
  • さすがは金持ちのちゃんだけあって大なものだ
    His generosity is worthy of a rich man's son.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • なところはさすがは金持ちのちゃんだ
    His generosity is worthy of a rich man's son  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • なところはさすがは金持ちのちゃんだ
    It is just like a rich man's son to be so generous.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 僕は赤ん、バイオリンを弾けない。
    I can no more play the violin than a baby can. - Tatoeba例文
  • しかし、赤んにぐっすり眠りました。
    But he slept like a baby. - Tatoeba例文
  • 僕は赤ん、バイオリンを弾けない。
    I can no more play the violin than a baby can.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • しかし、赤んにぐっすり眠りました。
    But he slept like a baby.  - Tanaka Corpus
  • 東大寺の復興と浄土寺(小野市)建立(大仏あるいは天竺、俊乗重源)
    Restoration of Todai-ji Temple and construction of Jodo-ji Temple (Ono City) (Daibutsu-yo [Buddhist architectural style] which is also known as Tenjiku-yo [India style], Chogen SHUNJOBO)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これを「オバケ」と呼ぶ(一説には当初は子供のな格好をしたことから「お髪」と呼ばれ、それが「お化け」になったといわれている)。
    This custom is called "obake" (according to one theory, it is claimed that people originally disguised themselves as children with a child-like hairstyle called "obokami (お坊髪) (a hairstyle for children)," but the term was changed to "obake").  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、同にカメの体に主頭の人間の頭部を持つ海主として入亀入道(いりかめにゅうどう)があり、若狭湾に出現するといわれる。
    Also, it is said that another 'Umibozu' called 'Irikame nyudo' which has a turtle-like body and a human-like bald head appears in Wakasa Bay.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 門跡は彼らをもまた近侍の官同に遇して、自己の勢力下に加えた。
    Monzeki treated them also the same way as the bokan serving him, then had them under his influence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「お二人がこれぞと思う法華宗のお坊様をお連れ下されば、御返答しましょう。」
    When you take along a Hokkeshu sect monk you can trust, I will answer the question.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主めくりと同、首は読まず、読み札のみを使用し取り札は使用しない。
    Like the Bozu Mekuri, the players use only the yomi-fuda and don't read the poems.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 本作も初代中村仲蔵が『色模青柳曽我』で演じた大日を再構成した作品である。
    The role of Hokaibo is also the reconstruction of Dainichibo played by Nakazo NAKAMURA in "Iromoyo aoyagisoga."  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「名づけの神」として、市内の人々が赤んの名前を付けてもらいに参拝することがある。
    Seimei has also been worshipped as "God of name-giver", so some residents in Kyoto City visit and ask the shrine to name their babies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 日海以降、本因の名称は碁界家元の地位をもち、襲名継承されるになった。
    After Nikkai, the word Honinbo became the title of the a grand master of Go to be inherited its successors.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「やめろ、やめろ。君たちの手に負える坊様じゃない」と、見ていた近藤勇が出てきた。
    Stop it, stop it. He is not a man you can beat,' said Isami KONDO, who was watching them, and appeared.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • よってそれを押さえる火伏せの神、火尊(ひぶせのみこと)などの神が信仰の対象になって来た。
    Therefore deities preventing it such as Hibuse no kami (god of fire prevention) and Hibuse no mikoto were worshipped.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 他の天台門跡寺院と同、最澄(767-822)の時代に比叡山上に草創された(小寺院)がその起源とされる。
    Like other Tendai monzeki temples, a bo (small temple) that began on Mt. Hiei during time of Saicho (767 - 822) is said to be the origin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • の官司として春宮の主殿署、後宮の殿司、斎宮寮の殿部司などがある。
    As similar government officials, Shudensho (Housekeeping office) of Togubo (Crown Prince's Quarters), Tonomorizukasa (housekeeping branch of the Imperial Household Ministry) of Kokyu (empress's residence), Tonomoribe no tsukasa of Saiguryo (the Bureau of the High Priestess of Ise) and so on existed.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東大寺中興の祖である俊乗重源が中国・宋(王朝)から伝えた建築式といわれる大仏(だいぶつよう、天竺・てんじくようともいう)を採用した建築として著名である。
