
  • an heirloom
    先祖代々の家宝 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • an ancestral tomb
    先祖代々の墓 - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • ancestors
    先祖代々の人 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the business enterprise of one's predecessor
    先祖代々の家業 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • the condition of being handed down through generations
    先祖代々伝わっていること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a thing handed down through generations
    先祖代々伝わっているもの - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a book handed down from generation to generation
    先祖代々伝えられてきた文書 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • a name handed down from generation to generation
    先祖代々受け継いでいる名 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • one's homeland where the family tomb is located
    先祖代々の墓のある故郷 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • an ancestral trait
    先祖代々の先天的資質 - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • The peasant was deprived of the land that he had inherited from his ancestors.
    その農民は先祖代々の土地を召し上げられた. - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • the state of being passed down through generations of ancestors
    先祖代々現在まで受け継ぎ伝えていること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • an act of passing things down successive generations
    先祖代々受けついで子孫に伝えること - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • Since then, people of Karakuwa-cho have not eaten whales for generations.
    それ以来、唐桑町の人は先祖代々鯨を食べない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ancestors of the Nishina clan had for generations served as provincial military lords in Azumi Hamlet, Shinano Province.
    仁科氏は先祖代々信濃国安曇郡の国人領主であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • in the midst of which was situated the ancient tomb of the Capulets.
    その中央に、キャピュレット家の先祖代々の墓があった。 - Charles and Mary Lamb『ロミオとジュリエット』
  • While kamidana enshrines god, this enshrines the ancestral spirits of households.
    神棚が神を祭るものに対し、各家庭の先祖代々の霊を祀るためのものである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the suburbs, the lotus leaf trade continues as it is, with local people having sold seasonal items as lucky charms for generations at festivals and so on.
    郊外においては、蓮の葉商いのそのまま形で、地域に根ざした人々が、祭りなどで先祖代々に渡り、季節の縁起物を販売している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Yuranosuke and others leave the scene reluctantly saying, "This is the last time for us to see the castle where we, as well as our ancestors, worked around-the-clock."
    由良之助たちは「先祖代々、我々も代々、昼夜詰めたる館のうち」もう今日で終わりかと名残惜しげに去る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The word bodaiji originally referred to Buddhist temples that were established to pray for souls in the afterlife but it also refers to a temple housing the graves of successive generations of a family.
    菩提寺(ぼだいじ)は、仏教に於いて、もともと菩提を弔う寺院の事を指すが、先祖代々の墓所がある寺院の事も指す。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It also says 'Shuten Doji owned Mt. Hiei for generations but was forced by Denkyo Daishi to move to Mt. Oe.'
    また童子は「比叡山を先祖代々の所領としていたが、伝教大師に追い出され大江山にやってきた」とも述べている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition, during the Mototada's period, relations with Kofuku-ji Temple in Nanto (southern capital (Nara)) that had been a supporter for generations became chilled.
    また元忠の頃には、先祖代々の後援者であった南都興福寺との関係も冷却化していた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Hidemitsu admitted his defeat and told Naomasa, Hidemasa's chief retainer that he would give his family treasure for generations, then set fire to the castle and killed himself.
    敗北を悟った秀満は先祖代々の家宝を秀政の家老直政に譲る旨を告げ、城に火を放ち自害した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • King Bu presented documents to the emperor of China, depicting achievements in the unification of the Wa Sate, and detailing episodes of struggle, in the long history to unify, generation after generation, in Wa's ancestral past.
    武が中国皇帝に上表した文書には、先祖代々から苦労して倭の国土を統一した事績が記されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nikki no Ie (Houses with Diaries) is a nickname used to describe noble houses whose members kept diaries recording events relating to their families, and who passed these diaries down from generation to generation.
    日記の家(にっきのいえ/にきのいえ・日記之家)とは、先祖代々の手による家の日記(家記)を伝蔵した公家の呼称。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The belief, however, was connected (as I have previously hinted) with the gray stones of the home of his forefathers.
    が、その信念は(前にもちょっと述べたように)、彼の先祖代々の家の灰色の石と関連しているのだった。 - Edgar Allan Poe『アッシャー家の崩壊』
  • Patrasche came of a race which had toiled hard and cruelly from sire to son in Flanders many a century
    パトラッシュは、フランダース地方で何世紀にもわたって先祖代々酷使される種族の子孫でした。 - Ouida『フランダースの犬』
  • The purpose of the ceremony of reporting to the Three Shrines in the Imperial Court of the Imperial Ancestor's Shrine, is to report the enthronement of the new Emperor to the Imperial Ancestor's Shrine where successive Emperors were enthroned, or the Shrine where the gods of heaven and earth are enthroned.
    宮中三殿皇霊殿宮中三殿神殿に奉告の儀とは、先祖代々の皇霊を奉る皇霊殿、及び天神地祇を奉る神殿において、新天皇の即位を奉告する儀式である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to "Mino no Kuni Shokyuki," his ancestors worked as Hokumen no bushi (royal guards) for generations; his father was called MATSUNAMI Sakon Shogen Motomune, living in Nishino oka as a Ronin (samurai with no lord) for [unrevealed] reasons.
    『美濃国諸旧記』によると先祖代々北面の武士をつとめ、父は松波左近将監基宗といい、事情によって牢人となり西岡に住んでいたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Ii clan had been kokujin ryoshu (local samurai lords) of Iinoya, Totoumi Province for generations and Naomasa's grandfather (or one of Naomasa's family members) Naomori II died at the Battle of Okehazama, serving as a vassal of Yoshimoto IMAGAWA.
    井伊氏は先祖代々、遠江国井伊谷の国人領主であり、直政の祖父(または一族)井伊直盛は今川義元に仕えて桶狭間の戦いで戦死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Added to this was the conceptual system of forced relocation in which the Shogunate moved the territories of feudal lords at its discretion regardless of the former territories or ancestral lands of daimyo or hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu).
    転封という概念が加わり、旧領や大名・旗本の先祖代々の土地に縛られず、幕府の意向により領国そのものを異動させる制度が出来た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • "So the old gentleman, as I said, harnessed Johnny and put on his very best tall hat and his very best stock collar and drove out in grand style from his ancestral mansion somewhere near Back Lane, I think."
    「そこで老紳士は、そういうわけで、ジョニーに馬具をつけ、いちばん上等のシルクハットといちばん上等の硬く幅広い襟を着け、堂々たるスタイルで、確かどこかバックレーンの近くの先祖代々の邸宅から乗り出しました。」 - James Joyce『死者たち』
  • Another says that it is meant to salute to the three shrines, namely ujigami (a guardian god or spirit of a particular place in the Shinto religion) who is an ancestral guardian god, ubusunagami (guardian deity of your birthplace), who is the guardian god of your birthplace and the guardian god of your entire life, and chinju (local Shinto deity) who is the guardian god of the place where you live.
    もともとは先祖代々の守護神である氏神様、出生地の守護神でありその人の一生の守り神である産土神様、現在住んでいる地域の守護神である鎮守神様の三つの神様に挨拶をする意味で三社詣でていた、という説。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To solve the problem wherien: a person cannot purchase a gravesite because it is expensive even though he/she wants to have a grave; a grave has been built, but managing and visiting the grave is difficult, or that a person has an ancestral grave in his/her hometown, but he/she cannot visit the grave as desired.
    墓を建立したくても高額であるために墓苑の購入ができない、また墓は建立したが墓の管理またはお参りが容易ではない、また出身地の地方に先祖代々の墓があるが、やはりお参りにいけない等々の問題を解決することが発明が解決しようとする課題である。 - 特許庁
  • The Konoe Family inherited important documents, diaries such as the diary of FUJIWARA no Michinaga called "Mido Kanpakuki," and records of the imperial court ceremonies, and Masaie transferred many of these ancient documents to Iwakura located at the northern edge of Kyoto to avoid damage from the battle fires arising from the Onin-Bunmei Wars.
    近衛家は藤原氏嫡流として、藤原道長の日記『御堂関白記』をはじめとして、先祖代々の日記や朝廷儀式の記録など、重要な文書を相伝してきたが、政家は応仁・文明の乱に際し、これら大量の古文書を戦火の災いから避けるため、京都の北郊の岩倉に運び出しておいた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said the reason why Ieyasu gave important posts to Naomasa, whose family had not been serving the Tokugawa clan, was not only because of Naomasa's great ability in tactical maneuvers and politics, his military prowess, nor his relation by his daughter's marriage to Tadayoshi MATSUDAIRA, the fourth son of Ieyasu, but was chiefly because Naomasa was such a beautiful man that Ieyasu fell for him seriously, despite his general dislike of homosexuality.
    先祖代々、徳川氏の家臣ではない直政を家康が重用した理由は、直政が武勇だけではなく、知略や政治にも長けていたことや家康の四男・松平忠吉との姻戚関係のことももちろんだが、最大の理由は、直政があまり衆道を好まなかった家康に本気で惚れ込まれるほどの美男子だったからだと言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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