
1 2 次へ>
  • 行政司法へのサービス。
    Services to the Executive and Judicial agencies of the government  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 立法・行政司法の機能を備えていた。
    It had the functions of a legislative body, an administrative body, and a judiciary body.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 立法・行政司法の三権分立。
    The separation of powers of administration, legislation, and judicature shall be implemented.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行政司法等、国務一切を総轄する。
    It presided over the state affairs including administration and jurisdiction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行政司法等、国務一切を総轄する。
    The job was to control the administration, judiciary and all of the national affairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京職は都に関わる行政・治安・司法一切を統括する。
    Kyoshiki supervised all matters concerning administration, security and justice relating to the Capital.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 祭祀・行政司法・軍事のすべてを司り、管内では絶大な権限を持った。
    He had supreme authority in the area under his jurisdiction and was responsible for all matters pertaining to religious services, administration, the law and the military.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 国立国会図書館のサービス対象のもうひとつの柱は国の行政司法に対してである。
    Another main service provided by the NDL is for the Executive and Judicial agencies of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太政官(だいじょうかん、おおいまつりごとのつかさ)とは、日本の律令制における司法・行政・立法を司る最高国家機関を指す。
    Daijokan 太政官 (also known as Ooimatsurigotonotsukasa) was the highest organ of state power controlling jurisdiction, administration, and legislation of Japan under the Ritsuryo legal code system.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鎌倉時代においては鎌倉幕府の最高政務機関であり、行政司法・立法のすべてを司っていた。
    During the Kamakura period, Hyojoshu was the highest organ of government, which presided over all of administration, jurisdiction, and legislation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのなかで有名なものは、町奉行配下の町方与力で、町奉行を補佐し、江戸市中の行政司法・警察の任にあたった。
    In particular, machi-kata yoriki under machi-bugyo (the post in charge of townspeople's affairs or officers in the post) was famous, assisted machi-bugyo, and played the functions of administration, judicature, and police.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 総督の命令(制令)が司法・行政・立法の全機能を有し、帝国議会の議決は不要とされた。
    The Sotoku's orders (regulations) reserved all the functions of judicial, executive and legislative administration, and voting of the Imperial Diet was unnecessary.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 町奉行の下で江戸の司法・行政・警察事務を務めた町方同心、市中見廻りを行なった三廻同心はよく知られている。
    Well-known doshin officials are Machikata-doshin, who handled justice, administration, and police affairs in Edo under the town magistrate, and Sanmawari-doshin, who conducted patrols of the town.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 更に当時の日本の法思想では行政権と司法権の分離は行われておらず(例えば、町奉行は江戸の行政司法の両方の権限を有する)、却って刑事事件である吟味筋の吟味を通じた治安の確保こそが行政行為の中核と捉えられていた。
    Moreover, in thought of law in Japan of the times, executive power and judicial power were not isolated (for example, machi-bugyo 〔town magistrate〕 held both of administration power and judicial power in Edo), on the contrary, securing public security through ginmi (investigation) of ginmisuji that was criminal case was considered a core of public administration.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 太政官の権力を立法・行政司法の三権に分け、それぞれを議政官・行政官以下の五官・刑法官が掌る三権分立の体制がとられた。
    The authority of Dajokan was divided into three branches of legislation, administration and judiciary, each of which was exercised by Giseikan (the legislature), Gyoseikan (the executive) and subordinate five branches and Keihokan (the judiciary) respectively to achieve the system with three powers separated.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 町奉行(まちぶぎょう)とは江戸時代の職名で、領内の都市部(町方)の行政司法を担当する役職。
    Machi-bugyo was a name of a governmental post in the Edo period that was in charge of administration and judicature in an urban area (called machi-kata) in a territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 公地公民制が機能していた時代には、国衙を含めた官司が司法・行政の権限を独占的に有していた。
    In the time when the system of the ownership of all lands and serfs by the emperor was functioning, government officials including kokuga (provincial government offices) exclusively owned judicial and administrative authorities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 荘務に関する権限(すなわち荘園内部における行政司法権)を荘務権(しょうむけん)と呼ぶ。
    The authority in regard to shomu is referred to as shomuken (the authority of the jurisdiction and the administration of shoen).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし、それらの所領は一括して京都郡代の管理下に置かれ、その仕置(行政司法)は京都郡代によって行われた。
    However, all of this fell under the control of the Kyoto Gundai (the Kyoto deputy), who maintained shioki (public administration and administration of justice) over the territory.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行政司法などの公式文書以外に、書状・商用文・記録・日記・証文・関所手形・宗門手形・共同生活に関わる文書にいたるまで、かなりの文献がこの「候文」様式である。
    Other than official documents related to administration or judicial procedures, a considerable number of documents, such as letters, commercial correspondences, records, diaries, acts and deed, licenses to pass barrier stations, religious census certificates and documents related to community life were in 'sorobun' style.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸では江戸城の警備や将軍の護衛を行う大番(番方)、文官(役方、行政司法・財政を担当)である町奉行・勘定奉行・大目付・目付などの役職についた。
    In Edo, Hatamoto took the post of Oban (or bankata; great guards) for guarding the Edo-jo Castle and the shogun, or civil officers (or yakugata; in charge of administration, judicature, or finance), such as machi bugyo (town magistrate), kanjo bugyo (commissioner of finance), ometsuke (inspector general) and metsuke (inspector).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 司法を担当していた刑部省、警察・監察を担当していた弾正台、都に関わる行政・治安・司法を統括していた京職等の他の官庁の職掌を段々と奪うようになり、検非違使は大きな権力を振るうようになった。
    Kebiishi took more and more official duties from other authorities such as Gyobusho (Ministry of Justice) who was responsible for the judiciary branch, Danjodai (Board of Censors) who was responsible for police and inspections, Kyoshiki (Capital Bureau) who controlled administrative security and other judiciary branches related to the capital, and exercised enormous power.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 慶応4年閏4月21日(1868年6月11日)、太政官の権力を立法・行法・司法の三権に分け、それぞれ議政官・行政官・刑法官に担当させることなどを定めた政体書を出した。
    On April 11, 1868, the authority of Dajokan (Grand Council of State) was divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches, and each of them was led by Giseikan (an official to take charge of legislation), Gyoseikan (an official to take charge of administration) and Keihokan (an official to take charge of criminal justice), respectively.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 具体的には領土・人民・財産に対する支配権や立法・行政司法の諸権を有することであるが、どこまでそれら諸権が及び、あるいは及ばないかという境界線が明確となっている。
    In more concrete terms, it means to have authority to control territory, people and properties and other rights such as law-making, administration and judiciary and the borderline that divides areas to which such rights are applicable and not applicable were made clear.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行政および司法の各部門、すなわち日本の行政機関および最高裁判所に置かれる図書館については行政司法に対するサービスで改めて詳しくあつかうが、各省庁や裁判所に置かれる付属図書館を制度上国立国会図書館の支部とすることで、日本唯一の国立中央図書館である国立国会図書館と各図書館を一体のネットワークに置いたものである。
    The libraries in the executive and judicial agencies, or the executive branches of the Japanese Government and the Supreme Court of Japan, will be explained in detail in the section covering the services to the Executive and Judicial agencies of the government; moreover, by designating libraries affiliated to the executive agencies and courts as branches of the NDL in a system, the NDL, as the only national main library in Japan, and other libraries mentioned above have been integrated within a single network.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また1868年にだされた政体書は、日本の国家体制を規定しようとした、いわば維新政府の青写真・計画書であるが、その構想とは太政官をトップに、議政官(立法)・行政官(行政)・刑法官(司法)を配置するもので、三権分立思想を取り入れている。
