
  • 優詔を賜る
    The Emperor granted us a gracious message  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 優詔を賜る
    We were honoured with a gracious Imperial message.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 衆議院に渥なる勅を賜った
    The Emperor was pleased to send a gracious message to the House Of Representatives.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 議会に渥な聖を賜った
    The Emperor honoured the Diet with a gracious address.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • こうした動きに対し、桂首相は明治天皇の諒闇中(服喪期間)であるから政争を中止するように諭した大正天皇の勅(優詔)を受けてこれを乱発し、政府批判を封じた(優詔政策)。
    Against this movement, Prime Minister Katsura frequently abused "Shochoku" (imperial edict) of Emperor Taisho, which was originally issued by the Emperor to stop the political disputes, respecting the period for mourning of former Emperor Meiji (Imperial Edict Tactics), and tried to silence the people's criticism of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 事態の急変に対して山縣は、内閣と陸軍を調停する優詔を起案したが桂により握りつぶされる。
    Seeing a sudden turn of the political situation, Yamagata prepared a draft of an imperial edict to mediate an accord between the Saionji Cabinet and the Japanese Army, but Katsura crushed the draft.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、西園寺は「違勅」(政争を辞めるようにとの天皇の「優詔」に違反した罪)を盾に政友会総裁の辞任を表明する。
    Saionji announced his resignation from the presidency of the Seiyukai with the pretext that 'he violated the edict' (it was his fault that he was not able to stop political disputes following the imperial edict).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところが一条天皇の代、正暦2年(991年)皇太后藤原詮子落飾の際、皇太后宮職を停めると同時に、優詔あって東三条院の院号が贈られ、「女院」が出現したのである。
    But during the reign on Emperor Ichijo, in 991, when Empress Dowager FUJIWARA no Senshi was tonsured, she had the good fortune to be given the title of Tosanjoin at the same time as she quit her palace position of empress dowager, and a "Nyoin" was born.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 皇位を巡る争いとは生涯無縁であったが、学識豊かで楽才にもれた風流人であり、父醍醐天皇は崩御の間際に重明親王を代明親王共々召して遺を託した。
    He never had any disputes over the imperial throne, but he had made great attainments and had refined taste and excellent musical talent, so his father, Emperor Daigo, left him a will in the presence of both Imperial Prince Shigeakira and Imperial Prince Yoshiakira during the Emperor's last moment.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これに対しては、即位という公式の宣言の中で天皇を無視し、天皇の権威よりも皇太子のほうが越していたという事実を是認することは穏当ではないとする批判があり、現在では支持されていない。
    Toward this theory, some scholars criticized that it is not appropriate to admit the fact that the dominance of the crown prince over the emperor's authority was advocated in the official oath like the imperial edict, ignoring the presence of the emperor, and nowadays, this theory is not supported.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 道真はれた学者として知られ、阿衡事件の際に、基経がなおもを起草した橘広相の流罪を求めたときに上書して諫言した人物であった。
    Michizane was well-known as an eminent scholar; during the Ako Incident, he had written to the court remonstrating Mototsune when Mototsune still kept on calling for the banishment of TACHIBANA no Hiromi, who drafted the edict.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 桂は斎藤実海相を優詔により留任させると、若槻禮次郎、後藤新平ら自前の官僚勢力、イギリス流政治を信奉する加藤高明(駐英大使)を入閣させて自前の内閣を組織している。
    Katsura organized his Cabinet in his own way by making Makoto SAITO, the minister of the Navy in the former Cabinet, stay in office with the help of an Imperial edict, and inviting some bureaucrats of his influence, such as Reijiro WAKATSUKI and Shinpei GOTO, as well as the espouser of British politics, Takaaki KATO (Japanese Ambassador to Britain).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内親王の薨去に際し、光仁天皇は五百井女王・五百枝王を二世王として遇するを発した(本来は五世王であるが、天皇の外孫のため格別に二世王(皇孫)として処遇することにした)。
    On the death of the imperial princess, the Emperor Konin issued the imperial edict promoting Ioi no Joo and Ioe no okimi to the second generation prince and princess (although they were originally the fifth generation princess and prince, they were raised to the second generation (imperial descendant) because they were the emperor's grandchildren from a daughter married into another family).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大正政変は、山縣有朋・桂率いる陸軍・長州閥が第2次西園寺内閣を倒閣し、これに反対する民衆運動が政党組織や優詔政策といった小手先の政策で交わそうとする「閥族内閣」を打倒したというイメージが強い。
    The typical image of the Taisho Seihen is the public movement that toppled the 'clique-ruling Cabinet' formed by the Japanese Army and the former Choshu Domain clique, led by Aritomo YAMAGATA and Taro KATSURA respectively, because the public took objection to the Cabinet which, after overthrowing of the second Saionji Cabinet, tried to silence the public voices by fiddling measures such as the party politics and the Imperial Edict Tactics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 桂の新政策とその意欲の一方で、優詔政策の失敗など護憲運動への対応の迷走、政友会との決定的な対立、貴族院工作の失敗、山縣・寺内正毅ら陸軍内部からの不信が桂を追いつめていくことになる。
    Although Katsura implemented new policies in earnest, a series of blunders in his politics, such as the failure in his Imperial Edict Tactics and countermeasures against the Campaign for the Defense of the Constitution, fierce conflict with the Seiyukai, failure in political maneuvering of the House of Peers, and a growing distrust of him among the people of the Japanese Army including Aritomo YAMAGATA and Masatake TERAUCHI, drove him into a corner.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしこの宣言は、戦前戦中に「修身」の教科書などで国民が意識していた“日本国民は秀な民族であり、世界の支配者たるべき立場にある”という概念を否定する文脈にあること、書の冒頭において「五箇条の御誓文」を掲げていることに見られるように、かならずしも従来の天皇のありかたそのものを否定するものでは無かったとする説もあった。
    There was a theory stating that this declaration, seen as denying that, "Japanese people are a perfect race in position to rule the world," which was promoted to the people before and during the war through textbooks of 'Shushin' (moral training), etc., and having a 'Charter Oath of Five Articles' declared at the beginning of Shosho (Imperial edict), not necessarily denied completely the way the Emperor existed in the past.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
