
  • 借馬
    horse hire  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • りてきた
    a hired horse  - EDR日英対訳辞書

  • Bashaku (porters who used packhorses)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一揆
    Bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) ikki  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 時間で貸す借馬がある
    Horses can be hired by the hour.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • は時間でりられます
    You can hire horses by the hour.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • ここに時間で貸す借馬があるか
    Can horses be hired by the hour here?  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • という職業の人
    a person who is drayman  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 彼らは一頭立て軽車とりた。
    They hired a carryall and a horse.  - Weblio英語基本例文集
  • (ばしゃく)はを利用し、荷物を運搬する輸送業者。
    "Basyaku" was a road hauler who transported goods by horse.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • という職業の人が起こす一揆
    a riot raised by laborers  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 容姿端麗なのに、(うまい物を食べられるように)・車の嫁になりたかったのだ。
    She has a beautiful figure, but wants to marry a man who is a shipping agent using horses and carts (in order to eat delicious food).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 致遠の「借馬」、姚守中の「牛訴冤」、睢景臣の「高祖還郷」、劉致の「上高監司」といった作品が有名。
    Works as 'Majie' by Ma Zhiyuan, 'Niu Suyuan' by Yao Shouzhong, 'Gaozu Huanxiang' by Sui Jingchen and 'Shanggao jiansi' by Liu Zhi are famous.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 八月 近江の蜂起、守護六角氏が徳政令発布。
    August: Bashaku in Omi rose up in rebellion, and the Rokkaku clan, shugo (provincial constable), promulgated Tokuseirei.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また一揆に参加する人はや問屋や問丸など。
    Participants in an uprising included bashaku (shipping agents who used horses), toiya (warehouse merchants) and toimaru (specialized wholesale merchants).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この職業に従事する人を(ばしゃく)あるいは子(まご)、使用されたを駄(だば)あるいは稼(かせぎうま)・荷(にうま)、輸送料金を駄賃(だちん)と称した。
    Those engaged in this occupation were called a bashaku (shipping agent using horses) or mago (packhorse driver), while the horse was called a daba (packhorse), kasegiuma (horse for earning) or niuma (draft horse), and the transportation fee was called dachin (carriage charge).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1925年春季は阪神競倶楽部の鳴尾競場をりて代替開催をしたが、これが競法に基づき券発売の伴う初の競開催となった。
    In the spring of 1925, Naruo Race Track of Hanshin Horse Racing Club was leased to hold horse racing, which was the first horse racing event accompanied by the sale of betting tickets based on the Horse Racing Act.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 幾松や対藩士大島友之允の助けをりながら、潜伏生活に入る。
    Supported by Ikumatsu and Tomonojo OSHIMA of the Tsushima clan, he went into hiding.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • サウス・ケンジントンの具店の2階を間りしていて、地下鉄の駅からも遠くはなかった。
    half a house above a saddler's shop in South Kensington, not far from the tube station.  - Virginia Woolf『ラピンとラピノヴァ』
  • 6月(盗賊討伐への出陣、武具乗用、出陣の命令系統と心得、武具・具の名称)、
    June: Departure for the subjugation of robbers, borrowing of weapons and horses, knowledge of departure for battle and of the chain of command, and nomenclature of weapons and harness  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1912年末には島原競場の賃期限が迫り、また火災で競場が焼失する被害を受けたため、1913年に競場を京都府船井郡須知町(現京丹波町、旧丹波町)に移転し1923年春季まで競が開催された。
    Since the lease contract for Shimabara Race Track expired at the end of 1912 and the Track was damaged by fire, the horse track was relocated to Shuchi-cho, Funai County Kyoto Prefecture (presently, Kyotanba-cho, former Tanba-cho) in 1913 and horse racing was held there until the spring of 1923.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 琴は、実在したかもしれない8人の武士の物語ではなく、彼らの名をりた伝奇小説(稗史)をつくると言明している。
    Bakin clearly stated that what he intended to create was not a story of warriors who might have existed but a fantasy novel (historical fiction) based on their names.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 延暦寺が徳政令に反対した事から同支配下の近江のが一揆から離反・敵対するも、一揆は更に清水寺占拠。
    Enryaku-ji Temple opposed the promulgation of Tokuseirei, causing bashaku in Omi ruled by Enryaku-ji Temple to break away from the uprising, even turning against it as the uprising further occupied Kiyomizu-dera Temple.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そうした流れの中で、百姓や地侍、らが広域的に連合する土一揆が発生したと考えられている。
    It is now considered that the state of consciousness caused peasants, jizamurai (local samurai), and bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in a wide area to come together to start Tsuchi-ikki.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代に入ると、畿内においても商業の活発化によりと呼ばれる輸送集団が現れるようになった。
    As it became the Kamakura period, increased commercial activity caused the emergence of transportation groups called bashaku in Kinai (Kinki region) as well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町時代には大和国八木(現在の奈良県橿原市)にの座が形成されたほか、各地に同様の職業が広まっていった。
    During the Muromachi period, a bashaku guild was organized in Yagi, Yamato Province (present Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture), and similar occupations prevailed in various areas.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • マリンズ夫人は息子とブラウン氏の手をりて正面玄関の階段を下り、巧みに巧みに操られて、車の中に押し上げられた。
    Mrs. Malins was helped down the front steps by her son and Mr. Browne and, after many manoeuvres, hoisted into the cab.  - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • 夫は(希望通りの)・車で字は越方部津五郎、名は津守持行、東は大津・坂本から西は淀・山崎まで走り回っている。
    (As she hoped,) her husband is a shipping agent using horses and carts, and his pseudonym is OCHIKATABE no Tsugoro and his real name is Mochiyuki TSUMORI; he runs around from Otsu and Sakamoto in the east to Yodo and Yamasaki in the west.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 陸上交通では、車などの陸上輸送業者、海上交通では廻船を用いて輸送や委託販売を行う中継業者の問丸が活躍する。
    Land-based trade relied on ground transportation traders like bashaku (who used packhorses) and shashaku (who used carriages), while sea-based trade was dependent on monmaru (shipping agents), relay traders who utilized light trading vessels to transport goods or items sold via consignment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 地位と権勢にものをいわせて強引にり受けると二度と返さず、そのの名前を「仲綱」と改め、の尻に「仲綱」の焼印までして社交の場に率いてゆき、源仲綱に屈辱を味わわせる。
    Once he had successfully used his position of power to forcefully borrow the horse, he did not return it to Nakatsuna, changed the name of the horse to 'Nakatsuna,' and branded 'Nakatsuna' on the rump of the horse humiliating MINAMOTO no Nakatsuna.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国の全額金返済と都道府県市町村区の全額金返済の為の知的所有財産のヘドロ処理運搬車装置の著作権原本コメント2008年8月24日PM20時22分33秒ヘドロ処理運搬車の図面を漸く書き終え再び書き始める美牛カンキチ。
  • その組織力や情報の得やすさなどから、室町時代には、一揆の中心にもなり、正長の土一揆や嘉吉の徳政一揆などが知られているが、後者では一揆の攻撃対象となった比叡山延暦寺の保護を受けていた近江国のが一揆から離反して、勢力そのものが分裂している。
    In the Muromachi Period because of its organizational power and the ease-of-getting information the Bashaku played the central role at the riots in which the Tsuchi-ikki in Shocho era and the Tokusei-ikki in Kakitsu era were famous for, and in the latter the Bashaku in Omi Province who were taken under Hieizan Enryaku-ji Temple that was attacked by the riot seceded from the riot force so that the Bashaku power itself was split.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国の全額金返済と都道府県市町村区の全額金返済の為の多機能インプット全自動ロボットの著作権原本。コメント2008年8月30日AM1時16分11秒原本図面幾らかコピー取って眠る美牛カンキチ。2008年9月4日PM17時49分47秒多機能ロボット図面とロボット原本図を作り終えて、漸く再び書き始める美牛カンキチ。
  • 凶作(前年からの天候不順)、流行病(三日病)、将軍の代替わり(足利義持から足利義教へ)などの社会不安が高まる中、近江国坂本や大津のが徳政を求める。
    With growing social unrest, such as poor harvest (unseasonable weather from the previous year), epidemic (mikka-yami (three-day disease)), and replacement of the shogun (from Yoshimochi ASHIKAGA to Yoshinori ASHIKAGA), bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in Sakamoto of Omi Province and Otsu demanded debt cancellation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この背景には、南北朝の動乱期に目覚めた支配下の農民層への支配力の強化、室町幕府や守護大名の支配や干渉への対抗、や問丸といった運送業の発達に伴う流通経済・地域経済の伸張がある。
    Behind this were the strengthening of the rule against the farmers which arose during the turbulence of the South and North Courts, opposition against ruling and intervention by Muromachi bakufu and shugo daimyo, and the expansion of a distribution economy and the local economy due to development of transport businesses such as bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) and toimaru (specialized wholesale merchants.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 立原久綱・横道正光・牛尾弾正忠・三刀屋蔵人・遠藤甚九郎ら尼子遺臣団は、山名豊祐の家老垣屋播磨守を頼り、但国を経由し奈佐日本之介の手をりて隠岐に依る。
    The Amago Remnant Corps (a group of retainers set adrift by the downfall of the Amago clan), including Hisatsuna TACHIHARA, Masamitsu YOKOJI, USHIO Danjo no jo ("danjo no jo" derives from a judicial post called, "jo," the equivalent of a judge, in the "Danjo," the Ministry of Justice), Kurodo MITOYA (三刀屋蔵人), and Jinkuro ENDO, relied on KAKIYA Harima no kami (the foregoing "Harima no kami" refers to the Governor of Harima Province), who was the chief retainer of Toyosuke YAMANA, to make their passage through Tajima Province, and then took refuge in Oki with the aid of Yamatonosuke NASA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祖父・実資の資房への期待は大きく、この年の白節会に参加する資房のために政敵である藤原道長に烏犀の石帯をり受けるなど寵愛を受けるとともに小野宮流の有職故実を継承する事となる。
    His grandfather Sanesuke had great expectations of Sukefusa and Sukefusa won Sanesuke's favor (for example, Sanesuke borrowed usai no ishiobi (a kimono belt with rhinoceros stones) from his political enemy FUJIWARA no Michinaga for the sake of Sukefusa who participated in Hakuba no sechi-e (a seasonal court banquet) held in that year) and eventually Sukefusa inherited Yusoku kojitsu (knowledge of court rules, ceremony, decorum and records of the past) of the Ononomiya Line.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 六月の嘉吉の乱で将軍足利義教が殺されると政治的混乱の中「代初めの徳政」を求めて(天下一同の徳政令)京都近江坂本のを中心に農民が蜂起、地侍が指導し、数万人の一揆にふくれあがった。
    In the political turmoil after the assassination of Shogun Yoshinori ASHIKAGA in the Kakitsu War, the farming population lead by bashaku (shipping agents who used horses) in Omi Sakamoto in Kyoto rose up in rebellion to demand 'daihajime-no-tokusei (acts of virtuous government requested at shogun replacement)' (Tenkaichido no Tokuseirei (a debt cancellation order for all throughout the country)), which was directed by jizamurai (local samurai) and lead to an uprising by tens of thousands of people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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