
  • 嘆願書を出す.
    put in a plea  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 嘆願を提出す
    to present a petition to the government―file a petition with the government  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 議定や参与に面会し、宮の直を携え徳川家存続を嘆願するも、御所に宮の直出すことのないようにと諌められる。
    She brought Kazunomiya's letter and met higher officials and councilors to plea the continuance of the Tokugawa family, however, they stopped her from handing in the letter to Emperor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 奥羽14藩は会議を開き、会津藩・庄内藩赦免の嘆願を九条総督に提出するも却下されたため、朝廷へ直接建白を行う方針に変更し、閏4月23日新たに11藩を加えて白石盟約が調印。
    Fourteen domains in Ou held a conference and submitted a petition for the pardon of the Aizu and Shonai Domains to Commander KUJO, but KUJO rejected it; as a result, they modified the plan to petition directly to the Imperial Court and added eleven more domains to sign the Shiraishi pact on May 15.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 毛利方は安国寺恵瓊を高松城に送り込んで説得を試みたが、宗治は主家である毛利家と城内の兵の命が助かるなら自分の首はいとも安いと述べ、自らと兄である清月と家臣の難波伝兵衛、末近左衛門の4人の首を差し出す代わりに籠城者の命を助けるようにという嘆願き、安国寺恵瓊に託した。
    Mori attempted to convince Muneharu by sending Ekei ANKOKUJI over into Takamatsu-jo Castle, but Muneharu said he was not afraid to lose his life as long as he could save the Mori clan, his master, and the lives of his troops, leaving a petition to Ekei ANKOKUJI, which was to save the lives of the besieged in exchange for the lives of the four people: his brother Seigetsu, his vassals Denbe NANBA and Saemon SUECHIKA, and himself.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