    It is famous because it used architecture of the Daibutsu-yo style (Buddhist architecture style also called 'Tenjiku-yo' [Indian style]), that the restorer of Todai-ji Temple Chogen SHUNJOBO is believed to have brought from Sung Dynasty China.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大仏と大仏殿の再建担当者に任じられたのは渡宋経験のある俊乗重源(しゅんじょうぼうちょうげん)であり、彼によって宋から伝来の新建築式の大仏が導入された。
    It was the priest Chogen who was appointed chief of the reconstruction of the Great Buddha and its hall, and Chogen (also called Shunjo-bo) once had been to Sung-dynasty China, so he newly applied Daibutsu-yo (the Buddhist architecture), which originated from Sung-dynasty China, to the hall.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近侍の僧侶でも最上級のもののみを官と呼び、以下を諸大夫・北面・侍などと公家と同の家臣形成をしていくようになる。
    Therefore, only the monks who served monzeki and were in the highest rank came to be called bokan and other lower rank monks came to be categorized into shodaibu, hokumen or samurai; such categorization formed a hierarchy similar to that of court nobles.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 石見国(現・島根県)でも同に、釣り人のもとに赤んを抱えた怪しげな女が現れ「この子を少しの間、抱いていて下さい」という。
    In Iwami Province (present-day Shimane Prefecture), there was a similar tale saying that a suspicious woman holding a baby appeared in front of an angler and asked him, "Would you hold this baby for a moment?"  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それで、はじめ頭巾を被り、幕切れで「変わりし頭を旦那に」と西心が頭巾をとり、おさよの主頭が出て、ここで「あれ、お恥ずかしゅうございます」と、おさよが恥らう演出に替えた。
    So the stage direction was changed like this: first Osayo wears a hood; and at the ending of this act, Saishin takes off the hood, saying "Let the master see your hair after the change," and Osayo gets bashful, saying "Oh, I am so embarrassed," when revealing her butch haircut.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 黙阿弥は旧作の『網模燈籠菊桐』(通称「小猿七之助」)の登場人物であるお吉三にあと2人の吉三を絡ませ、さらに八百屋お七の狂言をパロディ化している。
    Mokuami had the character Obo Kichisa of his former work of "Amimoyo toro no kikukiri" (common name 'Kozaru shichinosuke') relate to the two other Kichisa, and parodies the Kyogen (farce played during a No play cycle) of Yaoya Oshichi (greengrocer Oshichi).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのため、このあと、大播磨は絶妙な間合いで笑いが引くのをまってから、悪徳主の面白みをチャリの笑いから引き継ぎ、観客を魅了する名人芸で見事に演じきるを、現代でも聞くことができる。
    Listening to the record, it is known that O-Harima waited until the audience settled down, and at miraculously good timing, resumed performing as the bad cha-bozu (tea-server); he took advantage of the laughter triggered by Yamakawa's chari and finished the performance perfectly fascinating the audience.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天台宗の他の門跡寺院(青蓮院、三千院など)と同、妙法院は比叡山上にあった(小寺院)がその起源とされ、初代門主は伝教大師最澄(767-822)とされている。
    As with other Tendai Sect Monzeki Temples (Shoren-in Temple and Sanzen-in Temple), the origins of Myoho-in Temple are believed to lie in a bo (small temple) situated atop Mt. Hiei and the first chief priest is thought to have been Dengyo Daishi Saicho (767-822).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この庭園は再建期の寛文年間の作と考えられており、実蔵文書の記録や作庭式から裏付けられるが、庭園の造営者の名は不明である。
    This garden is thought to have been restored during 1661 and 1673, and this is supported by the records of Jitsuzobo as well as the style of the garden but the garden's designer is unknown.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当初平安京と同の条制による都市を建設しようとしたが、和田は平地が少なく手狭だったため、すぐにこの計画は行き詰まってしまった。
