
  • 土着
    the natives―the children of the soil  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 土着
    children of the soil  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 土着民の言語, 土語.
    aboriginal languages  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 土着の一揆
    a peasant uprising  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 土着族[動物, 植物].
    aboriginal races [fauna, flora]  - 研究社 新英和中辞典
  • 未開族の土着の宗教
    the native religion of an uncivilized race  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 謡、土着歌謡、地元の音楽
    Folk songs, native vocals and native music - 特許庁
  • 道教は漢族の土着的・伝統的な宗教である。
    Dokyo(道教) is a traditional indigenous religion of the Han race.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 北スカンジナビアに居住し、トナカイを移動させている土着の遊牧族の一員
    a member of an indigenous nomadic people living in northern Scandinavia and herding reindeer  - 日本語WordNet
  • 今日伝わっている祭も土着のものを起源とするという意味では間信仰も交え、神道系に分類されるものが多い。
    Matsuri passed down today also include folk beliefs in the sense of originating from native's, and many of them are categorized as Shinto-related's.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 蝦夷地(北海道)ににおいては和人(本土人)の居住勢力が広まり、土着のアイヌ族との衝突が起こる。
    The power and influence of ethnic Japanese (wajin) in Ezo (modern-day Hokkaido) began to spread, leading to a clash with the native inhabitants, the Ainu people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後に有力な農土着した在庁官人などがこの規定を利用して荒田の再開発に乗り出し、私領するようになる(在地領主制)。
    Later, prominent farmers or local bureaucrats used this rule to redevelop Koden and make it private property (resident landholder system).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 『常陸国風土記』茨城郡条には、土着民である「山の佐伯、野の佐伯」が王権に反抗したことが記されている。
    In Ibaraki in "Hitachi no kuni fudoki" (the topography of Hitachi Province), it is written that the natives 'Saeki of the mountains and Saeki of the fields' had resisted the sovereignty.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 伴信友の『史籍年表』などを元にして古代から明治維新までの歴史を描き、神武天皇の東征を天孫人種と土着人種の俗対立と捉えた。
    Based on "Shiseki nenpyo" (Chronological Table of Historical Events) by Nobutomo BAN, he wrote Japanese history of all through the period from the ancient and medieval times to the Meiji Restoration, and presented a view that the Emperor Jinmu's eastern expedition was an ethnic confrontation between the tenson jinshu (people descending from Ninigi no Mikoto, the grandchild of Amaterasu Omikami) and indigenous people.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、このような概念は古代のシャーマニズムとして世界中に土着し存在していたと考えられるが、それは世界的な様々な宗教の流布や族の流れによってうやむやになってしまっているところも多い。
    Such notions are thought to have been ancient shamanism which indigenously existed all over the world, but they, in many ways, have become vague or ambiguous as a result of the spread of religions and people's relocations in the world.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 政権による土着俗信仰との支配的な祭政一致がおこなわれた神道が教義を言語で統一的に定着させなかったのは、古代より「神在随事擧不為國」だったからであるともいわれている。
    Although the integration of a native ethnic belief and politics was forced to be implemented by the government for Shinto, Shinto did not spread and establish the doctrine in language in a uniform manner, and it seems to be because it has been '神在随 事擧不為國' since the ancient times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、神道のような土着俗信仰と宗派宗教の併存例は世界各地でみられるものであり、日本が特に珍しい例というわけではない。
    However, examples that a native ethnic belief such as Shinto and religions of various schools exist together are observed in various areas in the world, and the Japanese case is not very rare.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時の百姓・班田農や古来の郡司一族、土着国司子弟の中には、出挙や営田活動により富を蓄積する富豪層が現れており、田堵(たと)と呼ばれていた。
    Some peasants, handen (allotted farmland) farmers, old gunji (a district officer) families, and local kokushi (a provincial governor) scions of that time started to form a wealthy class called tato, and they gained riches by suiko (rice loans in ancient Japan that had to be repaid after the autumn harvest at a substantial rate of interest) and farming activities.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ただし仏教の天部の神々も元はヒンドゥー教の神であったように、日本だけでなくインドの地域社会や中国においても、それら土着民族の神々を包摂してきた歴史がある。
