
1 2 次へ>
  • 勅裁を仰ぐ
    to submit a matter to Imperial decision  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 第一[第二, 第三]読会 《英国では第三読会を経て勅裁を得たのち法律となる》.
    the first [second, third] reading  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 皇族を勾引し、判所に召喚するには許を必要とした(旧皇室典範51条)。
    An Imperial sanction was necessary for the arrest of or summoning to court of a member of the Imperial family (Article 51 of the former Imperial House Act).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお、便奏が可されない場合には奏官である少納言が「処分」と記した。
    When a Binso document was not approved by the Emperor, Shonagon (the Minor Councilor of State) who drafted the document would write on it 'the Emperor ordered disposal of this document.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一連の処理が終わると、西園寺は改めて先の大正天皇からの語に違反した「違」の罪を理由に政友会総の辞任を表明した。
    Once the aftermath related to this incident was dealt with, Saionji announced his resignation as the head of the Seiyu-kai Party for the first time, citing the charge of 'Violation of the Ordinance.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もう1つの「武家執奏」の意味として、北朝の勅裁である治天の君の院宣や親政時における天皇の旨を室町幕府に伝達する役目を担う公家のことを指した。
    Bukeshisso,' taking the other meaning, indicated the court noble who was in charge of conveying Chiten no kimi's inzen (decree from the retired Emperor) which was the imperial decision by the Northern Court or the emperor's Imperial order at the time of direct imperial rule to the Muromachi bakufu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奏事・便奏が可された場合には、奏上を行った奏官が「奉依奏(をうけたまわるに奏に依れ)」と書き加えて御画の代わりとする。
    When Soji and Binso documents were approved by the Emperor, the drafter official would mark up 'Choku wo uketamawaru ni so ni yore' (literally, we have received the Emperor's order in accordance with the report we have made to the Emperor) instead of Gokaku (a Chinese ideogram to certify imperial approval).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また神宮大宮司は、「神宮規則」により、勅裁を得て任免するとされ、さらに特別の扱いがなされている。
    According to the 'shrine regulations,' the chief priest of the Ise-jingu Shrine is appointed and dismissed by imperial decision, and these regulations also state that the Ise-jingu Shrine is treated as a special case.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時はまだ旧皇室典範制定前で、皇族の継承権問題が天皇の量で決められたため、5月18日に許が出された。
    It was before the Imperial Family Law was introduced at that time, since the Emperor had power to decide who would succeed to the throne, the Imperial order was issued from the Emperor on May 18.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 久光は使の大原重徳とともに江戸へ下り、慶喜将軍後見職就任や春嶽の政事総職就任を求める。
    Hisamitsu went down to Edo with an imperial envoy, Shigetomi OHARA to ask the bakufu to appoint Yoshinobu to Shogun-kokenshoku (one of three major posts of Edo bakufu) and Shungaku to the president of political affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『日本後紀』の大同元年8月10日の条に「以前から続いていた「中臣・忌部相訴」に対する勅裁があった」とある。
    According to the "August 10, 806" section of "Nihon Kouki" (third of the six classical Japanese history texts), a ruling was made by the Emperor on a case filed and fought by the Nakatomi and Inbe clans for over a long period of time.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この条文から、「大同元年」論者は、『古語拾遺』をこの勅裁に先立つ証拠書類だと考えた。
    Those who support the view that the book was written in the first year of Daido (806), considered that "Kogo Shui" was evidence of this, based upon when the ruling was made.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この階位であれば、勅裁を要する伊勢神宮の大宮司以外ならどこの神社の宮司にもなれる。
    Possessors of this rank can also become the Guji (high priest) of any shrine, with the single exception of Ise Jingu shrine, which requires an imperial decision in order to become Daiguji (great high priest).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 結局、明治天皇の勅裁によって収拾(宮中三殿の遙拝殿と決定、事実上の出雲派敗北)した。
    Eventually, this dispute was sorted out by an imperial decision made by Emperor Meiji (it was determined to be a Yohaiden (a shrine to worship gods from afar) of the Three Shrines in the Imperial Court; Izumo-ha school was virtually defeated).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1911年(明治44年)、いわゆる南北朝正閏論を収拾するため、明治天皇の勅裁により南朝が正統とされた。
    In 1911, the so called Nanbokucho Seijun-ron (argument about which dynasty is legal) was settled by the Imperial sanction of the Emperor Meiji who chose the Southern Court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 律令によれば、政府の最終決定意思は、天皇が可した上で、詔または太政官符により表示することと規定されていた。
    According to the the Ritsuryo codes, the government's final decision was supposed to be issued as a form of Shochoku (emperor's rescript) or Daijokanpu (documents issued by Department of State).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 治天の君・天皇の勅裁は治天の君の場合は院宣、天皇親政時には綸旨の形で出された。
    The chokusai (imperial decision) of Chiten no kimi was issued in the form of inzen, and in the case of direct rule by the emperor the chokusai of the emperor was issued in the form of rinji (the emperor's command).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久2年(1862年)5月 命により、一橋慶喜が将軍後見職に、松平春嶽が政事総職に就任。
    In accordance with an Imperial order in May, 1862, Yoshinobu HITOTSUBASHI assumed the role of Shogun-kokenshoku (one of three major posts of Edo bakufu), and Shungaku MATSUDAIRA became president of political affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天皇が行幸から帰京した10月11日に御前会議の許を得て、翌日国会開設の詔などが公表された。
    On October 11, after Emperor came back from gyoko (imperial visit), a permission of conference in the presence of the emperor was given and the Imperial Edict for Establishing a Diet was disclosed in public on the next day.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、西園寺は「違」(政争を辞めるようにとの天皇の「優詔」に違反した罪)を盾に政友会総の辞任を表明する。
    Saionji announced his resignation from the presidency of the Seiyukai with the pretext that 'he violated the edict' (it was his fault that he was not able to stop political disputes following the imperial edict).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 第三条 内閣総理大臣ハ須要ト認ムルトキハ行政各部ノ処分又ハ命令ヲ中止セシメ勅裁ヲ待ツコトヲ得
    Article 3: The Prime Minister has the right to cancel proceedings or orders of any organ of the administration and when necessary to request the Emperor make a decision.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 改めて史から受け取った奏文を確認の後に、勅裁の結果を告げながら1通ずつ史に下す。
    After confirming contents of each sobun approved by the Emperor, Shikiji-kugyou would hand them down one by one to Fuhito notifying the result of imperial decision on each sobun.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 可された場合には、年月日の次に「聞」あるいは「可」という御画を加えた(簡略化されて単に答をもって可とする例もある)。
    When approved by the Emperor, the document of Sobun (reports to the Emperor) would be marked up with gokaku, an imperial ideogram in Chinese character Kanji of 'Bun' or 'Ka' (literally, 'listened' or 'permitted') below the date of approval (though this procedure was sometimes simplified by the Emperor's oral reply only.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 職事公卿は改めて1通ずつ読み上げ、天皇はその1つ1つに可を与えるか否か、あるいは先例を勘申させるかを勅裁した。
    Shikiji-kugyo (high-ranked nobles engaged in submission of reports to the Emperor) would read aloud each sobun (a report to the Emperor) one by one, to which the Emperor gave his decision to approve them or not, or to request for a report from specialists concerning relevant precedents.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (b) 令法により1929年7月26日に可され,その改訂版が1930年4月30日令により承認され,かつ1931年9月16日法律による法の効力を以って批准された工業所有権法第XI部第II章について,それが商標,商号及び事業標識に関連する範囲まで
    (b) the Industrial Property Statute, approved by the Royal Decree-Law of July 26, 1929, revised text approved by Royal Order of April 30, 1930, and ratified with force of law by the Law of September 16, 1931, Chapter II, Title XI, insofar as it relates to trademarks, trade names and business signs; - 特許庁
  • この際いったんは七堂伽藍を備え願寺としての体を整えたが、その後は興廃を繰り返し、最後は本堂、地蔵堂、仁王門を残すばかりとなった。
