「天下の諸人貴賎を論ぜず、其の経営を以て偏に身の大事となす。」 He did not judge people based on their occupation, only on their progress.
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家臣の三輪文屋君は、「乘馬詣東國以乳部爲本興師還戰其勝必矣」(東国に難を避け、そこで再起を期し、入鹿を討つべし)と進言するが、山背大兄王は戦闘を望まず「如卿所 其勝必然但吾情冀十年不役百姓以一身之故豈煩勞萬民又於後世不欲民言由吾之故喪己父母豈其戰勝之後方言丈夫哉夫損身固國不亦丈夫者歟」(われ、兵を起して入鹿を伐たば、その勝たんこと定し。 Vassal MIWA no Fumiya no Kimi advised the prince "乘馬詣東國 以乳部爲本 興師還戰 其勝必矣 (Escape to the East and prepare to fight back against Iruka), but the prince didn't want to fight and said "如卿所 其勝必然 但吾情冀 十年不役百姓 以一身之故 豈煩勞萬民 又於後世 不欲民言由吾之故 喪己父母 豈其戰勝之後 方言丈夫哉 夫損身固國 不亦丈夫者歟" (if we take up arms and fight against Iruka, surely we will win.
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俳諧の師匠宝井其角は偶然両国橋で笹売りに身をやつしている赤穂浪士の大高忠雄に出会う。 Kikaku TAKARAI, a master of Haikai (seventeen-syllable verse), came across Tadao OTAKA, Ako Roshi (lordless samurai of Ako domain), who spent his time selling bamboo grass on the Ryogoku-bashi Bridge.
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其角は早速「年の瀬や水の流れも人の身も」と発句し、大高はこれに「あした待たるるこの宝船」と返し、仇討ちをほのめかす。 Kikaku straightaway started the poem by saying 'the end of the year, the flow of water and even people's lives are,' and Otaka completed and hinted at the revenge by saying 'waiting for the treasure ship to come the next day.'
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これも『薬師経』に薬師如来の力で人々の悪行が全て消滅するであろうと説いている中の、「告林神・樹神・山神・塚神・種々別神、殺諸畜生、取其血肉、祭祀一切夜叉羅刹食血肉者、書怨人字、并作其形、成就種々毒害呪術・厭魅蠱道・起屍鬼呪、欲断彼命、及壊其身」の句、特に「殺諸畜生」以下が基になったものとの説もある Here, too, "Yakushikyo Sutra" has a description in the section where every evil act done by people will be expiated by the power of Yakushi Nyorai, 'They pray to the spirits of the mountain forests, trees, and graves. They kill living beings in order to make sacrifices of blood and flesh to the yaksha and rakshasa ghosts. They write down the names of their enemies and make images of them, and then they hex those names and images with evil mantras. They summon paralysis ghosts, cast hexes, or command corpse-raising ghosts to kill or injure their enemies' and the section following 'They kill living beings' in particular.
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原文…設我得佛十方無量不可思議諸佛世界衆生之類蒙我光明觸其身者身心柔輭超過人天若不爾者不取正覺 Original Text: If, when I become a Buddha, the sentient beings in the immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha-lands of the ten quarters who have been touched by my light, should not feel peace and happiness in their bodies and minds surpassing that of humans and devas, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.
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その病患の具体例を「其身下劣、諸根不具、醜陋頑愚、聾盲跋躄、身攣背傴、白癩癲狂、」と挙げており、ここに挙げられた「白癩」が相当するとの説がある Examples of disease include 'people born with deformities, ugly, stubborn, idiot, blind, deaf, disabled hands or legs; hunchbacked, or pale skin,' and the last refers to Shirahito.
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原文…設我得佛十方無量不可思議諸佛世界其有女人聞我名字歡喜信樂發菩提心厭惡女身壽終之後復爲女像者不取正覺 Original Text: If, when I become a Buddha, the women in the immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha-lands of the ten quarters who, having heard my name, rejoice in faith, awaken aspiration for the Enlightenment and wish to renounce womanhood, should after death be reborn again as women, may I not attain perfect enlightenment.
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助太刀じゃと火事装束に身を固めた侯は馬に乗り、六尺棒をかかえた其角を連れて表に打ち出そうとするのを家臣たちにご短慮遊ばしますなと止められている。 候, who put fire to costumes to support them, and rode on a horse, was about to depart with Kikaku who carried Rokushaku-bo (quarterstaff), but his vassals stopped him by saying that it was a rash act.
