
  • 平然としたな受難者
    a stoical sufferer  - 日本語WordNet
  • そして、この教えを信じ弘める行は必ず世間から迫害されると予言するキリスト教やユダヤ教等セム系一神教にも共通する「受難劇」の視点も見られる。
    There is a viewpoint of 'passion play,' which forecasts that the priests who believe this teaching and are in charge of missionary works are inevitably oppressed by the public, which are common in Semitic monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 明治には元寇受難者への追贈で時宗にも従一位が追贈され、昭和には太平洋戦争へ至る時局から評伝などが数多く書かれた。
    In the Meiji period, court ranks were posthumously conferred to those who had fought in the Mongolian invasions, including Tokimune who was awarded Juichii (Junior First Rank), and in the Showa period, many biographies about him were written in the period that led up to the Pacific War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 4世紀にキリスト教が公認されると、キリスト教発祥の地であるパレスチナ、ことにキリストの生地であるベツレヘム、受難の地であるエルサレムへ、その遺構に参拝する信が旅行するようになった。
    In the fourth century, when Christianity became official, the birthplace of Christianity, Palestine, especially, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Bethlehem, and the site of the Passion, Jerusalem, were destinations for followers to travel and worship.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
