
  • その男は千人斬りを自慢した.
    He claimed to be a real lady‐killer [Casanova, Don Juan].  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • また、1000を斬る(千人斬り)と悪病も治ると言われる事もあった。
    There was also a belief that killing 1,000 people (sennin giri (killing one thousand people with a sword)) would cure bad diseases.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文禄2年(1593年)、兄の信任が千人斬りの犯として逮捕されたため、津田家の家督を継ぐこととなる。
    He took over the head of the Tsuda family in 1593 because his elder brother Nobuto was arrested for the sennin giri (killing one thousand people with a sword).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 土屋昌恒・小宮山友晴らが奮戦し、土屋昌恒は「片手千人斬り」の異名を残すほどの活躍を見せた。
    Masastsune TSUCHIYA and Tomoharu KOMIYAMA bravely fought against their enemies; Masatsune later came to be known for having killed one thousand soldiers with a sword in one hand.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし桶狭間の戦いでは信長の家臣・服部一忠が真っ先に斬りつけようとした時、自ら抜刀して春安の膝を斬りつけて撃退、更に毛利良勝が斬りつけようとした時にも数合ほどやり合った末に首を掻こうとした毛利の指を食い切って絶命したと伝えられており、必ずしも個的武勇が無かった訳ではない。
    However, at the Battle of Okehazama when Nobunaga's vassal Kazutada HATTORI first tried to slash at Yoshimoto, Yoshimoto fought back by drawing his sword and cutting Hattori on the knee, then Yoshikatsu MORI tried to slash at Yoshimoto and they crossed swords several times, and when Mori was finally about to decapitate him, Yoshimoto bit off Mori's finger before dying, so it cannot be said that he completely lacked personal military prowess.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし同年、山科における洛外千人斬り事件で犯として逮捕され、剃髪して長意と号して士籍を剥奪され、前田利家に身柄を預けられた。
    In the same year, however, he was arrested as a criminal of the incident of killing one thousand people with a sword in the suburbs of Kyoto in Yamashina, for which not only he took the tonsure and called himself 長意, but also was deprived of being a samurai and taken into custody of Toshiie MAEDA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 物設定:忠信利平の金(元は寿姫の許嫁・信田小太郎の仏前に備えられた金を赤星十三郎が盗んだもの)を奪おうと斬りあう。
    Character setting: Person who fought with Tadanobu Rihei using a blade in order to steal his money (which had been originally offered before butsuzen (before the Buddha or a mortuary tablet) of SHIDA no Kotaro, bride elect of Senju Hime, and had been stolen by Akaboshi Juzaburo).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
