
  • 八丈
    Hachijo Island in Japan  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 鳥も通わぬ八丈
    the out-of-the-way isle of Hachijo  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 鳥も通わぬ八丈ケ島
    the remote island of Hachijo  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 八丈という絹織物
    the silk fabric called yellow silk cloth  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 八丈という織り物
    a silken Japanese textile called {auburn 'Hachijo'}  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 八丈絹という絹織物
    silk textile goods called 'hachijo' silk  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • この魚は八丈島産だった。
    The fish was from Hachijo Island.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 八丈絹に似た織り方をした織物
    textile goods that are woven similarly to 'hachijo' silk  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 出獄後、八丈島で事業を行う。
    After having been discharged from prison, he started business in Hachijo-jima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これらの魚は八丈島でさばかれ,加工される。
    The fish are cut and processed on the island.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 『恋娘昔八丈』(お駒才三)、『伽羅先代萩』(先代萩)、『遇曾我中村』など。
    "Koimusume Mukashihachijo" (Okoma Saiza), "Meiboku Sendaihagi" (Sendaihagi) and "Saikai Soga Nakamura" etc.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 梅雨小袖昔八丈(明治6年・1873年)……通称:髪結新三(かみゆいしんざ)
    Tsuyu Kosode Mukashi Hachijo (1873), which is commonly called Kamiyui Shinza (Shinza the Barber).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同校では,八丈島産のムロアジやメダイも給食に使われている。
    Mackerel scad and Japanese butterfish from the island have also been used in lunches at the school.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • それでもやはり八丈島での生活は不自由であったらしく、「偶然嵐のため八丈島に退避していた福島正則の家臣に酒を恵んでもらった話」や「八丈島の代官におにぎりを馳走してもらった話」などの逸話が伝わっている。
    Having said that, it seems living in Hachijo-jima Island was inconvenient for him, and he was the subject of anecdotes, such as 'he was given alcohol in charity by Masanori FUKUSHIMA's vassal who, by chance, had come to Hachijo-jima Island to take shelter from a storm,' and 'he was treated to rice balls by a local magistrate of Hachijo-jima Island.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日本語に方言は数あれど、このような活用を残すのは八丈方言だけである。
    Among the large number of dialects in the Japanese language, only the Hachijo dialect takes this kind of form.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 据置形 御陣乗太鼓(石川県)、八丈太鼓(東京都)、鼓囃子(沖縄県)
    Sueoki-gata (the style with the drum placed on the floor): Gojinjo-daiko (Japanese Drum Formation, Ishikawa Prefecture), Hachijo-daiko (Tokyo metropolitan area), Tsuzumi-bayashi (drum accompaniment, Okinawa Prefecture).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治後、伊東暗殺の嫌疑により相馬主計が八丈島に流されている。
    In the Meiji period, Kazue SOMA was sentenced to exile to Hachijo Island on the charge of assassinating Ito.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 家康の死後、恩赦により刑が解かれたが秀家は八丈島に留まったという説もある。
    One theory has it that although he was set free under an amnesty after the Ieyasu's death, Hideie stayed in Hachijo-jima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 二郎丸は出家し、承元2年(1208年)に八丈島に弥陀寺を創建した(現在の宗福寺)。
    Jiromaru entered the Buddhist priesthood and in 1208 founded Mida-dera Temple (known as Sofuku-ji Temple today).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (子孫は流罪先の八丈島で家系を保ち、現在も同島で墓を守り続けている)。
    (His descendants maintained the family line in Hachijo-jima Island, where Naoie was exiled, and, even today, they maintain the family grave.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 八丈島への終身流刑は27人、81人が禁固、謹慎など多数に至るに及んだ。
    A lot of people were punished; 27 people were sentenced to life deportation to Hachijo-jima Island, 81 people were sentenced to imprisonment and house arrest and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊豆に流された為朝だったが、傷も癒えて、八丈島など周囲の島の代官を追い出して占領してしまう。
    Although Tametomo has been exiled to Izu, his injuries heal; soon he expels the local magistrates from Hachijo-jima and other nearby islands, occupying their lands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 他の産地として、薩摩出身の流人である丹宗右衛門が製法を持ち込んだ八丈島などが挙げられる。
    The other area is Hachijojima island where Shoemon TANSO who was an exile from Satsuma, brought the process to make it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶長11年(1606年)、同地での公式史上初の流人として伊豆諸島・八丈島へ配流となった。
