
  • 裁判を経て刈田行為者の権利が認められれば、刈田行為は刈田狼藉として断罪されることはなかった。
    When the ownership claimed by a person who committed the karita was found to be correct and acceptable in court proceedings, his karita act did not constitute karita-rozeki and the person was not convicted.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これを当時、刈田・刈畠と呼んだ。
    This was called "karita" or "karihata" (reaping of crops) at that time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、刈田狼藉は即時、犯罪とされたわけではない。
    However, karita-rozeki was not immediately classified as a crime.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦国時代(日本)にも刈田行為は行われた。
    There were karita acts even in the Sengoku period (Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお刈田岳、刈田嶺神社の蔵王権現は、大峰、吉野山金峯山寺に向かって鎮座しているという。
    In addition, it is said that Zao Gongen of Kattadake-jinja Shrine and Kattamine-jinja Shrine face to Kinpusen-ji Temple of Mt. Omine and Mt. Yoshino.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田狼藉(かりたろうぜき、かったろうぜき)は、中世日本において土地の知行などを主張するために田の稲を刈り取った実力行使をいう。
    Karita-rozeki or Katta-rozeki (刈田狼藉) means to harvest rice crops illegally in order to claim chigyo (tenure) to land# in medieval Japan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、政宗は刈田郡に進撃し、白石城を落とした。
    On the other hand, Masamune marched into Katta District and captured the Shiraishi-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代の大犯三箇条に加え、刈田狼藉を認め、また使節遵行権を守護に与えた。
    Takauji gave shugo approval for Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally) and the right to delegate judical authority to others besides Taibon Sankajo in the Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政宗の裏切りに対して家康は報復し、刈田郡のみの加増にとどめた。
    Ieyasu retaliated for Masamune's betrayal by canceling his assurance of granting rewards, and limited the reward of Masamune only to the addition of Katta District.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 7歳で村田要害館主となり柴田・刈田3万石を領した。
    At the age of 7, he became a lord of Murata Fort and owned Shibata and Katta Counties with a total stipend of 30,000-koku crop yield.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1346年、幕府は守護に対して、刈田狼藉の取締と使節遵行の権限を付与した。
    In 1346, the bakufu gave to shugos the power and authority of control of karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally) and of shisetsu jungyo (process for implementing bakufu's decision on conflicts regarding property ownership).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • またこの刈田行為には、敵側の収穫物を減少させる(奪う)という目的も含まれていた。
    Karita (illegal harvesting) also deprived enemies of crops.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉野の蔵王堂より蔵王権現を勧請してもらい、蔵王山頂にある刈田岳神社と、麓の刈田嶺神社に併置したところから名前の由来がきている。
    The name originated from the fact that Zao Gongen was transferred from Zao-do in Yoshino and enshrined in both Kattadake-jinja Shrine on the top of Mt. Zao and Kattamine-jinja Shrine at the foot.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉期守護は、侍所などの監督下で刈田狼藉の検断を実施してきたが、室町期守護は自らの権能として刈田狼藉の検断を実施することができるようになった。
    While shugo in the Kamakura period were involved in the kendan (trials) of karita-rozeki under the supervision of Samurai-dokoro, shugo in the Muromachi period actually exercised their own authority when hearing karita-rozeki cases.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町期守護は刈田狼藉を検断する立場だったが、戦国大名は自軍勢の兵粮とする目的で敵領田畠を刈田・刈畠することが少なくなかった。
    While shugo in the Muromachi period were in a position to hold kendan for karita-rozeki, daimyo (Japanese territorial lords) in the Sengoku period, in order to secure provisions for their armies, carried out many karita and karihata on enemy rice fields and other territories.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田・刈畠行為をめぐる紛争は当初、所務沙汰(不動産に係る民事事件)として扱われていたが、時代が下るにつれ、刈田・刈畠行為が増加していくと、13世紀後期ごろには違法行為のニュアンスを含む「狼藉」、すなわち刈田狼藉と呼ばれるようになり、通常の所務沙汰とは別個の取扱いがなされ始めた。
    Initially, karita or karihata related disputes were handled as shomu-sata (civil trials dealing with land-related issues), but the number of karita and karihata acts increased with the times, and around the late thirteenth century, such karita or karihata related disputes began to be called 'rozeki' with the implication of illegal acts, that is, karita-rozeki, and the handling of such disputes was separated from ordinary shomu-sata.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田嶺神社は、明治の廃仏毀釈以前は神仏混淆の修験道の金峯山寺という文字通り寺であったという。
