
  • あとはただ先祖の名に恥じぬようにふるまうだけです。
    but as their father's sons they acquitted themselves.  - James Matthew Barrie『ピーターパンとウェンディ』
  • 槍の柄は朱色に塗られ、真田の赤揃えに恥じ槍だった。
    The hilt of the spear was painted bright red, and it was an excellent weapon that lived up to Sanada's Akazonae.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 武市半平太「土佐一国にはあだたぬ奴」(龍馬脱藩後)、「肝胆もとより雄大、奇機おのずから湧出し、飛潜だれか識るあらん、ひとえに龍恥じず」(獄中で)
    Hanpeita TAKECHI said that "He is not a type of person who does excellent jobs only within the Tosa clan" (after Ryoma fled from the Tosa clan) and also "Ryoma is brave, grand, innovative, and unique, just true to his name "dragon." (in prison)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 老夫婦の見事な演奏を聴いた師長は、日本に自分ほどの琵琶の手はいないと自惚れていたことを恥じ、塩屋をこっそり抜け出し帰ろうとするが、老夫婦に引き留められる。
    Listening to the elderly couple's admirable performance, Moronaga felt ashamed for having flattered himself to think that he was the best biwa player in Japan, and tried to sneak out of the shioya in secret, but the elderly couple stopped him.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 鴨長明『無抄』では宮内卿を「昔にも恥じぬ上手」と評し、「あまり歌を深く案じて病になりて」重篤に陥ったが、父の諌めをも聞かずに歌にうちこんだため早世した、という逸話を紹介している。
    KAMO no Chomei commented in "Mumyosho" (an essay on tanka poetry) that 'Kunaikyo is good at composing poems and can face the great poets in the past without embarrassment,' referring to an episode that 'she pondered poems so deeply that she fell sick' and got worse, but she turned a deaf ear to the protests of her father, devoting herself to poetry, and died young.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