    In 1606, he was sent to Hachijo-jima Island of the Izu Island chain as the first exile in the official history of the Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 八丈島では号を久福と改め、妻の実家である前田氏・宇喜多旧臣であった花房正成らの援助を受けて50年を過ごした。
    In Hachijo-jima Island, he changed his name to Hisafuku and stayed there for 50 years, supported by his wife's family, the Maeda clan; and Masanari HANAFUSA, an old vassal of the Ukita family.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • こうして大名としての宇喜多家は滅亡したが、秀家と共に流刑となった長男と次男の子孫が八丈島で血脈を伝えた。
    The Ukita family were destroyed as feudal lords, but the blood linage was passed on to descendants of his first and second sons who were deported to Hachijo-jima Island with Hideie.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治にいたり一族は東京に移住したが数年後に八丈島に戻った子孫の家系が現在も墓を守り続けている。
    The family moved to Tokyo in the Meiji period, and a family of a descendant who returned to Hachijo-jima Island still continues to take care of his grave.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 秀家が釣りをしていたと伝わる八丈島・大賀郷の南原海岸には、西(=備前国)を臨む秀家と豪姫の石像が建てられている。
    The stone statues of Hideie and Gohime facing the west (Bizen Province) have been erected on the Nanbara Beach in Ogago, Hachijo-jima Island where Hideie is said to have fished.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 墓所:東京都八丈町大賀郷の稲場墓地、東京都板橋区板橋の丹船山薬王樹院東光寺。
    His grave can be found at Inaba-bochi Cemetery in Ogago, Hachijo-jima Island, Tokyo and the Tansenzan Yakuojuin Toko-ji Temple in Itabashi Ward, Tokyo  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 唐は長さ八丈(24m)の船一隻を造り9人の水手と30人をもって高元度を帰朝させる。
    The Tang court ordered the creation of a 24 meter-long ship, crewing it with nine sailors and loading it with thirty passengers, and then used this ship to send Ko Gendo back to Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1900年(明治33年)伊豆諸島に大島島庁、八丈島庁、小笠原諸島に小笠原島庁が設置された。
    In 1900 the Oshima island government and Hachijo island government were established in the Izu Island chain, and the Ogasawara island government in Ogasawara Islands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 2009年には,10トンを超える八丈島産のトビウオやムロアジが東京の都心部で給食に使われた。
    In 2009, over 10 tons of flying fish and mackerel scad from Hachijo Island were used in school lunches in Tokyo's urban areas.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • また、東国方言の四段動詞と形容詞の連体形は、「立と月」「愛(かな)しけ妹(いも)」のように中央語とは異なる独特の語形を取るが、八丈島で話される八丈方言は「書こ時」「高け山」のように、上代東国方言と同様の語形を取ることで知られている。
    The quadrigraded conjugation verbs and the attributive form of adjectives of the dialects in the Togoku region such as 'Ta to tsuku' ('Tatsu to tsuki' [the new moon comes]) and 'Kanashike imo' ('Itoshii Imoto' [my sweet younger sister]) take unique forms different from the standard Japanese; on the other hand, it is known that the Hachijo dialect spoken in Hachijo-jima island such as 'Kakotoki' ('Kakutoki' [when man writes]) and 'Takake yama' ('Takaki Yama' [a high mountain]) takes the same form as that of the ancient dialects of the Togoku region.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『暗闇の丑松』のお今、『ひらかな盛衰記・源太勘当』の延寿、『梅雨小袖昔八丈』(髪結新三)の後家お常など新作や時代物、世話物などに名演技を示した。
    He made excellent performances in new works, Jidaimono (historical drama), and Sewamono (play dealing with the lives of ordinary people), by playing the roles of Oima in "Kurayamino Ushimatsu", Enju in "Hirakana Seisuiki Genta Kando," and widow Otsune in "Tsuyukosode Mukashi Hachijo" (Kamiyui Shinza.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 正兵衛は棺桶に隠れて脱走しようとするが捕らえられる(この場では他所事浄瑠璃『恋娘昔八丈』(お駒才三)「鈴が森引き回しの段」が使われ、清吉の心情を上手く表している)。
    Shobei tries to escape by hiding himself in the coffin, but gets captured (in this scene, Seikichi's sentiment is well expressed by a scene borrowed from Yosogoto Joruri "Koimusume Mukashi Hachijo" [The Love-Inspired Murder; also known as Okoma Saiza], "Suzugamori Hikimawashi Scene" [the scene of a criminal being dragged to the execution ground]).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 為朝の庶子の太郎丸と二郎丸の双子は、北条時政にその旨を訴え、源頼朝により太郎丸は大島の領主、二郎丸は八丈島の領主に任じられた。
    The twins Taromaru and Jiromaru, who were illegitimate children of Tametomo, appealed this fact to Tokimasa HOJO, so MINAMOTO no Yoritomo appointed Taromaru the lord of Oshima Island and appointed Jiromaru the lord of Hachijo-jima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後1767年(明和4年)山県大弐らによる「明和事件」の際、関与を疑われて八丈島に流罪となり、送られる途中に三宅島で病没した。