    The Constitution of 1868 was blueprint or plan document of the restoration government to define state system of Japan and it adopted thought of separation of powers, headed by Dajokan (Grand Council of State), Gisei kan (legislative power), Gyosei kan (administrative power) and Keiho kan (judicial power) were deployed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 朝鮮王朝は恒居倭の倭寇化を恐れ、検断権(警察・司法権)・徴税権といった行政権を行使できず、日本人有力者による自治に任せるままであった。
    Since the Korean Dynasty was afraid that kokyowa might become wako, they hesitated to use their administrative powers such as the police authority, the legal jurisdiction, and the authority of tax collection, and they just left the government of that area to some influential Japanese people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、荘園が成立して不輸の権(日本)・不入の権(日本)が確立されると、官司の役人及び法的権限が荘園から排除されて代わりに本所が司法・行政権を獲得した。
    However, as Fuyu no ken (the right of tax exemption) and Funyu no ken (the right to keep the tax agents from entering the property) were established upon the formation of Shoen, the government officials and their legal authorities were excluded from the Shoen and the honjo acquired the judicial and administrative rights instead.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 五大老・三中老が置かれ、行政司法、財政、土木、宗教の担当官として五奉行を設置、また訴訟の受理・聴取を担当する十人衆が設置された。
    Gotairo' and 'Sanchuro' were established as well as 'Gobugyo', who were in charge of public administration, justice, financial administration, civil engineering work and religion, and 'Juhinshu' (Ten influential families), who were in charge of the acceptance of lawsuits and hearing of opinions, were established.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これは、幕府や藩などの媒介なしに、天皇の下にある中央政府が直接に土地と人民を支配し、統治権(立法権・行政権・司法権)を行使することを意味する。
    This meant that the central government, on behalf of the emperor, could directly rule land and people, and exercise ruling powers (legislative power, executive power, and judicial power).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行政司法各部門支部図書館の館長はそれぞれの事務官・技官から任命されるが、その任命権は立法府の職員である国立国会図書館長に与えられている。
    The chief librarians of the branch libraries of the Executive and Judicial agencies are appointed from among the administrative and technical officers, but the position of appointment is given to the chief librarian of the NDL, who is a staff of the Legislative branch of the government.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 我が国は、APEC、WIPO、WTO 等の多国間や二国間の様々な機会及び枠組みを通じて、各国・地域における法制度の適切かつ効果的な運用、行政司法各部門での取締の強化等を要請してきた。
    Japan has requested through various opportunities and frameworks of multilateral as well as bilateral discussions, such as APEC, WIPO, WTO, etc. ?that the countries and territories administer relevant legal systems appropriately and effectively and strengthen enforcement efforts by administrative and judicial branches. - 経済産業省
  • 一般には3,000石以上の旗本(旗本寄合席)には大名に準じた知行権(統治権)を有して死刑などの重刑裁判以外の行政権・司法権を行使した。
    Generally, the hatamoto with the rice crop of 3,000 koku or more (hatamoto yoriaiseki [a family rank of high-ranking hatamoto, direct vassal of the shogun]) were provided with the right to manage their fief like daimyo (Japanese feudal lord), and executed administrative rights and judicial rights except trials for grave penalty such as death penalty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特権的な貴族層が、全国の人民を直接支配するためには、中央から地方の末端にいたるまでの体系的な行政司法の機構を必要とした。
    For the privileged kizoku class to directly rule the people nationwide, a systematic administrative/judicial structure covering the center and the remote provinces was necessary.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしながら、実際に在地における行政司法の権限、すなわち荘務権を掌握していた者が領家などであったとしても本所と呼ばれていた。
