
  • 先年
    a period of time some years ago  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • next($method) ひとつ先 (年、月、週、日など) のカレンダーの URI 文字列を取得します。
    Gets the URI string for the next calendar unit (year, month, week or day etc)  - PEAR
  • 先年、義朝は尾張国にて家人の長田忠致の裏切りで亡くなった。)
    In previous years, when Yoshitomo had been in Owari Province, a member of the family named Tadamune OSADA had died due to treachery.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ここで晴季は先年の信長への三職推任問題を念頭に秀吉に関白就任を勧めた。
    With Nobunaga's sanshoku-suinin-mondai of a few years back in mind, Harusue at this point recommended that Hideyoshi assume the position of Kanpaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家光がどこの柿かと聞くと「先年拝領しました柿の種が実をつけました」と答えたという。
    It is said that when Iemitsu asked where they were from, Tenkai answered 'The seeds of the persimmons that I was given several years ago are in fruit.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一、信長の生涯の内、勝利を失ったのは先年三方ヶ原の戦いへ援軍を使わした時で、勝ち負けの習いはあるのは仕方ない。
    14. During Nobunaga's life, the time when I lost a battle was when I sent the reinforcements for the Battle of Mikatagahara last year, and it is ordinary that someone wins and someone loses.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは、先年に廃藩となった伏見藩に代わって、新たに京都を防備するために立藩されたのである。
    The Yodo Domain was established to protect Kyoto as a replacement for the Fushimi Domain, which had been abolished the year before.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 先年満了の2月以内に,優先権の回復に関する特許協力条約に基づく規則第26の2.3規則にいう手数料
    the fee referred to in Rule 26bis.3 of the Regulations under the Patent Cooperation Treaty regarding restoration of priority within two months of the expiry of the priority year.  - 特許庁
  • ただし、先年の四国征伐と同様に九州征伐が比較的短期間で終わったことは、三成という有能な行政官僚が輜重を担当していたからだとも言われている。
    The expedition to Kyushu finished within a short period, as did the previous year's expedition to Shikoku, because Mitsunari, who was a talented leader of bureaucrats, had effectively managed the transport of military goods.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正3年(1575年)、勝頼は先年徳川家康に寝返った奥平親子を討伐するために兵1万5000(一説には8000から1万)を率いて三河国へ侵入した。
    In 1575, Katsuyori invaded Mikawa Province, leading 15,000 soldiers (8,000 to 10,000 soldiers, according to one theory) to subdue Sadayoshi OKUDAIRA and his son Nobumasa, who had switched sides to Ieyasu TOKUGAWA in the previous year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一、先年、朝倉をうち破ったとき、戦機の見通しが悪いとしかったところものともせず、結局自身の正当性を吹聴し、あまつさえその場を立ち破るに至って信長も面目を失った。
    8. Last year, when we defeated ASAKURA, you insisted on your legitimacy despite being scolded for your bad forecasting in the battle, and moreover you breached your position, staining Nobunaga's honor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 先年の戦功により左武衛将軍・河源軍副使となった黒歯常之は精鋭の騎兵3000を率いて、再び、吐蕃の陣を夜襲して、吐蕃軍を退却させた。
    Joshi KOKUSHI, who was awarded the post of the General of the Left Military Guard and the Vice Commander of the Kogen section as a reward for his contributions in former years, again made a night attack on the Toban camp with his best-picked elite 3,000 cavalrymen and made the enemy retreat.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 先年より了翁が願い出ていた件については、新しく輪王寺宮となった守全法親王(のち天真法親王を名乗る)と東叡山両知事の了解を得た。
    As to the matter of Ryoo's petition in the previous year, the new Rinoji-No-Miya, Shuzen Hosshinno (later, he called himself as Tenshin Hosshinno [Cloistered Imperial Prince Tenshin]), and the prefectural governor of Toei-zan Ryoo, each gave their consent to Ryoo.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉元から内願した形式をとった後、5月28日(旧暦)に元次のお預けを免じ、先年の吉元の願い通りに、元次の隠退と百次郎の家督相続を許可した。
    After the restoration took the shape that Yoshimoto asked for on May 28 (old calendar), Mototsugu was released from custody, and just as Yoshimoto asked for before, Mototsugu's withdraw and Hyakujiro's succession to the family headship was permitted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更に翌年には宇佐八幡宮からの再度の神託があり、先年の神託が偽神託であったとして封戸の返却を申し出たとされている。
    Furthermore, it is said that in the following year Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine reported the second oracle, which revealed that the oracle of the preceding year was false and therefore Usa Hachiman-gu Shrine offered return of fuko (salary) to the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉元から内願した形式をとった後、5月28日(旧暦)に元次のお預けを免じ、先年の吉元の願い通りに、元次の隠退と百次郎の家督相続を許可した。
