
  • 分遣隊, 別働隊.
    a detached force  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 球磨川方面からは別働隊が攻撃した。
    The detached forces made attacks from the Kuma-gawa River area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 実質的に貴族院における政友会の別働隊となった。
    It became practically a supporting group of Seiyukai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • パンフレットを書く人(普通、公共の問題について別働隊で反抗して)
    a writer of pamphlets (usually taking a partisan stand on public issues)  - 日本語WordNet
  • 山本勘助と馬場信春は、兵を二手に分ける、大規模な別働隊の編成を献策した。
    Kansuke YAMAMOTO and Nobuharu BABA proposed the plan to divide their forces into two troops, organizing a separate large-scaled troop..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政虎は、甘粕景持に兵1000を与えて渡河地点に配置し、武田軍の別働隊に備えた。
    Masatora gave Kagemochi AMAKASU 1,000 soldiers, and deployed them at the river crossing area to prepare for the possible attack by the separate troops of Takeda's forces.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 官軍は田原坂防衛線突破のため、3月11日、軍を主力と別働隊に分けた。
    On March 11, in order to break through the line of defense at Tabaru Slope, the government army was divided into the main force and the detached force.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (田中愿蔵の別働隊も後に八溝山に至って解隊、ほとんどが捕われ処刑される。)
    (Other groups of army organized by Genzo TANAKA later reached the Mt. Yamizo and broke up, and most of them were arrested and executed.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 親民政党議員が多く、貴族院における民政党の別働隊として活動した。
    Most councilors were pro-Minsei Party and it acted as a supporting group for the Minsei Party (civil administration party).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし家康は別働隊の動きを察知し、逆に自ら羽柴別働隊に奇襲をかけて殲滅し、豊臣秀次を敗走させ、恒興、長可、池田元助(恒興の嫡男)らを討ち取った(小牧・長久手の戦い)。
    However, Ieyasu detected the movement of Hidetsugu's military troops, and raided and annihilated the troops by himself, making Hidetsugu TOYOTOMI take to flight and killing Tsuneoki, Nagayoshi, and Motosuke IKEDA (the heir of Tsuneoki) (Battle of Komaki-Nagakute).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この別働隊に妻女山の上杉軍を攻撃させ、上杉軍が勝っても負けても山を下るから、これを平野部に布陣した本隊が待ち伏せし、別働隊と挟撃して殲滅する作戦である。
    This military strategy was as follows: This separate troop attacks Uesugi's forces on Saijo-san Mountain; regardless of the result, Uesugi's forces will come down the mountain; and then the body of Takeda's forces is awaiting in the plain field, and eventually the two troops take the pincer attack movement to destroy Uesugi's forces completely.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、秀吉が編成した別働隊が長島城や中井城に向かったが、こちらも滝川勢の抵抗にあって敗退した。
    Other troops which Hideyoshi organized attacked Nagashima Castle and Nakai Castle, but also were defeated by resistance of Takizawa troops.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結果として浅井軍の側面に隙ができ、そこを織田軍別働隊の西美濃三人衆に突かれ浅井軍も崩れて敗走した。
    As a result the Azai army's flank became vulnerable, and the Three of West Mino, a detached force, attacked this weak point with the consequence that the Azai army also fled.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため頼朝は源義経に別働隊を編成させて平氏の本拠讃岐国屋島を攻めさせた。
    Because of this, Yoritomo formed together a separate force for MINAMOTO no Yoshitsune and had them attack the Taira at their stronghold on Yashima in Sanuki Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その一方で仙石秀久・中村一氏・小西行長らを別働隊として紀南へ派遣し、平定に当たらせた。
    On the other hand, other troops such as Hidehisa SENGOKU, Kazuuji NAKAMURA and Yukinaga KONISHI were dispatched to Kinan in order to conquer it.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政虎に出し抜かれ、もぬけの空の妻女山に攻め込んだ高坂昌信・馬場信春率いる武田軍の別働隊は、八幡原に急行した。
    Having been outwitted by Masatora and invaded empty Saijo-san Mountain, the separate troops of Takeda's forces led by Masanobu KOSAKA and Nobuharu BABA rushed to Hachimanbara.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武田別働隊は、上杉軍のしんがりを務めていた甘糟隊を蹴散らし、昼前(午前12時頃)には八幡原に到着した。
    Takeda's separate troops routed Amakasu's troops, which brought up the rear of Uesugi's forces, and reached Hachimanbara before the noon (around 12 AM).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主力は田原坂・吉次峠の突破のために、別働隊は山鹿の桐野部隊の動きを封じ込むためにおかれた。
