundred Ryo for the learning dormitories at the Kanei-ji Temple for restoration expenses.
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例外として、城の修築許可証には年月日が記される。 The exception was the license to construct a castle, on which the year, month, and date were described.
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乾元元年(1302年)には数百貫の私財を投じて播磨国福泊港を修築している。 In 1302, he refurbished the Fukudomari Port in Harima Province at his own expense of hundreds of kan (obsolete unit of currency).
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創建当時は名称通り8つの窓があったが,明治時代の修築で6つとなった。 At the time of its construction, it had eight windows as its name suggests but this number was reduced to six during renovations made during the Meiji period.
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正保4年(1647年)、江戸増上寺の普請や江戸城修築などを努めた。 In 1647, he put his efforts into fushin (construction) of Zojo-ji Temple in Edo and construction repairs of Edo-jo Castle.
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文永年間には下鴨社の築垣・犬防の修築費を課せられている。 During the Bunei era, the costs of building fences and low lattices were imposed on Shimogamo-jinja Shrine.
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また福島正則は広島城無断修築を咎められた幕法違反により改易されている。 Also, Masanori FUKUSHIMA was subjected to kaieki for violation of the Shogunate law when he tried to repair Hiroshima-jo Castle without permission.
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清盛による大輪田泊の修築工事も2度にわたっておこなわれたが、中絶を余儀なくされていた。 The reconstruction works for Owada no tomari by Kiyomori were done two times, but were obliged to be derailed.
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なお転封にあたり、長浜城の修築費として江戸幕府より白銀5千枚を与えられた。 At the time of changing the territory, he was provided with 5,000 pieces of hakugin (white silver) by Edo bakufu for the repair cost of Nagahama-jo Castle.
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まだ、大仏殿をはじめとする堂舎や仏像の修築修造という難事業が残っている。 There were still hard projects to rebuild temple buildings including the Great Buddha Hall, as well as to repair Buddha statues.
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慶長13年(1608年)には駿府城普請奉行となり、修築の功により従五位遠江国に叙任される。 In 1608, he assumed the position of Fushinbugyo (shogunate administrator for civil engineering and construction) for Sunpu-jo Castle (present-day Shizuoka).When he successfully completed the work, he was promoted to the position of Jugoi (Junior Fifth Rank) and appointed as governor of Totoumi Province.
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義輝側は事前に館を修築するなど、三好勢の襲撃に備えていたが、所詮多勢に無勢であった。 Yoshiteru and his aides had prepared against the Miyoshi troops' raid by repairing the palace building in advance, but were overwhelmed by superior numbers.
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地方において国司が徴発・編成し、治水灌漑工事をはじめとする各種インフラ整備や国衙等の修築などをさせた。 The kokushi (provincial governors) in local areas impressed and organized people so as to compel them to develop an infrastructure (such as flood control work and irrigation construction) and to renovate buildings such as the kokuga (provincial government offices).
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これに激怒した六角高頼とその被官は、焼失した観音寺城を修築、3度立てこもることになる。 Takayori ROKKAKU and his Hikan (low-level bureaucrat) were furious about the decision, rebuilt Kannonji-jo Castle, which had burned down, and barricaded them selves in it for a third time.
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これは石山合戦の包囲網を備えるために織田信長か荒木村重に命じて築城、修築させたりした城である。 These were castles which Nobunaga ODA ordered Murashiga ARAKI to build or repair in order to prepare an encirclement for the Ishiyama War.
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そこで国費で船瀬(船だまり)をつくって修理が加えられたが、律令国家の衰えとともに修築はおこなわれなくなり、放置されるようになった。 And funase (funadamari – dock) was built at national expense, but with the decline of the Japanese nation under the ritsuryo codes the reconstruction discontinued and lied neglected.
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承安4年(1174年)、推定面積37ヘクタールの人工島経が島が竣工し、翌1175年には修築工事を終えた。 In 1174 the construction work for an artificial island Kyogashima Island, whose estimated area was 37 hectares, was started and in 1175 the reconstruction work ended.
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清盛は福原に隣接する大輪田の地に「和田京」の造営を計画し、国々の功力による大輪田泊の永久的修築をも企図した。 Kiyomori planned to build 'Wada-kyo' in Owada neighboring Fukuhara and also planned a permanent reconstruction of Owada no tomari by efficacious powers of each province.
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下山の言葉に乗った信雄は直ちに国境にあった丸山城(伊賀国)を修築し、侵略の拠点とすることにした。 Nobuo who was in on Shimoyama's words immediately repaired Maruyama-jo Castle (Iga Province) located on the border and decided to make it a foothold.
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雄山神社前立社壇本殿(国の重要文化財、室町時代中期)も義材の修築と伝える。 Oyama-jinja Shrine Maedate-shadan Honden (national important cultural property, repaired in the middle of the Muromachi period) is also known to have been repaired by Yoshiki.
