主な伝本としては、梅沢本(三条西家旧蔵、古本系第一類、国宝)、陽明文庫本(古本系第二類)、西本願寺本(流布本系第一類、重要文化財)、古活字本(元和(日本)・寛永年間の版本)・明暦刊本(以上、流布本系第二類)、絵入九巻抄出本(流布本系第三類)、富岡家旧蔵本(甲・乙二種類あり、異本系、甲本は重要文化財、甲乙とも巻三十まで)などがある。 The major surviving texts are as follows: the Umezawa manuscript (formerly the Sanjonishi manuscript, old text, first subgroup, a National Treasure), the Yomei Archives manuscript (old text, second subgroup), the Nishi Hongan-ji Temple manuscript (vulgate text, first subgroup, an Important Cultural Property), old movable type manuscripts (printed in the Genna (Japan) and Kan'ei eras (1615-44)), woodblock-printed manuscripts of the Meireki era (1655-58) (vulgate text, second subgroup), a nine-volume illustrated abridgement (vulgate text, third subgroup), and the Tomioka manuscript (two texts-A and B, variant texts, with A, an Important Cultural Property, and both A and B up to chapter 30), etc.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス