
  • が、父の死後は嘗て父の弟子であった月の家圓鏡(後の橘家圓蔵(7代目))に師事する。
    But after the death of his father, he trained under Enkyo TSUKINOYA (later Enzo TACHIBANAYA (the seventh)), a disciple of his father.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嘗て但馬国守だったが、社領から年貢を取り立てるという非法行為を行っていた。
    He was Tajima no kuni no kami (Governor of Tajima Province), but he illegally collected land taxes from shrine territories.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、天守閣については嘗て多聞山城にて初めて出現したと言われていた。
    It was once assumed that Tamonyama-jo Castle was the first castle with a tenshukaku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嘗ての旅の記録の筆写本が回覧されていて、それの上梓を書肆が望んだのである。
    The manuscripts of his past travel reports had been circulated and a publisher wanted to publish the books.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 頼長は局面の打開のため、嘗て鳥羽法皇から無理強いで譲位させられて以来失意にあった崇徳天皇に接近する。
    To break this deadlocked state of affairs, Yorinaga was forced by the Cloistered Emperor Toba to abdicate and afterwards he drew closer to a despairing Emperor Sutoku.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 嘗てここに清原元輔の山荘があり、晩年の清少納言が隠棲したと思われる所としては、昭和49年(1974年)、当時の平安博物館館長・角田文衞氏の発案によって歌碑が建立された。
    Once there was a mountain villa of KIYOHARA no Motosuke here, and Sei Shonagon in her later years seems to have lived in seclusion, so in 1974 Bunei TSUNODA, who was then a director of the Heian Museum of Ancient History, suggested that a monument be erected.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 子孫の振媛命は越前国(福井県)の出であるが、その福井県坂井市・大湊神社の古い記録によると嘗ては同神社に磐撞別命も祭神として祀っていたという。
    Furihime no mikoto, his descendent, was from Echizen Province (Fukui Prefecture), and according to an old document kept at Ominato-jinja Shrine in Sakai City, Fukui Prefecture, Iwatsukuwake no mikoto was also enshrined in the past as an enshrined deity in this shrine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし「深宮の内に養長して未だ嘗て世俗の艱難を知らず」と評され、性格は温雅で音楽を愛好し、座右に鼓鐘を置いて、退庁の後は自ら弾じて楽しんだという。
    Some people criticized him as a spoiled man who was ignorant of the real world hardships, however he was also reputed to be mild-mannered, loved music, had a hand drum and a bell on his desk at office and played them himself after work.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江南軍のほとんどが嘗ての南宋の兵であり、放っておけば社会不安の要因となる彼らを厄介払いする目的もあったと言われる杉山正明の一連の著作、『中国史3』P449など(山川出版社)(それを裏付けるように、モンゴルの司令官たちが乗った船は一隻も沈んでおらず、江南軍に従軍した兵士達の墓も旧南宋の領内では確認されていない)。
    According to a series of books written by Masaaki SUGIYAMA and page 449 of "Chugokushi 3" (The History of China, Volume 3) (published by Yamakawa Shuppansha) says that a purpose for organizing most of the Southern Yangtze Army with soldiers from the former Southern Sung Dynasty was to get rid of them, and they would cause social anxiety if left alone (in fact, to support this idea, no ship in which Mongol commanders were on board sank, and tombs of the soldiers joined in the Southern Yangtze Army have not been found in the former territory of the Southern Sung Dynasty).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
