
  • 商い屋という職業
    an occupation called trader  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 号を大文字と称し、畳表や蚊帳などの商いで財を成した。
    He ran a shop under the yago (name of the store) Daimonjiya, and made a fortune by trading tatami matting and mosquito nets.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元禄の頃には江戸で鰻商いが始まっていたとされる。
    It is considered that eel restaurants began during the Genroku era (1688 to 1703).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ところで質商いってのはほとんど晩方でしてね、ホームズさん、特に木曜日と金曜日の晩、ちょうど給料日の前なんでね。
    "Now a pawnbroker's business is mostly done of an evening, Mr. Holmes, especially Thursday and Friday evening, which is just before pay-day;  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』
  • 蓮の葉商い(蓮の葉商ひ、蓮葉商い)とは、古くから日本各地の朝市や縁日などで、その時々に自生する銀杏、アケビ、椎(しい)などの木の実や五節句、二十四節気の年中行事に必要な季節物をその期日の前に商いしていた者をさす(近年、近代から八百や花や街商も季節物を売っていた)。
    The term "trade in lotus leaves" refers to persons who have dealt with ginkgo nuts, akebi or nuts of any beech tree of the genus Castanopsis growing naturally at different times, or with seasonal goods necessary for annual events including the five seasonal festivals and 24 divisions of the old calendar, before the days of such events at morning markets and fairs in various regions of Japan, from the old times (in the later years of the modern period, vegetable shops, flower shops and gaisho (stallholders) sold seasonal goods).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 際物売り・まがい物売りなどと表現され、的の発祥の一つとされる蓮の葉商いや如何様師(いかさま師)などがあり、その語源の発祥とその経緯(蓮の葉商いも如何様師もまがい物や際物を売る者という意味がある)が一致している。
    The origins of tekiya, who are known for selling cheap and fake items, are believed lie in Lotus Leaf traders and Ikasamashi (fraudsters), since they share etymology and background (both the Trade of Lotus Leaves and Ikasamashi mean people who sell fake or cheap objects).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 双方とも茣蓙が大事な商売道具でもあり、偶然なのか洒落なのか、またはそのような実態が的としての「転び」にあったかは定かではないが、茣蓙の上に商品を乗せる商いの総称ともとれる。
    Both required straw floor mats as important business tools, and it was a general term used to describe businesses where goods were sold from straw mats on the floor, rather than an actual stall, although is not certain whether 'korobi' (falling) was a pun or just happened to be called, or referred to businesses actually collapsing.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その他、籤や銀杏、椎などの元は時節や節気の縁起物である食品や祭礼用の品を売る台(古くは蓮の葉商いといった)などが縁日などではお馴染み深い。
    There are also stalls that sell food and festival goods such as lottery tickets, ginko nuts and sweet acorns, which were originally sold as seasonal good luck charms (what was traditionally called the Lotus Leaf Trade) and are often found at fairs.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関西風の鰻が存在した理由は参勤交代で江戸までお供した職人や料理人がそのまま江戸に定住しそこで商いを始めたとされる。
    The reason why the Kansai-style eel restaurants existed was that the artisans and cooks, who came to Edo because of Sankinkotai (a system under which feudal lords during the Edo period were required to spend every other year residing in Edo), settled in Edo, and began their trade.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 季節物の販売も多く、蓮の葉商いの傾向も強いが市や祭事の門前町などの街商は場所代や既得権が必要であったが、棒手振は歩き売りという形を取っていたのが街商などとの差異であり、また季節物ではない代表的なものとして、夜鳴き蕎麦や鮨などがあげられる。
    Botefuri sold a lot of seasonal goods, so-called Hasunohaakinai (trade of lotus leaves, which means a dealing with seasonal goods), by slowly cruising the neighborhood, which differed from stallholders who did their businesses in bazaar, festivals, or in temple towns by paying for their places and for the right to carry on their businesses; and also, some of monouri like Yonaki-soba vendors (merchants vending soba at night) and Sushi vendors sold items nothing to do with the season.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 古くは市(朝市、定期市)や縁日などで時節の縁起物を売っていた蓮の葉商いや、その目抜き通りで大道芸などを行っていた手品師、太神楽とも言われる曲芸師や曲独楽師などが、現在の的の源流ともいわれる。
    It is said that today's tekiya date back to traders of lotus leaves (dealing with seasonal goods) who sold lucky charms of the season at markets (morning markets and seasonal markets) and fairs, magicians performing street performances on the main streets, and acrobatic artists also known as daikagura (lion dancer) and kyokugomashi (spinning trick performers).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