    At this time it briefly existed as a chokugan-ji (temple built by imperial order) with a complex of buildings but subsequent periods of decline and revival resulted in only the main hall, Jizo-do hall and Niomon gate remaining.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 追号は勅裁により定められたものであるから、誤りが判明しても「綸言汗の如し」としてこれを改めることが出来ず、現在に至っている。
    A posthumous title is an imperial decision, so even when a mistake is discovered, due to the old belief that what an Emperor says once cannot be taken back, the mistake could not be fixed, and this is why this mistake still exists today.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 皇室典範には、大日本帝国憲法時代のもの(1889年2月11日定(定))と、日本国憲法下のもの(1947年1月16日法律第3号)とがあり、前者は後者と区別するために、旧皇室典範と呼ばれることが多い。
    As the Imperial House Act, there are one under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan (enacted [decided by the Emperor] on February 11, 1889) and one under the Constitution of Japan (January 16, 1947; Act No.3), with the former being referred to as the old Imperial House Act in differentiation from the latter.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「公布又は公告がない事項の登録」については、旧令では「勅裁」を経て行うと定めたが(旧4条)、現行令では「宮内庁長官が、法務大臣と協議して、これを行う」と定めた(現3条1号)。
    As for 'register of items without publication or announcement,' the old Kotofu Rei stipulated that it be done after grant of an 'imperial decision' (the old Article 4), whereas the existing Kotofu Rei stipulates that 'the Grand Steward of the Imperial Household Agency negotiate with Minister of Justice and carry out the said registration of items' (the existing Article 3, Item 1).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、第2次内閣時代には政友会内部を掌握し、鉄道建設など地方利益の追求に熱心であった原との間に確執が生じており、総辞任のため「違」を利用したのである。
    He also used the charge of 'Violation of the Ordinance' as a pretext to resign from his position as the head because, during the era of the Second Cabinet, he had had a conflict with Hara, who took over the inside of the Seiyu-kai Party and who was eagerly seeking profit through railroad constructions in the countryside.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当地において使とともに幕閣との交渉に当たり、7月6日に慶喜の将軍後見職、9日に春嶽の政事総職の就任を実現させる(文久の改革)。
    In Edo he negotiated with the cabinet officials of Shogunate in cooperation with the Imperial envoy and succeeded in realizing Yoshinobu's assumption of Shogun assistant role on August 14 and Shungaku's assumption of political affairs president on August 17 (Bunkyu Reform).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 神社本庁の包括に属する神社(勅裁を得て任免するとされる伊勢神宮の大宮司を除く。)の宮司は、神社本庁の統理が任免する。
    Guji for the shrines under the Association of Shinto Shrines are appointed by the Tori of the Association of Shinto Shrines (Excluding the Daiguji of Ise Jingu Shrine, who are appointed by Imperial decision).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伊勢派のなかにも出雲派支持者が多く出たが、伊勢派の幹部はこれを危惧し、明治天皇の勅裁により収拾(宮中三殿の遙拝殿と決定、事実上の出雲派敗北)した。
    Since many priests of the Ise-ha school supported the Izumo-ha school, some leaders of the Ise-ha school had misgivings about the situation and solved the problem with an imperial decision by Emperor Meiji (it was decided to practice 'yohaiden', or worship from afar, at the Three Palace Shrines, which was in reality a defeat for the Izumo-ha school).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため、桂内閣は倒れたが、西園寺はこれは違罪であると言って総の辞表を提出するとそのまま京都に閉居してしまった(2月23日)。
    As a result, the Katsura Cabinet fell, and Saionji provided a resignation to step down from the president post for the reason that it was Ichokuzai, and shut himself up at home in Kyoto (February 23.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代に治天の君・天皇の勅裁は関東申次を経由して鎌倉幕府あるいはその出先機関である六波羅探題に伝達された。
    During the Kamakura period the imperial messages of Chiten no kimi or from the emperor were sent to the Kamakura bakufu or Rokuhara tandai (the bakufu's regional office) through Kanto moshitsugi (court-appointed liaison with the bakufu).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そして将軍が執事(管領)や引付頭人(内談頭人)に命じて勅裁内容を伝えるべき対象である武士に対して施行状に相当する奉書を発給した(武家執行)。