    It is said that Kattamine-jinja Shrine was a temple literally named Kinpusen-ji Temple of Shugen-do which was a mixture of Shinto and Buddhism before the Exclusion of Buddhism in the Meiji period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田狼藉とは土地の所有を主張するために田の稲を刈り取る実力行使であり、武士間の所領紛争に伴って発生した。
    The karita-rozeki, an act of harvesting rice in the paddy field in order to claim the ownership of the land, occurred with the conflicts of land appropriation among samurai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太閤検地によって土地に対する重層的な権利関係が解消されると、刈田狼藉という行為も概念も次第に消失していった。
    Once the multilayered relation of the rights to land were dissolved as a result of Taiko-kenchi (the land survey by Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI), both the act and concept of karita-rozeki gradually disappeared.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田」は中央の貴族としては知られないが、『香取文書』には同姓のものが郡司判官代として出てくるという。
    Katta' was not known as an aristocrat of the capital, but a person with the same surname appeared as gunji hogandai (a district manager and administrative official of the Retired-Emperor's Office) in "Katori Monjo" (Katori document).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これと同時に現地における兵糧調達は原則として禁止されて濫妨や刈田は軍律によって厳しく禁じられることになった。
    At the same time it was prohibited in principle to supply army provisions in the field and violence and karita (to reap rice) were strictly banned by the martial law.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田狼藉紛争とは、国内の武士・荘官などの間に起こった所領紛争に他ならず、刈田狼藉検断権を獲得したことによって、守護は国内の武士・荘官へ大きな影響を及ぼすことが可能となり、以後、室町期守護は国内武士・荘官の被官化を進めていった。
    Karita-rozeki disputes were just territory-related disputes occurring among warriors or shokan in a state; after shugo acquired the karita-rozeki related kendan power, they were able to have significant influence on warriors and shokan of the state, and afterward, shugo in the Muromachi period worked hard to vassalize warriors and shokan of the state.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清衡は本拠地を江刺郡豊田館(現奥州市)に構え勢力の拡大を図る一方、寛治5年(1091年)に関白藤原師実に貢馬するなど京都の藤原氏と交誼を深め、また柴田郡の大高山神社・刈田刈田嶺神社の年貢金を代納する等して、奥羽の統治者としての地位を築いた。
    Kiyohira tried to expand his territory based in Toyota Mansion in Esashi County (now in Oshu City), while securing his position as a ruler of Ou region (now Tohoku region) by deepening his relationship with the Fujiwara clan in Kyoto by means such as presenting horses to Kanpaku (imperial regent) FUJIWARA no Morozane in 1091, by paying taxes on behalf of Otakayama-jinja Shrine in Shibata County and Kattamine-jinja Shrine in Katta County, and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 職権についても鎌倉期と同じく、初めは大犯三ヶ条とされていたが、国内統治を一層安定させるため、1346年(貞和2)、刈田狼藉の検断権と使節遵行権が新たに守護の職権に加えられた。
    The position's authority was also the same as in the Kamakura period; at first it covered Taibon-Sankajo (three official authorities given to Shugo), but in order to stabilize domestic rule, in 1346 the new powers of the right to judge criminal cases over Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally) and the right to pass a delegate the word were added.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田狼藉は武士間の所領紛争に伴って発生する実力行使であり、使節遵行とは幕府の判決内容を現地で強制執行することである。
    Karitarozeki is the use of force occurring in territorial disputes between warriors, while Shisetsu Jungyo means to forcibly execute the Shogunate's decisions in the local area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後は戦国時代_(日本)伊達氏の領地だった出羽置賜地方、陸奥国伊達郡、信夫郡、刈田郡と伊達政宗が征服した会津地方であった。
    Besides the above, he was allowed to govern Okitama Region in Dewa, and Date-gun, Shinobu-gun and Katta-gun in Mutsu Province, all of these had been the fief of the Date clan in the Sengoku Period (Period of Warring States), as well as the Aizu Region which had been conquered by Masamune DATE.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 刈田行為は、検断沙汰に含まれる以前は当時の社会で広く受容されていた自力救済慣行の一つとして認識されていたものと考えられている。
