
  • 我々のチームは健闘むなしく涙をのんだ.
    Our team was beaten in spite of a good fight.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 城主不在にもかかわらず城兵は健闘し敵を寄せ付けなかったが、やがて城内で一部の兵が裏切り敵を手引きしたため奮戦空しく落城。
    Despite the fact that the lord of the castle was absent, the garrison fought very spiritedly and prevented the enemy from drawing close, but soon after one portion of the garrison betrayed their comrades, switched sides and guided the attackers into the castle, rendering vain all the hard fighting and making surrender inevitable.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