    However, even other lords of the manor, such as the ryoke, were also called honjo when they actually assumed the authority of administration and administration of justice at their shoen, or in other words, the right to assert Shomu.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平安時代頃までに、国司の役所そのもの(国庁という)を国衙と呼んだり、国司の行政司法機構を国衙と呼ぶことが一般的となった。
    Leading up to the Heian period, it was generalized that a government office of the Kokushi (called Kokucho [local government]) itself was called Kokuga and the Administration and Judiciary structures of the Kokushi were called Kokuga.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もっとも、幕藩体制の維持を重視していた江戸幕府や諸藩は、越訴そのものは禁じていたものの、下級役人の不正な行政司法を放置することも許容できなかった。
    Although the Edo bakufu and clans that gave weight to the preservation of the shogunate system banned osso themselves, they could not leave unlawful administration and administration of justice by low-level functionaries as they were.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そもそも、廃藩置県によって従来の行政司法システムを根本的に解体した結果、それに代替するシステムを早急に制定する必要性があった。
    In the first place, because traditional administrative and judicial systems were totally dissolved due to Haihan-chiken, it was necessary to establish alternative systems quickly.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同時に、納本図書館として日本で唯一の国立図書館としての機能を兼ねており、行政司法の各部門および日本国民に対するサービスも行っている。
    The NDL also possesses a function as the only national legal deposit library in Japan, and provides services to the executive and judicial agencies of the government as well as to the general public.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これらに対し国立国会図書館は図書館サービス資料の貸し出し、複写、レファレンスなどの図書館サービスを行っているが、その窓口となるのが国の行政司法の各部門に設けられた支部図書館である。
    The NDL provides them with lending, copying and reference services of library service materials, through branch libraries in the Executive and Judicial agencies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「本所」とは複数ある職のうち、荘園内において荘務すなわち、司法・行政・警察活動を行う権限を有して法的支配を行使した者を指す(領家・本家の別称としての「本所」という語も存在するが、本来の意味での使用ではない)。
    Among a variety of shiki, 'Honjo' exercised legal control over Shoen with the authority to carry out Shomu (management and control of encouragement of agriculture, taxes and so on in Shoen) or judicial, administrative and police activities (The word, 'Honjo' is also used when referring to Ryoke and Honke, but it is not the original meaning of the word.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 同年4月14日には、立憲政體ノ詔書(太政官布告第58号)を発して、行政を担当する太政官・正院、立法を担当する元老院(日本)・地方官会議、司法を担当する大審院を置く三権分立制の基礎を形作った。
    The Imperial edict Rikken Seitai no Shosho (Dajokanfukoku No. 58) was issued on April 14, 1875, whereby the base of the separation of powers was formed such that placed Dajokan and Seiin to take responsibility for administration, Genroin, and Chihokankaigi to take responsibility for legislation, and Daishinin to take responsibility for jurisdiction.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 検断とは統治すること・裁判することを意味する言葉であり、中世日本では治安行政と刑事司法とが未分化だったため、統治することが裁判を行うことと密接につながっていたのである(日葡辞書によると、検断は統治・裁判を行う役職、とある)。
    "Kendan" is a word which means both to govern and judge; since public safety administration and criminal justice were undifferentiated in medieval Japan, the concept of governing was closely associated with the concept of judging (according to a Japanese - Portuguese dictionary, "kendan" is a role which governs and judges).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 台湾総督は台湾の行政司法・立法から軍事までを一手に掌握しうる強大な権限を持ったため「土皇帝」と呼ばれた程である(後に軍事権が台湾軍(日本軍)司令官に移譲されたことにより、文官の総督就任が可能になる)。
    Power was highly centralized with the Taiwan governor wielding the public administration, administration of justice, legislation and military, therefore it was called 'Do Kotei', the local emperor (later, the military power was transferred to the Taiwanese army [Japanese army] so the civil officers could assume the governer).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、太政官に立法・司法・行政の全機能を集中させ、太政大臣に強力な権限を与えるこの制度は、近代国家の国政運営に適さないと考えられ、また、太政大臣の負担が大きく、かえって国家運営の停滞と責任の所在の不明確さを招いた。