    Historically, Buddhism had connoted local deities not only in Japan but also in India and China; the gods of the Buddhistic Tenbu were originally the deities of Hinduism.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この名主、庄屋は昔から土地を所有している有力農土着した武士の末裔などがなる場合が多く、苗字帯刀あるいは諸役御免の特権を持つ者や郷士に列せられるものも多かった。
    The above-mentioned headmen (nanushi or shoya) were often rich farmers who had owned their own land for a long time, or descendants of samurai who had settled there, and many of them were privileged to adopt a surname and wear a sword and excused from various levies and taxes as well as titled as country samurai (goshi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このことはヴェトナムの「天下」概念において、皇帝はヴェトナム土着の神々より上位に位置していることとともに、族固有の信仰がこのような「天下」概念を側面から支えていたことを示している。
    The above shows that under the Vietnamese notion of "Tenka," the emperor was placed higher than native Vietnamese deities and the ethnic belief indirectly supported such notion of "Tenka."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし8世紀末以降、律令による編戸制、班田収授法による公支配が次第に弛緩していくのと並行して郡司層によるの支配と編成の機構は崩壊し、新たに富豪と呼ばれる土着国司子弟、郡司、有力農らが出挙によって多くの公を私的隷属関係の下に置く関係が成立していく。
    However, after the late eighth century, as henko-sei (the organization of the people) by the Ritsuryo and domination over the citizens by Handen Shuju ho (the law of periodic reallocations of rice land) gradually loosened, the mechanism of domination and organization of people by the gunji class collapsed, and there were established relations in which children of native kokushi who were newly called the rich and powerful class, gunji, influential farmers and other people turned many citizens into their private slaves by suiko (government loans made to peasants).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、高野新笠の先祖である渡来系の和氏(やまとうじ)は、渡来の時期が古い家であり、桓武天皇の時代には日本に土着してかなりの世代(武寧王から4代、和氏となって6代)を経ているため「朝鮮族の子孫」という表現は適切ではない。
    Since TAKANO no Nigasa's ancestor, Yamatouji, who came from abroad a long time ago, many generations had passed when Emperor Kammu's government started (the fourth generation from Baekje Muryeong-wang, with Yamatouji as the sixth generation); therefore, it is not accurate to say that Takano no Nigasa's ancestor is Korean.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 統治領下の神社建立にあたり、多くの神道家らは現地の神々をまつるべきだと主張したが、政府は同意せず、欧米列強の植地へのキリスト教伝道、土着信仰の残滓の払拭といった発想と同様に多く明治天皇、天照大神を祭神とした。
    Many Shintoists insisted that local gods should be revered when building shrines in the territories, but the government did not agree and, like the western powers that preached Christianity in their colonies to erase indigenous beliefs, enshrined Emperor Meiji and Amaterasu Omikami.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 後世の研究では、秋田の蝦夷の帰順を得た阿倍比羅夫(藤崎系図)に起源をもとめたり、蝦夷をアイヌの祖先と同一視する立場からabeをapeと読み替えて完全な土着の先住とみる説もある。
    Studies in the later years have also presented with opinions that the origin of the Abe clan could be sought through ABE no Hirafu (the Fujisaki genealogy) who forced the Ezo (natives in the northern districts of Japan) in Akita into submission; or by changing the reading of the name from "abe" to "ape" from the standpoint of identifying the Ezo with the ancestors of the Ainu tribe, the Abe clan could be seen as completely indigenous.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 代わって在地社会の衆を直接把握して支配下に置いたのは、元郡司層や土着国司子弟などから成長し、田堵や負名の資格で大規模な農地経営を行うようになっていった富豪の輩、有力百姓階層であり、彼らを現地赴任国司の筆頭者たる受領が支配するようになっていく。
    People who directly took hold and control of people in the local society instead, were those in the wealthy class and the powerful farmer class who grew from the younger people of class of former Gunji and native Kokushi and so on, and came to conduct a large-scale farmland management in the qualifications of Tato (a field manager) or Fumyo (a local tax manager), and they came to be controlled by Zuryo who was a head of Kokushi transferred to the locale.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
