
  • 効能書き
    a puff - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 効能書き
    a puffing advertisement - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 効能書きという,薬などの効能書き記した文句
    an expression of a statement of the virtues of a medicine  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • (薬の)効能書き記したもの
    a description of the effects of medicine  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 売薬に効能書きにある通りの効能があったらたいへんだ
    If the patent medicines were as efficacious as their puffs would make them out to be, what would become of the doctors?  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 薬などの効能書き記したもの
    a written explanation of the properties of a medicine  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 健康食品の通信販売業者が、効果効能についての口コミを記載させて積極的に広告に利用する意図で製品の使用感想を書き込むための掲示板を設置し、病気治癒など効果効能を肯定する書き込みはそのまま残し、否定的な書込みや販売促進につながらない書き込みは削除することで、掲示板に効果効能を謳う書き込みが並ぶように操作して、掲示板を医薬品的な効果効能を広告する目的に利用した。
    A business entity that conducts corresponding sales of health food might set up an electronic message board for its consumers to post comments on the product, with proactive intent to utilize, for advertising purposes, these messages containing word-of-mouth comments on the product's medical efficacy. If such business entity manipulates the message board so that only positive comments affirming the product's medical efficacy, such as its ability to cure diseases, are left on the message board, while other comments which are negative or useless for promotion of sales are deleted, and the consequence will be that only positive comments are listed on the message board. The business entity thereby utilizes the electronic message board for advertising medicinal efficacy of its products in violation of the Law.  - 経済産業省
  • 健康食品の通信販売業者が、顧客へのサービスとして顧客間のコミュニケーション手段を提供するために、製品の効果効能について書き込むことを禁止するという条件で掲示板を設置し、実際に効果効能についての書き込みがなされた場合には削除していた。
    If a business entity that sells health food sets up an electronic message board in order to support customers by providing a place for interactive communication, but on the condition that no message referring to the medical efficacy of its products will be permitted, and the message board operator actually deletes comments on such matters, if any, then the business entity does not violate the Law.  - 経済産業省
  • 効果効能についての書き込みを期待して健康食品やペットフードを販売する事業者がウェブサイトに掲示板を設置し、その結果、薬事法に違反する医薬品的な効果効能書き込みが実際にあり、それを積極的に利用する行為があった場合には、このような掲示板が効果効能についての広告とみなされ、薬事法に違反すると解釈される可能性がある。
    If a business entity that sells health foods sets up an electronic message board on its website expecting the postings of messages concerning medical efficacy of its product, and proactively utilizes the posted messages concerning medicinal efficacy in a manner prohibited under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, such electronic message board may be held as an advertisement of medical efficacy and thus be in violation of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law.  - 経済産業省
  • ICチップを含む用紙において、該ICチップへのデータ書き込み及び用紙上への画像形成間に齟齬をきたさせることなく、該ICチップを含む用紙の本来の効能を十分に活かす。
    To sufficiently make the most of original effects of an IC chip-including sheet without bringing a disagreement between writing data in the IC chip and forming an image on the sheet in the IC chip-including sheet. - 特許庁
  • (2)掲示板健康食品やペットの健康改善を目的としたペットフードについての掲示板を設けた場合には、効果効能についての書き込みがなされる可能性が高い。
    (II) Electronic Message Boards Where an electronic message board is set up for discussion of human or pet health foods, messages posted thereon are likely to contain information concerning the medical efficacy thereof.  - 経済産業省


  • EDR日英対訳辞書
    Copyright © National Institute of Information and Communications Technology. All Rights Reserved.
  • 斎藤和英大辞典
    Copyright (C) 1994- Nichigai Associates, Inc., All rights reserved.
  • 特許庁
    Copyright © Japan Patent office. All Rights Reserved.
  • 経済産業省
    Copyright Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. All Rights Reserved.