    Afterwards, when Daini YAMAGATA and others caused the 'Meiwa Incident' in 1767, he was suspected of having been involved in it and sentenced to the banishment to Hachijo-jima Island, but in course of transportation he died of illness in Miyake-jima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後に日本は林子平著『三国通覧図説』の記述を根拠として領有を主張し、八丈島住民などを積極的に移住させることで、列強から領有権を承認されることになる。
    Later, Japan would confirm its territorial right to the islands among the powerful countries of the world--the basis of the approval lay in the "Sangoku Tsuran Zusetsu" (Illustrated General Survey of Three Countries), written by Shihei HAYASHI after Japan forced the residents of Hachijo-jima Island to immigrate to the Ogasawara Islands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、キリシタン棄教の要求を拒否した上、家康の正式な側室への抜擢に難色を示したため、慶長17年(1612年)に禁教令により駿府より追放され、まず伊豆大島に、ついで八丈島もしくは新島に、それから最後に神津島に流罪となった。
    Since she refused to forsake her faith in Christianity and showed reluctance to become an officially-acknowledged concubine of Ieyasu's, she was ousted from Sunpu-jo Castle for violation of the Ban on Christianity, and was exiled first to Izu-oshima Island in 1612, then to Hachijo-jima Island or Nii-jima Island, and finally to Kozu-shima Island.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1841年土佐国の漁師万次郎(後のジョン万次郎中浜万次郎)が漁の最中に遭難、漂着した鳥島(八丈支庁)でアメリカの捕鯨船に救助されハワイに渡航、1843年にマサチューセッツ州に渡り、カリフォルニア州を経由し、1851年、琉球経由で日本に帰国。
    In 1841, a fisherman from Tosa Province by the name of Manjiro (later John Manjiro NAKAHAMA), lost in the middle of the ocean while fishing was rescued by an American whale ship at Torishima Island (Hachijo Division) and safely continued on to Hawaii, arriving in Massachusetts in 1843 and returning to Japan via California in 1851.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実際にアメリカが、日本近海で捕鯨を目的とした操業を行っていた例として、ジョン・マンこと中濱万次郎は、高知沖で、遭難し無人島の鳥島(八丈支庁)に仲間といたところ、アメリカの捕鯨船に救助された。
    Manjiro NAKAHAMA, also known as John Mung, who was wrecked on the deserted island of Torishima (now Hachijo Sub-prefecture, belonging to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of General Affairs) with his friends when he was fishing off the coast of Kochi, were rescued by an American who had been whaling in the waters close to Japan--this serves as an actual example of American whaling.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 世話物では『四谷怪談』の民谷伊右衛門、『於染久松色読販』(お染の七役)の鬼兵衛、『四千両小判梅葉』(四千両しせんりょう)の藤岡藤十郎、『梅雨小袖昔八丈』(髪結新三かみゆいしんざ)の弥太五郎源七、『極付幡随長兵衛』の幡随院長兵衛、『東山桜荘子』(佐倉義民伝さくらぎみんでん)の木内宗吾。
    Sewamono (domestic dramas dealing with the lives of commoners) roles included Iemon TAMIYA in "Yotsuya Kaidan," Onihei in "Osome Hisamatsu Ukina no Yomiuri" ("Osome no Nanayaku"), Tojuro FUJIOKA in "Shisenryo Koban no Umenoha" ("Shisenryo"), Yatagoro Genshichi in "Tsuyu Kosode Mukashi Hachijo" ("Kamiyui Shinza"), Banzuiin Chobei in "Kiwametsuki Banzuichobei," and Sogo KIUCHI in "Higashiyama Sakura Soshi" ("Sakura Giminden").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「本当の美しさ、劇の美しさは九段目やね。…ここに出てくる人間が、まず戸無瀬が緋綸子、小浪が白無垢、お石が前半ねずみで後半が黒、由良之助は茶色の着付に黒の上で青竹の袴、…本蔵は渋い茶系の虚無僧姿、力弥は東京のは黄八丈で、上方だと紫の双ツ巴の紋付…みんなの衣装の取り合わせが、色彩的に行ってもこれほど理に叶ったものはないですわな」
    "The real beauty of the play is in Act Nine. Tonose wears a hirinzu (scarlet figured-satin), Konami wears a shiromuku (white kimono), Oishi wears a grey costume in the first half and a black costume in the latter half, Yuranosuke wears a brown kimono and a pair of black hakama with green bamboo patters, Honzo wears a brown komuso costume, Rikiya wears a kihachijo (high-quality yellow silk) in Tokyo and montsuki (formal dress with family crest) of two comma designs in Kamigata. Various colors are used and they make perfect sense."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 久安2年(1146年)4月に、常胤はまず下総国衙から官物未進とされた分について「上品八丈絹参拾疋、下品七拾疋、縫衣拾弐領、砂金参拾弐両、藍摺布上品参拾段、中品五拾段、上馬弐疋、鞍置駄参拾疋」を納め、「其時国司以常胤可令知行郡務」と相馬郡司職を回復した。
    In May 1146, Tsunetane first paid the unpaid kanmotsu according to Shimosa no kokuga (local government of Shimosa), which was '30 hiki (one hiki is approx. 10.6m in length and approx. 34 cm in width) of high-quality silk cloths, 70 hiki of low-quality silk cloths, 12 ryo (an old unit of a weight) of clothes, 32 ryo of sakin (gold dust), 30 dan (an old unit of area) of high-quality printed textile dyed with various shades of indigo blue, 50 dan of high-quality medium-quality printed textile dyed with various shades of indigo blue, two horses, and 30 saddled horses,' and recovered '其時国司以常胤可令知行郡務' and the position of Soma gunji.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