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幕末期では天誅組の反乱鎮圧や天皇陵の修築工事を行なうなど、早くから官軍に近づいていた。 In the last years of the Edo period, the family approached the Imperial forces from the early stage, helping in the suppression of the Tenchu-gumi (royalist forces) War and in the repair of the Imperial mausoleum.
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が、見栄えの問題と、大仏の背面が隠れ、状態がわからないこと、光背の修築に邪魔なことから、重源から撤去が望まれていた。 However, Chogen had been requesting removal of the ugly-looking hill covering the back of the Great Buddha, which hindered the repair of the halo including condition checks.
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さらに「天下普請」により幕府が西国大名に命じ近世城郭として亀山城を大修築した。 Also, the Bakufu (Tokugawa Shogunate) ordered the Saigoku Daimyo (territorial lords in western Japan) to drastically renovate Kameyama-jo Castle into a new structure of the time under 'Tenka Fushin' (the Bakufu's order of national construction of infrastructure).
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政季が築城を開始して忠季が1495年(明応4年)頃に修築を完了したのが、檜山安東氏城館跡である。 The site of the Hiyama Ando clan's castle, is which Masasue began constructing and Tadasue completed the restoration in 1495.
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遠州の通り名は慶長13年(1608年)駿府城修築の功績によって遠江守に任ぜられたことによるが、これ以外に後陽成天皇御所造営、名古屋城天守閣の修築、松山城(備中国)の再建など、各地で建物の新造・修繕を務め建築家・造園家として名を馳せた。 Masakazu's style came to be called Enshu because he was appointed Totomi no kami (the Governor of Totomi (Enshu) Province) due to his achievement in rebuilding Sunpu Castle in 1608; however, he also gained renown as an architect of buildings and gardens, in which capacity he built and restored buildings around Japan, including the building of the Imperial Palace for Emperor Goyozei, the restoration of Tenshukaku Tower at Nagoya Castle and the reconstruction of Matsuyama Castle in Bicchu Province.
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平安時代には、『日本後紀』の弘仁3年(812年)6月条に大輪田泊修築のことが記されるのをはじめ、造大輪田船瀬使がおかれ、防風と防波を兼ねて石の堤(石椋)を築くなど、たえず修築がおこなわれ、その経費を充当するため勝載料もしくは船瀬庄田稲を徴収していたことのあったことが各種の文献資料(歴史学)で確認されている。 During the Heian period, as the reconstruction of Owada no tomari is described in the June 812 chapter in "Nihonkoki" (Later Chronicle of Japan), Zo Owada funaseshi was set up and the reconstruction work was always done like building stone dikes (iwakura) for storm and wave prevention and so on and to cover the cost, shosairyo (custom duty for freight) or funaseshodento was levied, which is confirmed in various documents (historical study).
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公儀作事に関する主な業績としては、松山城(備中国)の再建、駿府城修築、名古屋城天守、後陽成天皇御所造営等の作業奉行をはじめ、宮中や幕府関係の作事奉行があげられる。 His achievements in the field of construction for the shogunate include the reconstruction of Matsuyama-jo Castle (Bicchu Province), repairs to Sunpu-jo Castle, construction of the Tenshu (main keep or tower) of Nagoya-jo Castle, construction of an imperial residence for Emperor Goyozei and other construction work for the imperial court and the shogunate.
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674年2月に宮城である半月城付近に月池(後に雁鴨池と呼ばれる)を造営し、また679年には王宮の修築を行ない、この地に東宮(臨海殿)を建てた。 In February 674, he constructed 月池 Pond (later called Anapji Pond) near the imperial castle called Banwolseong Castle, and in 679, he repaired the royal palace and built the crown prince's palace (臨海殿 Palace) there.
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慶長9年(1604年)からの江戸幕府による諸城修築の動員に参加して忠勤に励む一方、豊臣家を主筋に立てることも忘れなかった。 While he provided his men for the repairs of various castles by the Edo bakufu since 1640 and displayed his royalty to the Tokugawa, he also did not forget to pay his respect to the Toyotomi family as his lineage.
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そうこうしている内に10日に秀吉接近の報を受け、急いで淀城・勝竜寺城の修築に取り掛かり、また男山に布陣していた兵力を撤収させた。 In the meantime, hearing on June 10 of Hideyoshi's approach, Mitsuhide hurried to repair Yodo-jo Castle and Shoryuji-jo Castle, and pulled back his forces taking up their position on Mt. Otokoyama.
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そうした中で、百姓らは、水利配分や水路・道路の修築、境界紛争・戦乱や盗賊からの自衛などを契機として地縁的な結合を強めていった。 Under those circumstances the peasants strengthened their territorial connections through the distribution of water supplies, the construction and repair of channels and roads, and self-defense from border conflicts, wars and robbers.
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また、農業用水の配分調整や水路・道路の普請(修築)、大川での渡し船の運営など、日常生活に必要な事柄も主体的に取り組んでいった。 The soson also worked voluntarily on matters that were necessary for daily life, such as adjustments in the distribution of agricultural water, the construction or repair of channels and roads, the operation of the ferry at Okawa, etc.