    On July 15, taking the form of request from Yoshimoto, Mototsugu was freed from the taken-care-of state, resigned from the lord post, as Yoshimoto requested in the previous year, and it was permitted for Momojiro to inherit the family head position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「賢聖の障子」の成立の確かな資料は、『日本紀略』延長(元号)七年(929年)の条に、「少内記小野道風をして紫宸殿障子を賢聖像に改書せしむ。先年道風書く所なり」とあり、この以前から存在していたことになる。
    The clear evidence of the existence of 'Kenjo no shoji ' is a description in the section of the year of 929 of "Nihongi Ryaku" (history book of six countries) as 'Shonaiki made ONO no Michikaze overdraw the image of Kenjo sage on the Shoji of Shishinden. In past years ONO no Michikaze wrote it.,' therefore, it could have existed before this.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、土佐藩の儒学者・戸部良煕が、土佐に漂着した琉球士族より聴取して記した『大島筆記』(1776年)の中に、先年来琉した公相君が組合術という名の武術を披露したとの記述があることが知られている。
    Also, it is known that "Oshima Hikki" (the notes of Oshima, 1776), which Yoshiteru TOBE, a Confucian scholar at Tosa Province, wrote based on interviews with Ryukyu warriors who had been washed up to Tosa, reads that Koshokun, a Chinese martial artist, showcased the techniques of the martial art called 'kumiai-jutsu' when visiting the Ryukyu Kingdom in the previous year.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • だが、貞享4年(1687年)中院通茂が先年の暴言の事実と皇太子への悪意の疑いで追放され(ただし、後年許されて霊元上皇と東山天皇の推挙で幕府から加増を受けている)、直後に朝仁親王(東山天皇)への譲位と院政開始を宣言する。
    However, in 1687, Michishige NAKANOIN was expelled for his abusive remark earlier in the year and was suspected of ill intentions toward the Crown Prince (although he was remitted afterwards and his salaries from the Bakufu were increased at the recommendation of the Retired Emperor Reigen and Emperor Higashiyama), and immediately after that the incumbent emperor declared the abdication of his throne in favor or Imperial Prince Asahito (now Emperor Higashiyama) and the start of his assumption of the virtual reins of the court as retired emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第二次木津川口海戦での毛利水軍敗退を受けて本願寺は将来の弾薬や食料の欠乏を恐れ、天正7年(1579年)12月、ついに恒久的な和議を検討するようになり、密かに朝廷に先年の和解話のやり直しの希望を伝えた。
    With the defeat of the Mori navy in the second Battle of Kizu-gawa River Estuary, Hongan-ji Temple, worried about lack of ammunition and food in the future, finally began to seek for a permanent compromise and, in December 1579, secretly contacted the Imperial Court to ask for the resumption of the previous year's negotiation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また『武公伝』に角左衛門の説話として、御謡初の夜の席での雑談で、志水伯耆から「先年吉岡清十郎ト仕合ノ節、吉岡先ヲ打タル由致風聞候ガ如何ニテ候哉」と、武蔵が先に清十郎から打たれたという話があるが本当か、と武蔵が訊ねられ武蔵が否定する話が記述されている。
    "Buko-den" lists another tale by Kakuzaemon; according to that, at a dinner party of a first lesson of Yokyoku (Noh song) of year, Hoki no Kami (Governor of Hoki Province) Shimizu asked Musashi "I heard that at the fight of some years ago with Seijuro YOSHIOKA, Yoshioka had beaten you first, was that a fact?" and Musashi denied it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに、先年の土岐康行の乱で没落していた美濃国の土岐詮直、明徳の乱で滅ぼされた山名氏清の嫡男山名時清、近江国の京極秀満(出雲国守護京極高詮の弟)や延暦寺・興福寺衆徒、楠氏・菊地氏ら後南朝方と連絡をとり挙兵をうながした。
    In addition, Yoshihiro contacted several potential allies, including Akinao TOKI of Mino Province, who had been brought to ruin during Yasuyuki TOKI's rebellion a few years earlier, Tokikiyo YAMANA, eldest son and heir of Ujikiyo YAMANA, who had been destroyed during the Meitoku rebellion, Hidemitsu KYOGOKU (younger brother of Takanori KYOGOKU, the shugo of Izumo Province), the warrior monks of Enryaku-ji and Kofuku-ji Temples, and Gonancho (Second Southern Court) forces like the Kusunoki and Kikuchi clans, urging them to raise troops to oppose the shogunate.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 義弘は将軍家からの御恩の深さを感謝しながらも、今川了俊に従軍しての九州での戦い、明徳の乱、南北朝合一、少弐氏退治での自らの功績を述べ、それにも関わらず将軍家は和泉国と紀伊国を取り上げようとし、また先年の少弐氏との戦いで討ち死にした弟の満弘の子への恩賞がない不満を述べる。
    Yoshihiro said that he remained grateful for the deep favor the shogunal family had bestowed on him, but also listed his own accomplishments in the battles in Kyushu joining forces with Ryoshun IMAGAWA, in the Meitoku rebellion, in unifying the Southern and Northern Courts, and in the annihilation of the Shoni family before pointing out his dissatisfaction that despite these deeds, the Ashikaga family was trying to remove Izumi and Kii Provinces from his governance, and the fact that his nephew, the son of his younger brother Mitsuhiro - who had died in battle during the recent campaign against the Shoni family - had received no reward for his father's service.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