    The main force was deployed to break through Tabaru Slope and Kichiji Pass, and the detached force was deployed to contain the movements of the KIRINO's troop in Yamaga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 別働隊として明石全登300、全軍の後詰として大野治長・七手組の部隊計15,000?が布陣。
    Takenori AKASHI troop of 300 men as an independent troop and Harunaga ONO's nanategumi (seven groups) troop of 15,000 men as a rear-guard troop of the whole army were positioned.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 途中、田中愿蔵が別働隊を組織して栃木、真鍋などに送り、資金調達を図るも失敗。
    On their way, Genzo TANAKA organized other groups of army and sent them to Tochigi and Manabe with the aim of raising funds but resulted in vain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 25日、中山忠光率いる本隊が高取町に向かい、吉村寅太郎は別働隊を率いて御所方面に進出して郡山藩に備えた。
    On October 7, Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA led the main force and headed for Takatori-cho, while Torataro YOSHIMURA led a detached force and went into the Imperial Palace area to prepare for the fight with Koriyama Domain.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 反研究会・反政友会色が近く、同成会とともに貴族院における民政党の別働隊として活動した。
    The group was strongly anti-Kenkyukai group and anti-Seiyukai party, and acted as a supporting group for the Minsei Party together with Doseikai group.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、大井自身は完全な新党ではなく、自由党の別働隊であるとする立場を表明していた。
    However he clearly announced that he regarded the Toyo Jiyuto as a branch of the Jiyuto and that it was not a completely new party.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この説には大友義鎮と豊臣秀吉の同盟関係が出てくるが、他にイエズス会内の別働隊が、キリシタン大名と組んで信長謀殺を謀ったとする説も出てきている。
    Though this theory includes an alliance between Yoshishige OTOMO and Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI, there is another theory that Jesuit troops plotted to kill Nobunaga with other Christian Daimyos.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このことから、鵯越から攻撃した別働隊とは実は山方から攻め寄せたとされる行綱の軍勢であり、これが後に義経の軍功とすり替わったとする見方もある。
    These are because some suggest that the attacking detached force from Hiyodorigoe was, in realty, Yoshitsuna's army, which is said to have advanced from the mountain, and this story was later replaced with Yoshitsune's military exploit.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 遠江国方面の武田軍本隊と同時に武田軍別働隊が侵攻する三河国方面への防備を充分に固められないばかりか、この戦いを機に徳川軍の劣勢は確定してしまう。
    In the Mikawa Province area where more of Takeda's troops separate from the main army had begun to invade, he could not make defensive preparations adequately either, and consequently, his inferior position was fixed after this battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その間、別働隊との合流も果たし、浜松城へ近付く武田軍であったが、長期戦を嫌う信玄は浜松城を悠然と素通りして、三河国に侵攻するかのように転進した。
    Meanwhile, Takeda's troops, having merged separate groups, were coming near to Hamamatsu-jo Castle, but disliking that the battle would be protracted, Shingen changed the direction of the troops so as to invade Mikawa Province, passing through the castle without stopping.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 永禄12年(1569年)9月、碓氷峠から侵攻した武田信玄は小仏峠の別働隊を併せて小田原城を攻撃するが、氏政は父・氏康と共に籠城して武田軍を撃退している。
    In October 1569, although Shingen TAKEDA invaded Odawara-jo Castle from Usui-toge Pass along with a detached force stationed in Kobotoke-toge Pass, Ujimasa countered the attack by holding the castle with his father, Ujiyasu, and successfully repelled the Takeda army.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 児島高徳はこの先発隊に従軍していたものの、総大将・千種忠顕との作戦上での衝突が原因で別働隊を率い布陣を行う。
    Although Takanori KOJIMA was in the advanced army, he formed another corps and deployed it because of a conflict regarding their strategic plan with the supreme commander Tadaaki CHIGUSA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 戦いは当初地の利に勝る尼子勢が優勢だったが、攻め落とすのが難しいと判断した吉川元春が住民に間道を教えてもらい、別働隊を率いて裏から布部山の頂上に登った。
    While the Amago army was initially dominant due to the advantageous location, Motoharu KIKKAWA found it difficult to defeat the Amago army and obtained information about a by-path from local residents and went up to the top of Fubeyama from the rear side of the mountain, leading a separate battalion of troops.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 9月9日深夜、高坂昌信・馬場信春らが率いる別働隊1万2千が妻女山に向い、信玄率いる本隊8000は八幡原に鶴翼の陣で布陣した。
    In the midnight on October 17, the separate 12,000-soldier troops led by Masanobu KOSAKA and Nobuharu BABA went toward Saijo-san Mountain, and Shingen brought his main 8,000-soldier troops to Hachimanbara and gave an order to take the crane-wings-shaped battle formation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 予定よりかなり遅れはしたが、武田軍の本隊は上杉軍の攻撃になお耐えており、別働隊の到着によって上杉軍は挟撃される形となった。
    Although the arrival was considerably later than planned, the main troops of Takeda's forces had still held out against attacks by Uesugi's forces, and with the separate troops arriving, Uesugi's forces became to be attacked from both sides.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『妙法寺記』に「郡内弥三郎殿は(中略)よこいれを成され候ひて」とあり、よこいれ=側面攻撃をしたと言う記録が別働隊説の根拠とされることが多い。
    In "Myohoji-ki," he is described as "Mr. Yasaburo GUNNAI joined the Yokoire (flanking attack)," and this description of joining the flanking attack is often used as a base of the theory that the separate troops existed actually.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また鳶ヶ巣山に酒井忠次の別働隊3000が迂回した事を武田軍は察知しており、川中島の合戦の逆説的な再来を狙ったという説などもある。
    Still others have suggested that he intended to reverse his strategy at the Battle of Kawanakajima as he was aware that Tadatsugu SAKAI's detachment force of 3,000 men made a detour to Mt. Tobigasu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大田牛一の『信長公記』では、決戦に使用された鉄砲数に関しては「千挺計」(約1000丁)、鳶ヶ巣山攻撃の別働隊が「五百挺」と書いてあり(計約1500丁)、3000丁とは書かれてない。
    "Shinchoko-ki" by Gyuichi OTA does not mention 3,000 teppo but it does mention that '千挺計' (about 1,000 teppo) were used in the main battle and '五百挺' (500 teppo) were used by the detachment force in the Battle on Mt. Tobigasu (making a total of about 1,500).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正10年(1582年)、天正壬午の乱で家康の背後を襲おうとした北条勢の別働隊10,000を鳥居元忠ら2,000が撃退し北条勢約300を討ち取り(黒駒合戦)、その後甲斐国郡内地方を家康より与えられ、谷村城の城主となる。
    In 1582, during the Tenshojingo War, Hojo's detached force consisting of 10,000 men planned to attack Ieyasu from the rear, however, Ieyasu's 2,000 men, containing Mototada, drove them back and killed 300 of the Hojo force (the Battle of Kurokoma), and Mototada was given Gunnai region in Kai Province by Ieyasu, and became the lord of Tanimura-jo Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶長5年(1600年)の関ヶ原の戦いでは、東海道を進む家康本隊に対して、中山道を進む別働隊を率いる役割を与えられ、9月10日に美濃の赤坂宿に到着する予定(福島家文書に「中納言、さだめて十日時分には其地まで参るべし」)だった。
    In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, he was assigned to lead a detached force going through the Nakasen-do Road and planned to arrive at Akasaka-shuku Post station town in Mino Province on October 16 (The Fukushima family document mentioned 'Chunagon is to arrive at the place around the tenth'), while the main force led by Ieyasu was going through the Tokai-do Road.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後、甲斐の若神子において氏直と家康は対陣したが(若神子の戦い)、信濃では真田昌幸が離反し、甲斐においても別働隊の北条氏忠が、黒駒において徳川方に敗北し、甲斐の北条領は郡内地方の領有に留まる等、対陣は不利となった。
    Although Ujinao and Ieyasu confronted each other once in Wakamiko of the Kai Province (the Battle of Wakamiko), the Hojo clan reduced its power to fight against the Tokugawa clan, since in Shinano, Masayuki SANADA defected from the Hojo clan, and in Kurokoma of Kai Province, Ujitada HOJO, who led detached forces, lost to the Tokugawa army, and only the limited area of the Gunnai region remained in the hands of the Hojo clan in Kai Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東山道を進み信州にいた土佐藩士板垣退助・薩摩藩士伊地知正治が率いる新政府の東山道軍は、この動きを封じるために板垣退助が指揮する東山道軍の別働隊を甲州へ向かわせ、旧幕府軍よりも早く甲府城に到着し接収した。
    Advancing along the Tosando to Shinshu, the Tosando-gun army led by Taisuke ITAGAKI (a retainer of the Tosa Domain) and Masaharu IJICHI (a retainer of the Satsuma Domain) sent a detachment led by Taisuke ITAGAKI to Koshu to contain the movement of the former Shogunate forces; the detachment arrived earlier than the Koyo-Chinbutai infantry and seized Koshu Castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