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また『日本書紀』では、『百済本記』(「百濟本記爲文其文云大歳辛亥三月軍進至于安羅營乞乇城是月高麗弑其王安又聞日本天皇及太子皇子倶崩薨由此而言辛亥之歳當廿五年矣」)を引用して、天皇及び太子、皇子が同時に死んだとの説を紹介しており、何らかの政変によって継体自身が殺害された可能性もある(「辛亥の変」説)。 "Nihonshoki" quotes the lines from "Original records of Paekche" ('the article in the Original records of Paekche says that King Anjang of Goguryeo encountered rebellion from his subjects and was murdered in 531. Around the same time, Japanese Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince were killed altogether by their subjects.') to introduce a theory that the Emperor, Crown Prince and Prince died at the same time, which hints the possibility that Keitai was actually killed in a political turmoil ('Xinhai Incident' theory).
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「当家夜をありつの日浅く、今まで創建せし綱紀政令、いまだ全備せしにあらざれば、近年のうちにそれぞれ改修せんと思ひしが、今は不幸にして其の事も遂げずなりぬ、我なからむ後に、御身いささか憚る所なく改正し給へば、これぞ我が志を継ぐとも申すべき孝道なれ」 As it has been only a short time since our family established our Bakufu, the official discipline and laws created so far are still incomplete and even though I intended to revise them, now it is unfortunately impossible, so after my death, you shall revise those without hesitation, it is a filial piety to pursue the same aims as myself.'
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
腹膜透析患者および人工膀胱患者等身体にカテーテルを挿入している者ならびに其の他外傷のある者がオープン入浴することによって、カテーテル出口部あるいは傷口部の感染の予防およびケアを行う。 To prevent infection to and apply care to a catheter outlet or a wound region by allowing a catheterized person such as a peritoneal dialysis patient and a patient with an artificial urinary bladder, and a person with another external wound to take an open bath. - 特許庁
余が一昨年を以て海外に遊ばんとするや、親朋故旧余が為めに送別の莚を張る中に少壮なる英仏学士の催しになりし一会あり、席上、一友人がハイカラを着け洋服を着くるの利を述ぶる者あり、之より余が(p125/p126)外遊中、高襟党なる文字新聞に現はれて、少年学士を讒謗毀傷するの具となり、彼等が殆ど完膚なからんとするや、西園寺侯は自ら進んで新聞記者に対して、高襟党の首領なりと称し、少年学士に対する攻撃を一身に引受けんとしたりき、思ふに善良なる意義に於ける高襟党の首領としては、何人も彼の統治権を犯さんとするものあらざるべし、故に人或は侯を以て、英国のローズベリー卿に比す、其貴族にして、平民に同情あり、其品格の崇高なる、其識見の秀徹なる--(以下略) A farewell party was given for me, who was going to study abroad, by my acquaintances and old friends, and a friend of mine in a group of young scholars who studied in the U.K. or France made a speech about a merit of wearing high collar clothes, and while I was studying abroad the word high collar (haikara) party started to appear in the newspapers after the party, used as a tool for attacking young scholars and when they were almost being knocked galley-west, Duke Saionji willingly declared himself before journalists as a don of the haikara party with a purpose of receiving all attacks against young scholars; I think that no one would dare to take his place as a don of the high collar party in an honest sense, and he, who is a match for Lord Rosebery in the U.K in that he has sympathy for the common people in spite of being a nobleman, has a noble character and excellent insights. (snip)
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韓国併合ニ関スル条約(1910年)韓国皇帝及び韓国皇族に相当な尊称、威厳及び名誉を享有させること等が約され、s前韓國皇帝ヲ册シテ王ト爲シ皇太子及將來ノ世嗣、太皇帝及各其儷匹ノ稱呼ヲ定メ竝ニ禮遇ノ件により、前韓国皇帝に対して「王」の身分が与えられる等した(王公族制度)。 The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty (1910): The Emperor of Korea and the imperial family were entitled to suitable honorific titles, authority and honor, and in accordance with the Act, which acknowledges the former Emperor of Korea as King, establishes titles for each prince, future successor, and the empress, and treats them with courteous reception, the status of 'king' was granted to the former emperor of Korea, a system known in Japanese as Okozoku.
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「就中服部氏の死状は最も物美事【もののみごと】である。‥‥手に両刀を握ったままで敵に向かって大の字なりになって斃れて居られた。‥‥其頭額前後左右より肩並びに左右腕腹共に満身二十余創流血淋漓死して後の顔色尚お活けるが如し」(事件後の現場を目撃した桑名藩士・小山正武の証言) "Above all, Mr. Hattori's death was most impressive. … He lay towards his enemy with swords in his both hands, his arms and legs outstretched. … He was dead, bleeding from more than twenty wounds at his head, shoulder, both arms and stomach, and his complexion still looked alive" (testimony of Masatake KOYAMA, a statesman of the Kuwana clan, who witnessed the scene after the incident).
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