
  • 千人針という,一片の布に赤糸で千個の結び玉を作って出征兵士に贈ったもの
    in Japan, one thousand stitches in a belt presented to a soldier going to the battle field  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 魔法陣や梵字とはやや性質が異なるが、第二次世界大戦中に日本で盛んに行われた、千人針もこの一つといえる。
    Cotton belts with a thousand red stitches that were popular in Japan during World War II can be included in this category, although these are slightly different from magic circles and Sanskrit characters..  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1932年に成立した国防婦人会は「国防は台所から」というスローガンを掲げ、割烹着に襷掛けという会服で、千人針、出征兵士の見送り、廃品回収による献金、軍人遺族の慰問などの諸活動をおこなった。
    The Japan's National Defense Women's Association, which was organized in 1932, carried out various activities such as sewing senninbari (a cotton belt with a thousand red stitches, which was an amulet to avoid bullets), seeing off soldiers who were to leave for the front, donating money earned from collecting and selling waste materials, visiting and comforting the soldier's bereaved family, and so on, in the uniform of kappogi and tasuki-gake (tucking up the sleeves of a kimono with a cord) with the slogan "National Defense starts from the Kitchen."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