    Before the karita act became subject to kendan-sata, it looks to have been recognized as one of self-defense remedial practices which were widely accepted in society at that time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町時代に入って間もなく1346年(貞和2)、室町幕府は守護による国内統治を安定させるため、刈田狼藉の検断権および使節遵行を守護へ付与した。
    In 1346, soon after the Muromachi period began, the Muromachi bakufu, aiming to stabilize the governing of the state by shugo, granted them the power of kendan and shisetsu jungyo (the authority to implement the bakufu's judgments on property ownership disputes).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この刈田狼藉検断権と使節遵行権の獲得は、室町期守護が守護大名へと成長し、国内に守護領国制を布くに至る重要な契機となったのである。
    The acquisition of the karita-rozeki kendan power and shisetsu jungyo power provided an important opportunity for shugo in the Muromachi period to become shugo daimyo (Japanese territorial lord as provincial constable) and implement shugo-ryogoku system (the system in which a shugo dominates a manor) in the state.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その結果、刈田狼藉取締権・使節遵行権・半済給付権・闕所地処分権・段銭徴収権などを得た守護は、国内に領域的な支配を及ぼしていく。
    As a result, the Shugo who acquired the following rights came to control the province territorially: the right to control Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally), the right to send a delegate for executing the bakufu's order, the right to collect half of the taxes from manors and demesnes as military fund, the right to confiscate land property from criminals or if it is left derelict, and the right to collect temporary special tax levied on arable land.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方、政宗は和賀忠親の南部一揆への煽動関与の件により、念願だった先祖伝来の地の奪還は叶わず、戦後の論功行賞でも自力で占領した刈田郡2万石のみの加増に終わった。
    On the other hand, Masamune was not granted his wish for regaining the ancestral estate due to his involvement in agitating Tadachika WAGA to launch Nanbu Riot, and ended up in increase of only 20,000-koku yielded in Katta District which he occupied by himself as rewards of the battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結果的に政宗への恩賞は、仙台開府の許可と陸奥国刈田郡(白石)合わせて2万石の加増のみにとどまり、領地は60万石となった(後に近江国と常陸国に小領土の飛び地2万石の加増で62万石となる)。
    In the end, the rewards granted to Masamune were limited to the permission of establishing Sendai Domain, along with the territorial gain of 20,000 koku by adding Katta District (Shiroishi) in Mutsu Province; his territorial land value became 600,000 koku in total (later, he acquired additional small and scattered territories in Omi Province and Hitachi Province, making his territorial land value to 620,000 koku in total).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初、守護の職権については鎌倉期と同じく大犯三ヶ条の検断に限定されていたが、国内統治を一層安定させるため、1346年(貞和2)幕府は刈田狼藉の検断権と使節遵行権を新たに守護の職権へ加えた。
    Initially, the power of the shugo was limited to the taibon-sankajo-no-kendan, just as it was in the Kamakura period, but in 1346 the Muromachi shogunate gave the shugo the authority to judge the case of the karita-rozeki and the authority of the shisetsu-jungyo to administer the country more stably.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、鎌倉時代の御家人の3大義務であった大犯三ヶ条(大番催促、謀反人・殺害人の検断)に加えて、刈田狼藉の取締も守護の役務となり、荘園領主は守護の立入を拒むことができなくなった。
    Moreover, in addition to the Taibon sankajo, the three great duties (of answering the call to guard Kyoto, and of hunting down traitors and assassins) required of the gokenin (lower retainers) during the Kamakura period, the shugo were also tasked with protecting the rice fields from those who sought to avoid tax by harvesting rice illegally, and as time passed the rightful owners of the estates could no longer dare refuse to hire a shugo for their lands.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町時代初頭の貞和2年(1346年)、南北朝の争乱が続く中で、室町幕府は守護の権能を強化することで治安を確保することを企図し、守護に使節遵行権および刈田狼藉の検断権を直接付与する法令を発した。
    In 1346 of the early Muromachi period, while the battle between the Southern and Northern Dynasties had been going on, the Muromachi bakufu contemplated securing public order by strengthening the Shugo's authorities and enacted laws which directly granted the Shugo the right to judge criminal cases for shisetsu jungyo and Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、武家政権である鎌倉幕府が成立すると、裁判制度の充実を図るとともにこうした故戦防戦を積極的に抑制する方針に転じ、延慶(日本)3年(1310年)に刈田狼藉を犯罪と規定するなど私軍・私戦の原因を絶つ政策を採った。