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重源が修築事業に乗り出したのは、かれが大勧進として尽力していた東大寺復興事業にこれら港津を利用することが多かったためと思われる。 The reason why Chogen started the reconstruction work seems to be that he often used these ports for the reintegration work for Todai-ji Temple, for which he did his best as Daikanjin (priest to collect contributions).
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江戸時代に入って1633年(寛永10年)、永井直清が封ぜられ(山城長岡藩)、修築をおこなうが、1649年(慶安2年)、摂津国高槻藩に転封されると同時に廃城となった。 In 1633, in the Edo Period, Naokiyo NAGAI was assigned to this castle (domain of Nagaoka in Yamashiro Province), and he did some renovation, but it was deserted in 1649 when he was transferred again to the domain of Takatsuki in Settsu Province.
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1579年(天正7年)に明智光秀は丹波国を平定すると、これを福智山城と改名、近世城郭へと大修築したものである(城代は藤木権兵衛・明智秀満)。 Mitsuhide AKECHI, after conquring Tanba Province, changed its name to Fukuchiyama-jo Castle (福智山城), and embarked on major renovations to turn it into a new structure of the time (its castellan was Gonbee FUJIKI and later, Hidemitsu AKECHI).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
棟札(むなふだ、むねふだ)は、寺社・民家など建物の建築・修築の記録・記念として、棟木・梁など建物内部の高所に取り付けた札である。 A munefuda is a tag affixed to the inside of buildings such as temples, shrines or private residences, placed in a high position such as on a roof beam, as a record of or to commemorate the construction or renovation of the building.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
文武天皇時代の修築記事(698年)ではじめてその名が正史に登場するが、築城年は記載がなく現在も確定されていない。 The name of the castle first appeared in the authentic history in the article of the renovation during the era of Emperor Monmu (in 698), however, the document has no description about the year when it was constructed and even now it remains unknown.
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それ以降は土地のほとんどが荘園として利用されたため主だった中心地はなかったが、戦国時代(日本)になると丹波平定の命を受けた明智光秀が塩見信房を倒し、その居城であった横山城を大修築し近世型の福智山城(後の福知山城)とした。 A central place was not established because most lands were used as manors thereafter, but in the Sengoku period (period of Warring States), Mitsuhide AKECHI who was ordered to territorialize Tanba defeated Nobufusa SHIOMI, and established the modern-style Fukuchiyama-jo Castle (福智山城, later written as 福知山城) after repairing the Yokoyama-jo Castle which was the castle where Shiomi dwelled.
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応保2年(1162年)、後白河が日宋貿易の発展を目論んで摂津の大輪田泊を修築した際、清盛は隣接地の福原に日宋貿易の拠点として山荘を築いているが、このことは、後白河と清盛が共同して日宋貿易に取り組んでいたことを示している。 In 1162, Goshirakawa renovated Owada no tomari in Settsu with an eye on developing trade between Japan and Song, and Kiyomori built a mountain residence in the neighboring Fukuhara as a base for Japan-Song trade, showing that Goshirakwa and Kiyomori worked together to develop Japan-Song trade.
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江戸幕府の組織としての黒鍬(組)も三河国松平氏時代からの譜代の黒鍬から構成されており、若年寄支配で小者・中間として江戸城内の修築作業や幕府から出される諸令伝達や草履取り等の雑務に従事した。 Kurokuwa also indicated the unit of kurokuwa (construction workers) which was one of the organizations of Edo bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun,) consisting of kurokuwa who had been fudai (hereditary vassals) since the era of Matsudaira clan of Mikawa Province and were in charge of repairing work in the Edo-jo Castle, transmission of orders issued by the bakufu, miscellaneous affairs such as zoritori (sandal bearer, equivalent to a batman,) and whose status was komono (a lower servant) or chugen (a rank below common soldier) under the control of wakadoshiyori (a managerial position in Edo bakufu).
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大輪田泊の重要性を深くみとめた清盛は、上述したように、従来、南東風による風浪が港湾施設を破壊することが多かったため、湊の前面に人工島を築いて安全な碇泊地を設けようと、私費を投じて修築工事に着手した。 Considering the importance of Owada no tomari, Kiyomori built an artificial island in front of the port because, as mentioned before, traditionally the southeast wind and wave often destroyed the port facilities, and to build a safe dock, he began the reconstruction work by spending his own money.
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大輪田泊の永久的修築の計画は源頼朝・源義仲の挙兵にはじまる内乱とそれにつづく平氏の失権により中絶してしまったが、福原京に建てられた建造物群もまた治承・寿永の内乱のなかで源義仲によって全て焼き払われた。 The plan for the permanent reconstruction of Owada no tomari was derailed by the uprising of MINAMOTO no Yoritomo and MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka and the following downfall of Taira clan, but all the buildings in Fukuhara-kyo were also burnt down by MINAMOTO no Yoshinaka in Jisho-Juei Civil War.
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