    The plan was to build a capital with the same street plan as Heian-kyo (ancient capital and present-day Kyoto), but the land of Wada was not broad enough and the plan soon got bogged down.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 勤番侍が桜田門外の変を語ったかと思うと歌舞伎の道具係が名優を語り、彰義隊残党が敗軍逃亡の有を語り、御数寄屋主が御茶壺道中を語るなど、当事者ならでの実体験に基づく貴重な証言録となっている。
    They are important records of evidences based on the real experiences, which you only get from the people concerned: for example, kinban zamurai (samurai being on duty in Edo) told the Sakuradamongai Incident; a person in charge of tools told the famous actor; the survivors of Shogitai (group of former Tokugawa retainers opposed to the Meiji government who fought in the Battle of Ueno) told how the defeated army ran away; osukiya bozu (a monk serving the feudal lord in Edo castle) told the tea pot journey.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 信仰の対象としては、西塔・根本大塔には両部(金剛界・胎蔵界)大日如来を祀り、御影堂(みえどう)(弘法大師御住・現在は、真如(しんにょよう)の弘法大師御影(絵像)を祀る)・不動堂などの伽藍・諸堂がある壇上があり、弘法大師入定の地・奥の院御廟は聖地。
    As the objects for worship, Dainichi Nyorai of both Kongokai (spiritual principles) and Taizokai (physical principles) are enshrined in Saito (literally, Western Tower) and Konpon Daito (literally, Primal Tower), and there is a danjo (platform for religious practice) on which Garan and halls such as Miedo Hall (It was a dwelling of Kobo Daishito and now enshrines Mie (image) of Kobo Daishi) and Fudodo Hall are built, and the mausoleum of Kobo Daishi in Okunoin, where he attained Nirvana, is the sacred place.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • そのな中真宗大谷派の三河護法会はこのな動きが他藩に波及することを恐れ、何度か協議を重ねた後まず宗規を破って請書を提出した西方寺と光輪寺を詰問するため、総監の碧海郡高取村専修星川法沢と幹事である同郡小川村(安城市)の蓮泉寺石川台嶺を中心に同年3月8日同郡矢作村暮戸に真宗僧侶の会合を開いた。
    Meanwhile, the Mikawa Goho (the defense of Buddhism) Association of Otani sect of Shinshu was afraid of spreading those movements into the other domains, therefore, the association held a meeting of Buddhist monks of Shinshu sect in Yahagi Village, Aomi County by Hotaku HOSHIKAWA, a Senju-bo (specialized monk) and a general office director, from Takatori Village, Aomi County and Tairei ISHIKAWA, a manager, from Rensen-ji Temple in Ogawa Village, Aomi County on March 8, 1871 in order to examine Saiho-ji Temple and Korin-ji Temple closely which submitted the letter of acknowledgement with the violation of the religious regulations after a series of conferences.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 彼が奉行として参画したと思われる遺構は、建築としては妙心寺麟祥院の春日のつぼね霊屋(慶長年間、うち溜りを移建)、氷室神社拝殿(慶長年間、内裏池亭を移建)、大覚寺宸殿(慶長年間の内裏の元和期増造の際に中宮宸殿となる)、金地院東照宮、同茶室、同方丈南庭(鶴亀庭)、南禅寺本方丈南庭、大徳寺竜光院密庵席(みったんせき)、孤篷庵表門前の石橋、同前庭、同忘筌席露地(建築は寛政年間に焼失後、旧式を踏襲して復元された)、仙洞御所南池庭のいで島およびその東護岸の石積み部分などである。
    Work to which he is believed to have contributed include: the tamaya (mausoleum) for Kasuga no Tsubone (during the Keicho era (1596 - 1615), relocation of the waiting room); the haiden (hall of worship) of the Himuro-jinja Shrine (Keicho era (1596 - 1615), relocation of Dairi Chitei (an arbor by a pond of the Imperial Palace)); Shinden of the Daikaku-ji Temple (became Chugu Shinden in the Genna era (1615 - 1617) upon the expansion of the dairi (Imperial Palace) first constructed in the Keicho era); Toshogu (Priest house), tea house and south garden (Tsuru-Kame garden (literally, crane-turtle garden)) of hojo (abbot's chamber) of Konchi-in; south garden of hojo of the honbo (priests main living quarters) of the Nanzen-ji Temple; Mittanseki (tea house) of Ryukoin of Daitoku-ji Temple; stone bridge in front of the front gate of Kohoan, a front garden and Bosenseki Roji of the same (building was lost to fire in the Kansei era (1789 - 1800) and restored in the original style); and the islands and stone-lined eastern shore of the south garden of Sento Gosho.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
