
  • 鮮やかな出で立ち
    She is conspicuously dressed.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 出で立ちもかいがいしく巡礼の旅に出た.
    She set out on a pilgrimage, fitted out for any hardships that might befall.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • 出で立ちが何となく貴族っぽいような気がする。
    His dress somehow gives an aristocratic impression. - Tatoeba例文
  • 出で立ちが何となく貴族っぽいような気がする。
    His dress and bearing somehow give an aristocratic feel.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • その異様な出で立ちから、『今弁慶』の異名を取ったと言われる。
    Because of his unusual look, he is said to have been nicknamed as "Imabenkei."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • おしてるや難波の崎よ出で立ちて我が国見れば淡島(あはしま)自凝(おのごろ)島檳榔(あぢまさ)の島も見ゆ放(さき)つ島も見ゆ
    Standing on the headland of Naniwa and looking at the country I possess, I see Awashima Island, Onogoro-jima Island and the island of Ajimasa where the binro (Chinese fan palm, Livistona chinensis) grows, and I see Saketsu-shima Island as well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 派手な衣装に身を纏った福の神のその出で立ちと世俗的、庶民的な性格とのギャップを楽しむ祝言。
    It is a short celebratory play in which contrast is shown between the God's appearance in a gaudy outfit and his secular and worldly characteristics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太郎冠者は末広が何か分からないまま都へ出で立ち、大通りで「末広を求める」と大声を張り上げる。
    Tarokaja comes out to the city and shouts, 'I would like to buy Suehiro!' on the main street.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 暁雨の方も助六そっくりの出で立ちで吉原に出入りし、「今様(いまよう)助六」などと呼ばれてご満悦だったという。
    It is said that Gyouu, on the other hand, visited Yoshiwara attired as Sukeroku and was pleased at being called 'the contemporary Sukeroku.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは二代目と親交のあった蔵前の札差・大口屋暁雨の出で立ちをモデルにしたもの、という噂がこの頃から広まる。
    In those days, a rumor spread that this outfit was arranged imitating Gyouu OGUCHIYA, a rice broker in Kuramae.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸の粋人の出で立ちと言えば、粋な濃い茶系統か鼠色系統の絹物の小紋の衣装一式に本多髷だった。
    Suijin in Edo was commonly dressed in a complete outfit of fine-patterned silk kimono in chic dark brown or dark gray with Hondamage hairstyle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 浄瑠璃古浄瑠璃の独唱のあと幕浅黄幕が切って落とされると、極彩色の華麗な山門の屋根がそこにあり、金爛丹前に大百日鬘という出で立ちの五右衛門がその上で悠然と煙管を吹かしている。
    Following the solo of Joruri (dramatic narrative chanted to a samisen accompaniment), the whole Asagi-maku curtain (colored with sky-blue and white) drops to show the colorful, splendid roof of Sanmon on the stage, and on the roof, Goemon, wearing a kinran-tanzen (thick jacket with elaborate pattern sewed with gold threads) and an obyakunichi-katsura (manly wig with shaggy wisps in front), calmly smoking a pipe.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『信長公記』では義元の桶狭間の戦いの際の出で立ちを「胸白の鎧に金にて八龍を打ちたる五枚兜を被り、赤地の錦の陣羽織を着し、今川家重代の二尺八寸松倉郷の太刀に、壱尺八寸の大左文字の脇差を帯し、青の馬の五寸計(馬高五尺五寸の青毛の馬)なるの金覆輪の鞍置き、紅の鞦かけて乗られける……。」と伝えている。
    In the "Shincho Koki" (Biography of the Warlord Nobunaga ODA), Yoshimoto's costume during the Battle of Okehazama is described as follows: 'Yoshimoto was dressed in armor with a white cuirass and a five-piece combat helmet decorated with a gold embossed pattern of the legendary dragon Hachiryu; he wore a red brocaded Jinbaori (sleeveless campaign jacket worn over armor), wielded a long sword approximately 85cm long with the inscription of Matsukurago (a sword made by GO no Yoshihiro), a family treasure handed down for generations in the Imagawa family, and a short sword with approximately 55cm in length with the inscription of Dai-samonji (a sword made by Samonji SOZA); he sat straddled upon a jet-black horse of about 166.65cm tall with a gold-rimmed saddle, fixed by a scarlet breeching...'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