    Also, the Shogun ordered the steward (kanrei) and hikiuke tonin (chairman of the court justice) to issue a hosho (a document for informing lower-ranking people of the decision of higher-ranking people such as an emperor or shogun), which was equivalent to a shigyojo, to the samurai to whom the content of chokusai was supposed to be conveyed (buke shigyo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『令義解』(りょうのぎげ)とは、に淳和天皇のにより右大臣清原夏野を総として、文章博士菅原清公ら12人によって撰集された令の解説書。
    "Ryo-no-gige" is a commentary on ryo (administrative code) by the decree of the Emperor Junna, selected by 12 people such as udaijin (minister of the right) KIYOHARA no Natsuno as a head, Monjo hakase (professor of literature) SUGAWARA no Kiyokimi and so on.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後は明治天皇に上奏し勅裁を仰ぐのみであったが、この事態にどちらかと言えば反対派であった太政大臣の三条実美が10月17日に倒れ、人事不省に陥る。
    They only needed to report it to the Emperor Meiji and ask for the imperial decision, but the Dajodaijin (Grand Minister) Sanetomi SANJO who was more than likely on the opponent side was taken with illness on the October 17, lapsed into a coma.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「戊午」は下賜された安政5年の干支が戊午(つちのえ・うま)であったことに由来し、「密」とは正式な手続(関白九条尚忠の可)を経ないままの下賜であったことによる。
    "Bogo" is derived from Bogo (also called tsuchinoe, uma), the zodiac sign of that year when the chokusho was given, and "mitchoku" or a secret Imperial command means that the document was given without going through the official procedure which required to obtain approbation from Kanpaku (chief adviser to the Emperor), Hisatada KUJO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 清涼殿もしくは紫宸殿に出御した天皇に対して太政官の職事公卿が奏文を奏上して天皇の勅裁を受けた。
    To the Emperor who showed up in Seiryoden (an imperial summer house) or Shishinden (a hall for state ceremonies), Shikiji-kugyo (high-ranked nobles engaged in submission of reports to the Emperor) of Daijokan (the Grand Council of State) submitted sobun (reports to the Emperor) to receive chokusai (an imperial decision).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 史は奏文を受理して退出後に勅裁の結果を書いたものを蔵人に付して奏し、また職事公卿や弁官に進めた。
    Fuhito, the clerical official who received the sobun again from Shikiji-kugyo would exit from Jin-no-za (the court of Shikiji-kugyo) to submit relevant sobun with remarks of imperial decision to Kuroudo (chamberlain of imperial court) as well as to Shikiji-kugyo and Benkan (a division of Daijokan, the Grand Council of State, responsible for controlling central and provincial government affairs).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 官奏の内容は、不堪佃田や不動倉開用など、地方行政において中央の判断を仰ぐ必要のある重要な申請を中心に数通から十通が勅裁にかけられた。
    Several or ten reports were submitted at a time to obtain decision of the Emperor, and main subjects of which were major provincial affairs that needed judgement of central government, such as Fukan-denden (a report about uncultivable lands), Fudoso-kaiyo (a request to open a door of storage house of rice paid as tax) and others.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 判至要抄(さいばんしようしょう)は、鎌倉時代初期の承元元年(1207年)に後鳥羽上皇の院宣を受けた坂上明基によって編纂された撰法律書。
    Saibanshiyosho is a law book compiled by SAKANOUE no Akimoto on the Imperial command of the retired Emperor Gotoba in 1207, the beginning of the Kamakura period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「皇統譜の登録又は附記に錯誤を発見した場合の訂正」は、旧令では「皇族会議及枢密院(日本)ノ諮詢」および「勅裁」を経て行うと定めたが(旧5条1項2項)、現行令では「宮内庁長官が、法務大臣と協議して、これを行う」と定めた(現3条2号)。
    As for 'correction of entries or additional entries in the Record in case of detecting any errors,' the old Kotofu Rei stipulated that it be done based on 'advisories from Imperial Household Council and Privy Council (Japan)' and 'Imperial decision' (the old Article 5, Paragraphs 1-2 inclusive,) whereas the existing Kotofu Rei stipulates that 'the Grand Steward of the Imperial Household Agency negotiate with Minister of Justice and carry out the said correction' (the existing Article 3, Item 2).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 今出川兼季や西園寺実俊(ただし、貞治3年以後)といった現職・前職大臣に勅裁を伝える場合には当時の公家社会の慣例に従って院宣や綸旨はその家の家司宛に出されたのに対して、武家執奏が大納言以下の場合には本人宛に出された。
    In cases where the chokusai was conveyed to the current or former ministers such as Kanesue IMADEGAWA and Sanetoshi SAIONJI (1224 or later), the messages of inzen and rinji were conveyed to the keishi (household superintendent) of the household in accordance with the court nobles' customary practice at that time, while in cases where the bukeshisso's rank was Dainagon (Chief Counselor of State) or lower, the messages were sent directly to the designated person.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 内容は(1)摂関制度(摂政・関白)の廃止(2)(慶喜の)将軍職辞職を許(3)江戸幕府の廃止(4)(新たに)総、議定、参与の三職をおくというもので、江戸幕府の廃絶と、天皇による新政府の成立を宣言するものであった。
    It was a declaration to abolish the Edo Shogunate and to establish a new Imperial government; more specifically, (1) abolishment of sekkan-seido (a system of regents and advisors), (2) imperial consent to Yoshinobu's resignation of Shogunate, (3) abolishment of the Edo Shogunate, and (4) appointment to the posts of three new offices, namely sosai (president), gijo (official post) and sanyo (councilor).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶応3年12月9日(1868年1月3日)、総・議定・参与の三職を置き、摂政・関白・征夷大将軍・内覧・問・国事掛・議奏・武家伝奏・守護職・所司代を廃止した。
    On January 3, 1868, three offices of Sosai, Gijo and Sanyo (all of them, roughly concilors) were established, abolishing the positions of Sessho Kampaku (regent and chief adviser to the Emperor), Seii Taishogun (shogun, literally meaning, "great general who subdues the barbarians"), Nairan (private inspection), Chokumon (questions by Emperor), Kokujigakari (officials in charge of state affairs), Giso (a position conveying what the congress decides to Emperor), Buke Tenso (a position conveying messages between Emperor and the shogunate), Shugoshiki (military governor) and Shoshidai (the shogunate's military governor stationed in Kyoto).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (1) スペイン特許商標庁が行う国内又は外国データベースによる技術開発又は工業所有権一般についての照会は,2000年6月16日令No.2/2000により可された行政契約に関する法律の改正版に定める条件による契約締結を必要としない。
    1. The consultations carried out by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office of national or foreign databases on technological development or on industrial property in general shall not require contracts to be drawn up in the terms provided for in the revised text of the Law on Contracts for Public Administrations, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 2/2000 of June 16, 2000. - 特許庁
  • ところが、大正政変の際に大正天皇より公家出身の立憲政友会総西園寺公望に対して第3次桂内閣への内閣不信任案を撤回させて政友会を内閣に協力させるように命が出されたものの、政友会の代議士達は自分達は日本国民の代表であるとして西園寺に突き返させた(1913年2月9日)。
    In the Taisho Political Crisis, Emperor Taisho issued an imperial command that Kinmochi SAIONJI, president of Rikkenseiyukai (a political party originally organized by Hirobumi ITO) should withdraw a parliamentary motion of non-confidence against the cabinet related to the 3rd Katsura Cabinet and urge Seiyukai to collaborate with the Katsura Cabinet, but the parliamentarians of the Seiyukai made Saionji return the imperial command for the reason that the parliamentarians were the representatives of the Japanese nation (February 9, 1913.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治六年政変で征韓論派を一掃して主導権を握った大久保利通ではあったが、この時の明治天皇の勅裁はロシアとの国境を巡る紛争を理由とした「延期」(「中止」ではない)とされたため、ロシアとの国境が確定(1875年5月7日に樺太・千島交換条約締結)した際には征韓論派の要求が再燃する可能性が高かった。
    Although Toshimichi OKUBO gained the initiative, rooting out pro-Seikanron members during Meiji roku-nen no Seihen (Coups of 1873), Emperor Meiji's pronouncement of that time was that Japan postponed (not abandoned) dispatching troops to Korea due to a border dispute with Russia, which left a strong possibility for reigniting demand from pro-Seikanron once the border with Russia was determined (The Treaty of Saint Petersburg was signed on May 7, 1875.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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