(その思い)価千金 It is delicious―a delicious experience.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
真性の愛は価千金 True love is above price.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
その心地は価千金 The feeling is delicious.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
男子の一諾、一諾千金 His word is as good as his bond.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
彼は一攫千金を夢みている He dreams of making a fortune at a stroke.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
千金で人の首を購う to set a price of 1000 yen on one's head
- 斎藤和英大辞典
一攫千金の利を得る to make a fortune at a stroke
- 斎藤和英大辞典
真の友情は千金にも代え難い。 True friendship is priceless. - Tatoeba例文
春宵一刻値千金 a moment of time in a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold - JMdict
真の友情は千金に代え難い。 True friendship is priceless.
- Tanaka Corpus
真正の愛は千金にも換え難い True love is not to be bought with all the gold in the world.
- 斎藤和英大辞典
彼は一攫千金の夢を抱いて上京した。 He came to Tokyo with the dream of becoming rich. - Tatoeba例文
彼は一攫千金の夢を抱いて上京した。 He went to Tokyo with the dream of becoming rich. - Tatoeba例文
彼はよく一攫千金を夢見ている。 He often tries to get rich at a single bound. - Tatoeba例文
多くの人が一攫千金を夢見て宝くじを買う。 A lot of people buy lotteries dreaming of wealth at one stroke. - Tatoeba例文
多くの人が一攫千金を夢見て宝くじを買う。 Many people buy lottery tickets with the dream of immediately becoming wealthy. - Tatoeba例文
ヘラジカ放牧は、一攫千金のもくろみではありません。 Elk ranching is not a get-rich-quick scheme. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
彼は一攫千金を夢を抱いて上京した。 He came up to Tokyo with a big dream.
- Tanaka Corpus
彼はよく一攫千金を夢見ている。 He often tries to get rich at a single bound.
- Tanaka Corpus
多くの人が一攫千金を夢にて宝くじを買う。 A lot of people buy lotteries dreaming of wealth at one stroke.
- Tanaka Corpus
一攫千金を狙って 私は宝くじを買ってるんです。 I've been buying lotto tickets hoping to get rich quick. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
男が一諾をすることは千金に値するということ a fact that something consented to by a male is worth a thousand British pounds
- EDR日英対訳辞書
特に細密な美人画は当時から称賛されていたようで、「春章一幅価千金」と記されている。 His detailed bijinga (portraits of beautiful women) seem to have been highly recognized at that time, and were described as 'Shunsho Ippuku Atai Senkin' (One painting by Shunsho is worth a thousand gold coins).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
「千金の子は市にも死せず」「富貴の人は王者のたのしみを同じうす」とことわざを唱え、清貧な生き方をする賢人は賢いけれど、金の徳を重んじない点で賢明な行為ではない、と断じた。 He recites proverbs such as, 'Those who have ambition are not killed by creeps,' judging that a wise man who is contented with honest poverty may be wise, but such behavior is not wise in that he doesn't consider money important.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
このため、中国の条約港で流通している銀貨を日本に持ち込んで金に両替し、再び中国に持ち帰り銀に両替するだけで、一攫千金濡れ手で粟の利益が得られた。 As a result, merely by bringing some of the silver circulating in the treaty port of China into Japan and exchanging it for gold and then taking that gold back to China and exchanging it for silver, people had found a very easy way by which to get rich quick.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
そして、それを目標に経営をやっていった場合というのが、非常にリスクの高い商品を編み出して、それで一攫千金で、一時的でも良いからバッと儲けてしまえと。 When managers manage their companies based on such incentives, they may try to earn quick profits by developing very risky products.
- 金融庁
南禅寺の南禅寺伽藍の屋上、天下をねらう大盗賊石川五右衛門は煙管を吹かして、「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の宵は値千両とは、小せえ、小せえ、この五右衛門の目からは、値万両、万々両」という名台詞を吐き、夕暮れ時の満開の桜を悠然と眺めている。 On a spring evening, on the rooftop of Nanzen-ji Temple, Goemon ISHIKAWA, a legendary bandit with designs on all the treasure of Japan, is composedly smoking with a pipe and viewing the cherry trees which are in full bloom, and says his famous line: "What a superb view, what a superb view; that man, saying that a moment of a spring evening is worth one thousand ryo (monetary unit), was a person of really small, small caliber; for this moment, I would spend ten thousand ryo, hundred million ryo" ('a moment of a spring evening' refers to the famous phrase of a Chinese poem "春夜Chunye" by 蘇軾Su Shi; in the original, it is 'one thousand gold' 春宵一刻値千金).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
歌舞伎『金門五山桐』(楼門五三桐)の「山門」の場で「絶景かな、絶景かな、春の眺めは値千金とは小せえ、ちいせえ」と煙管片手に見得を切り、楼門の場の科白で釜煎りにされながら詠む「石川や 浜の真砂は 尽きるとも 世に盗人の 種は尽きまじ(辞世の句とされている)」が有名である。 The 'temple gate' scene in Kabuki, "Kinmon Gosan no Kiri (Sanmon Gosan no Kiri)" (The Temple Gate and the Paulownia Crest), is a famous scene in which he takes a flamboyant pose with a tobacco pipe in one hand and says, 'What a glorious view, what a glorious view, the scenery of spring is worth its weight in gold, how small that is, how small that is,' and he reads a poem as a part of his line in the temple gate scene, 'Although there maybe an end to ISHIKAWA and sand on the beach, there is no end to the seeds of robbers in this world (said to be his poem at his death)' as he is roasted to death in a cauldron.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス