日本の国鳥はキジである. Japan's national bird is the pheasant.
- 研究社 新和英中辞典
日本の国鳥はキジです。 The national bird of Japan is the green pheasant. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文
因幡国鳥取城主。 Joshu (the Lord) of Tottori-jo Castle in Inaba Province.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
トルコの国鳥はワキアカツグミである。 Turkey's national bird is the redwing.
- Weblio英語基本例文集
元は山城国鳥羽の国人の出であった。 His origin was a kokujin (local samurai) of Toba in Yamashiro Province.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
志摩国鳥羽藩主・九鬼守隆の三男。 He was the third son of Moritaka KUKI, who was the lord of Toba domain of the Province of Shima.
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改元して明治元年11月2日(旧暦)、因幡国鳥取藩に幽閉。 At the beginning of the new era on November 2, 1868 (old calendar), he was imprisoned by the Tottori Clan of Inaba Province.
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代わって、因幡国鳥取藩から久留島通孝が嫡子に迎えられた。 Instead of him, Michitaka KURUSHIMA was adopted from the Tottori Domain, Inaba Province.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
天正10年(1582年)に戦功が認められ、因幡国鳥取城の城代となった。 In 1582 his distinguished war service was recognized, when he became Chamberlain of Tottori-jo Castle in the Inaba Province.
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のち志摩国鳥羽藩主となり、信濃国松本藩の初代藩主となる。 He then became a lord of the Toba Domain in Shima Province and the first lord of the Matsumoto Domain in Shinano Province.
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稲垣長明(いながきながあき(ながあきら))は、志摩国鳥羽藩の第6代藩主。 Nagaaki INAGAKI (also known as Nagaakira INAGAKI) was the sixth lord of Toba clan of Shima Province.
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寛永20年(1643年)11月朔日、池田光仲の領地である因幡国鳥取藩に出かけ、政務の監視をした。 In early November 1643, he departed on an inspection tour of Mitsunaka IKEDA's Tottori Domain in Inaba Province.
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母は譜代大名の内藤忠政(志摩国鳥羽藩主)の娘・内藤波知(正室)。 His mother was Hachi NAITO (lawful wife), a daughter of Tadamasa NAITO, fudai daimyo (a daimyo in hereditary vassal to the Tokugawa family) (the lord of Toba domain of the Province of Shima).
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因幡国鳥取藩支藩-池田氏(後に鳥取藩鹿奴藩および鳥取藩若桜藩となる) A branch domain of Tottori Domain, Inaba Province - the Ikeda clan (later became Shikano Domain of Tottori Domain and Wakasa Domain of Tottori Domain)
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池田氏:備前国岡山藩31万5千石・因幡国鳥取藩32万石城 The Ikeda clan: Okayama Domain, Bizen Province with 315,000 koku and Tottori Domain, Inaba Province with 320,000 koku, with its castles allowed
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しかし、関ヶ原で西軍が敗れると東軍に寝返って、西軍に与した宮部長房の居城・因幡国鳥取城を攻めた。 However, when the Western side lost the Battle of Sekigahara, he went over to the Eastern side and attacked Tottori-jo Castle in the Inaba Province, the castle of Nagafusa MIYABE who sided with the Western side.
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命令は4月5日に西念の下に届き、越後国鳥坂城に構える城資盛を激戦の末に破った(建仁の乱)。 After receiving the order on April 5, 1201, Sainen fought a fierce battle with Sukemori JO who stood ready to fight at Tossaka-jo Castle in Echigo Province, before defeating him (Kennin War).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
九鬼久隆(くきひさたか、元和(日本)3年(1617年)-慶安2年1月23日(旧暦)(1649年3月6日))は、志摩国鳥羽藩の第2代藩主、摂津国三田藩の初代藩主。 Hisataka KUKI (1617 - March 6, 1649) is the second lord of Toba Domain in the Province of Shima and the first load of Sanda Domain in the Province of Settsu.
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
この形式のバリエーションとして、貫に角材を用いたものが、靖国神社をはじめとする各地の護国神社で広く見られることから、特に靖国鳥居と区別することがある。 As a derivative of this type, torii that use a square log for the nuki are so commonly seen in gokoku jinja shrines (shrines designated as places of worship for people killed in the war), including Yasukuni Jinja Shrine, that they are distinguished from the rest and called Yasukuni torii.
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1633年(寛永10年)志摩国鳥羽藩の九鬼氏の家督争いを理由に、幕府は九鬼氏の5万6千石を分割し、九鬼久隆を3万6千石で三田藩に、九鬼隆季を2万石で丹波国綾部藩に移封。 In 1633, the bakufu divided Kuki clan's territory of 56,000 koku into two for the reason of succession dispute, in which Hisataka KUKI's territory was changed to Sanda Domain with 36,000 koku and Takasue KUKI's territory was transferred to Ayabe Domain in Tanba Province with 20,000 koku.