    However, this system, which concentrated all the state's legislative, judiciary and administrative functions in the Daijokan and gave broad authority to the Dajo-daijin (Grand Minister) was thought to be ill-suited for the political management of a modern nation; the High Chancellor's extensive responsibilities caused delays in the political management of the nation and invited confusion over who had responsibility for which tasks.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、中国の税関、警察、裁判所、知的財産権に関する行政機関等、関係機関の人材育成を支援するとともに、2006 年9 月の中国専利法改正調査団との意見交換及びシンポジウム開催、同年11 月・12 月の最高人民法院・最高人民検察院との意見交換及びシンポジウム開催、同年12 月の国務院法制弁室・国家工商行政管理総局との意見交換及びシンポジウム等を通じて、中国の行政司法機関における法制度整備等の支援を行い、人材と制度の両面から問題解決に向けた取組を行っている。
    In addition, Japan has provided support for training the personnel of relevant organizations such as customs, police, courts and administrative agencies that deal with intellectual property rights. Japan has also provided support for the improvement of legal systems in China's administrative and judicial institutions through exchanges of opinions and symposiums with organizations including the Study Group for Amendment of China's Patent Law in September 2006, with the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate Office in November and December of the same year, and with The State Council Legislation Office and The General Administration for Industry and Commerce in December. These efforts are aimed at solving problems associated with both personnel and institutions. - 経済産業省
  • だが、本来は京都市民の代表であった町人身分の町代が次第に町奉行所において地位を固めるようになると、京都の司法・行政に大きな影響力を与えた公家や寺社などとも関係を結んでいくようになってきた。
    Machidai, a townsman who originally represented the Kyoto citizens, gradually built up a position in the Kyoto city magistrates' office, and also formed relationship with the court nobles, temples, and shrines, which were quite influential in legislature and administration of Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に宮中において天皇に近侍する蔵人・太政官において行政事務を担当する弁官・平安京の司法・警察・民政の実務を行う検非違使佐は仕事量が多く重要な官職であったこのため、それらの職務を同時にこなすことは実務能力に優れた官僚でなければ不可能だった。
    As Kurodo who valeted the Emperor at court, Benkan in charge of administrative jobs at Dajokan and Kebiishi no suke responsible for judiciary/police/civil affairs in Heiankyo (Kyoto) were particularly important official positions with a heavy workload, it was impossible for an official to assume these three positions concurrently unless he had an excellent business ability.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 検断とは、統治すること・裁判することを意味する用語であり、中世日本では治安行政と刑事司法、さらに軍事までもが未分化だったため、領地・村落内の内政、外交を行い、統治することが裁判を行うことと密接につながっていた(日葡辞書によると、検断は統治・裁判を行う役職、とある)。
    The kendan is the term to mean to rule and to hold a trial, and addressing domestic policies, diplomacies, and governing territories and rural communities were closely connected to holding a trial because security, government, and criminal justice, even the military, were not separated in medieval Japan (according to "Vocabvlario da Lingoa de Iapam:" Japanese-Portuguese dictionary, published 1603 - 1604), kendan was described as a post to rule and hold a trial).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 我が国は、2006 年6 月の知的財産権保護に関する官民合同ミッション派遣、同年7月・12 月の日中経済パートナーシップ協議、同年10 月のWTO・TRIPS 理事会等、二国間及び多国間の様々な機会及び枠組みを通じて、国内法制の整備及びその適切かつ効果的な運用、行政司法各部門での取締強化等を要請してきた。
    Through various bilateral and multilateral conferences and frameworks including a 8 joint mission with the government and the International Intellectual Property Protection Forum (IIPPF) in June 2006, the Japan-China Economic partnership conference held in July and December of 2006 and the WTO/TRIPS Council, Japan requested that China improve domestic legislation, enforce legal protection appropriately and effectively and strengthen administrative and judicial enforcement. - 経済産業省
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