    After that, when Kamakura bakufu (a samurai government) was established, the active suppression of such kosen-bosen came to be enforced in addition to the enhancement of the 'trial system,' and a policy of eliminating the causes of watakushiikusa and shisen by means of making Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally) a crime was adopted in 1310.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • さらに同時期までに、守護職には大犯三ヶ条の検断沙汰権、刈田狼藉の検断権、使節遵行権、半済給付権、闕所地給付権、段銭・棟別銭の徴収権など、軍事・警察的職権から経済的利得権まで広範な権能が付与されるようになった。
    In addition, in the same period, the shugo-shiki came to assume a wide spectrum of authority ranging from military and police authority to the authority for gaining an economical profit, such as the authority to make an investigation and give instruction (kendan-sata) over three kinds of criminal cases (Taibon-sankajo, three major tasks for peacekeeping), the authority to investigate the karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally), the authority to pass delegation of the word, the authority to collect half of the nengu (land tax), the authority to provide confiscated land or land without a governor (called kessho-chi), as well as the authority to collect tan-sen (surtax on the rice fields) and munabechi-sen (surtax on the houses).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、室町時代に入ると、室町幕府は守護に対して刈田狼藉取締権をはじめ、使節遵行権・半済給付権・闕所地処分権・段銭徴収権など、国内の荘園・公領へ統治的・経済的支配を及ぼしうる様々な権限を付与するようになった。
    But early in the Muromachi period, the Muromachi bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun) granted various authorities to Shugo, which would enable them to exert a range of administrative and economic influences on shoen and koryo in the country, such as the right to control Karita-rozeki (to reap rice illegally), the right to enforce the bakufu judicial decisions in land disputes (Shisetsu jungyo), the right to permit hanzei (half payment of tax), the right to confiscate property from criminals or if it is left derelict, the right to collect tansen (a tax on arable land).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 上総介広常の父・常澄の所領である印東庄において、「預所」菅原定隆との、年貢をめぐった相論に関する文書数通が、『醍醐雑事記』の紙背文書(しはいもんじょ)に見つかり、それによって、印東庄を構成する「村郷」には、「藤原」「中臣」「文屋」「平」「刈田」などの本姓をもつ郷司、村司が居たことが知られる。
    There were several letters discussing nengu (land tax) exchanged between Intonosho manor owned by the father of Hirotsune of Kazusa no suke (vice minister of Kazusa Province), Tsunezumi, SUGAWARA no Sadataka, who was the 'azukaridokoro' (a deputy of "Shoen" manor lord), in shihai monjo (an old document which was written on the other side of a piece of used paper) of "Daigo-zojiki" (records of the history of Daigo-ji temple) that clarified that 'villages' that formed Intonosho manor had Goji (a local government official under the ritsuryo system) and Sonshi (村司) with surnames of 'Fujiwara', 'Nakatomi,' 'Funya,' 'Taira,' and 'Katta.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 16世紀第4四半期の時点で、安東氏上国家・湊家が秋田郡、南部氏三戸南部氏(盛岡南部氏)が糠部郡、奥州探題大崎氏が大崎地方、葛西氏が登米郡、羽州探題最上氏が最上地方・村山地方、伊達氏が信夫郡・伊達郡・置賜地方・刈田郡・柴田郡・宮城郡を、蘆名氏が会津・耶麻郡・大沼郡・河沼郡・蒲原郡・安積郡・岩瀬郡、二本松氏(畠山氏)が安達郡、田村氏が田村郡、陸奥石川氏・白河結城氏が白河郡、相馬氏が行方郡(磐城国)・宇多郡・標葉郡、岩城氏が楢葉郡・岩城郡・磐前郡・菊田郡・多賀郡において安堵を実行した発給文書が残っている。
    There remain issued documents for approval of a landowner as of the forth quarter of the sixth century, Akita-gun for the Ando clan (Uekuni family and Minato family), Nukanobu region for the Nanbu clan (Sannohe Nanbu clan (or, Morioka Nanbu clan)), Osaki region of the Osaki clan which was Oshu Tandai, Tome-gun for the Kasai clan, Mogami and Murayama regions for the Mogami clan which was Ushu Tandai, Shinobu-gun, Date-gun, Okitama region, Katta-gun, Shibata-gun, and Miyagi-gun for the Date clan, Aizu Yama-gun, Onuma-gun, Kawanuma-gun, Kanbara-gun, Asaka-gun, and Iwase-gun for the Ashina clan, Adachi-gun for the Nihonmatsu clan (Hatakeyama clan), Tamura-gun for the Tamura clan, Shirakawa-gun for the Mutsu Ishikawa clan and Shirakawa Yuki clan, Namegata-gun (Iwaki Province), Uda-gun and Shineha-gun for the Soma clan, and Naraha-gun, Iwaki-gun, Iwasaki-gun, Kikuta-gun and Taga-gun for the Iwaki clan.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