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光煕は享保2年(1717年)9月4日に死去し、その後を継いだ戸田光慈は享保2年11月1日、志摩国鳥羽藩へ移され、代わって伊勢亀山藩より松平乗邑が6万石で入る。 After Mitsuhiro died on September 4, 1717, his successor, Mitsuchika TODA, was transferred to the Toba Domain in Shima Province on November 1, 1717, and Norisato MATSUDAIRA from the Kameyama Domain in Ise Province took over the domain with assigned revenues of 60,000 koku instead.
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九鬼氏は藤原北家熊野別当の末裔で紀伊国牟婁郡(現在の三重県尾鷲市)で起こり、志摩国鳥羽藩(三重県鳥羽市)を拠点に九鬼水軍を統率し秀吉の九州攻めや朝鮮出兵で水軍総督を務めた大名である。 The Kuki clan was a daimyo descended from Kumano betto (title of an official who administered the shrines at Kumano) of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan originating in Muro County, Kii Province (modern day Owase City, Mie Prefecture), and was the leader of Kuki Suigun navy whose strategic point was located in Toba Domain in Shima Province (present-day Toba City, Mie Prefecture) acting as the general leader of Suigun navy in Hideyoshi's invasion of Kyushu and the dispatch of troops to Korea.
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奏者番となった第2代藩主・永井尚長は延宝8年(1680年)、第4代徳川将軍家・徳川家綱の葬儀が増上寺で行われた際、乱心した志摩国鳥羽藩主・内藤忠勝に殺害されるという事件が起こった。 There was a incident wherein Naonaga NAGAI, the second-generation lord who had become a shoshaban (a middleman between attendants to the shogun), was killed in 1680 by Tadakatsu NAITO, the lord of the Toba domain of Shima Province, who became raving mad when the funeral of the family head of the house of the fourth-generation Tokugawa shogun, Ietsuna TOKUGAWA, was held at Zojo-ji Temple.
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また、次男・池田忠継の備前国岡山城28万石、三男池田忠雄の淡路国洲本城6万石、弟池田長吉の因幡国鳥取城6万石を合せ、一族で計92万石(一説に検地して百万石)もの大領を有して、世に「西国将軍」、「姫路宰相百万石」等と称された。 Furthermore, the family held a large territory totaled 920,000 koku (according to one theory, a million koku based on a land survey)--the 280,000 koku of his second son Tadatsugu IKEDA at Okayama-jo Castle in Bizen Province, the 60,000 koku of his third son Tadao IKEDA at Sumoto-jo Castle in Awaji Province, and the 60,000 koku of his brother Nagayoshi IKEDA at Tottori-jo Castle in Inaba Province--and was called 'shogun of Nishigoku' (western Japan), 'Himeji saisho hyakumangoku' (prime minister of Himeji of one million koku), etc.
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しかし兄の九鬼隆季がこの相続に不満を持って対立、騒動を引き起こしたため、幕府からその責任を問われて久隆は志摩国鳥羽藩から摂津三田藩3万6000石に減移封、隆季は丹波国綾部藩2万石に移され、ここに嘉隆以来の水軍力を九鬼氏は失ってしまったのである。 However, because his older brother Takasue KUKI was opposed Hisataka with a sense of dissatisfaction about this succession and caused a commotion, Hisataka was required by bakufu to take responsibility for this, and was transferred and decreased to Sanda Domain, Settsu Province of 36000 koku from Toba Domain, Shima Province, and Takasue was transferred to Ayabe Domain, Tanba Province of 20000 koku, then the Kuki clan lost their naval force inherited from Yoshitaka.
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民間では、こうした農耕神を一般に田の神と呼称してきたが、東北地方では「農神」(のうがみ)、甲信地方(山梨県・長野県)では「作神」(さくがみ)、近畿地方では「作り神」、但馬国(兵庫県)や因幡国(鳥取県)では「亥(い)の神」、中国地方・四国地方では「サンバイ(様)」また瀬戸内海沿岸では「地神」などとも呼ばれる。 In folk beliefs, agricultural gods have generally been called Tanokami but regionally 'No-gami' in Tohoku region, 'Saku-gami' in Koshin Region (Yamanashi and Nagano Prefectures), 'Tsukuri-gami' in Kinki Region, 'I-no-kami' in Tajima Province (Hyogo Prefecture) and Inaba Province (Tottori Prefecture), 'Sanbai-(sama)' in Chugoku and Shikoku Regions, and 'Chijin (earthly deities)' in regions along the coast of Seto Inland Sea.
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これは守隆が生前に五男の久隆を溺愛して嫡男に選んでしまったのが原因であるが、結果として御家騒動の結果、久隆は摂津国三田藩へ移封され、隆季は綾部にそれぞれ移封され、ここに九鬼氏は嘉隆以来の故郷である志摩国鳥羽藩の地を失うに至ったのであった。 The dispute took place because Moritaka had doted on Hisataka, the fifth son and chosen him as his heir, and the result was the transfer of Hisataka to the Sanda Domain in Settsu Province and of Takasue to the Ayabe Domain, leading to the loss of the Toba Domain in Shima Province, which had been the hometown of the Kuki clan since the era of Yoshitaka.
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