
  • 行住坐臥不問時節久近
    Whenever and wherever, it doesn't matter how long you recite.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 行住坐臥にも報ずべし、かの仏の恩徳(おんどく)を。
    I must call the name of Amida Buddha in every single action of mine.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 「古くは、『こもそう(薦僧)』ということが多く、もと坐臥用のこもを腰に巻いていたところからという。」
    In the old days they were often called "Komoso," the name originating from monks wearing Komo around their hip while they meditate and sleep.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 修行者に公案を与え、行住坐臥つねに公案の答えを考えさせるのである。
    It gives a practitioner koan (questions from a master to a person seeking the secret of Zen to avoid deviation from the correct way) and makes him or her think its answer while Gyojuzaga (basic behavior for human living, namely, go, stop, sit and sleep).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 法然が専修念仏を唱道したのは、善導の『観経疏』(観無量寿経疏)「散善義」の中の、「一心に弥陀の名号を専念して、行住坐臥に、時節の久近を問はず、念々に捨てざる者は、是を正定の業と名づく、彼の仏願に順ずるが故に」という文からである。
    Honen advocated Senju-nenbutsu based on a verse in 'Sanzengi' from Zendo's "Kangyosho (Kanmuryoju-kyosho)" that says, 'Repeat the name of the Amida Buddha with all of your heart, never forget the Buddha when you are walking, staying still, sitting or sleeping, at any time, then you will have the correct actions, in compliance with the wish of the Buddha for the salvation of all living things.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 高齢者の行住坐臥における全身状態を医療センター等管理センターで集中的にモニタリングできるとともに医療センター等管理センターからの遠隔操作によって薬剤投与といった治療行為を行うことができる健康維持支援システムを提供すること。
    To provide a health maintenance support system capable of carrying out centralized monitoring of the whole body state in the daily movement of the aged in a management center such as a medical center and performing treatment conduct such as administering medicine by remote operation from the management center such as the medical center. - 特許庁
  • 芸能、技芸を技術的な問題としてのみ捉えることをせず、しばしば実生活と芸の世界を混同させて、常住坐臥が芸を高めるための契機であり、修行であると考え、しかのみならず当人の倫理性、道徳性がそのまま芸にあらわれるがゆえに、芸の向上は同時に人格の向上でなければならない、とするところに芸道の特徴がある。
    The main characteristic of Geido is the idea that the heightening of one's art should be simultaneously accompanied by a heightening of one's personality because one's ethics and morality are directly revealed in one's art; this is derived from the idea that rather than regarding the performance of arts and techniques as merely a matter of skill, we should merge our everyday lives and the world of art, which is an opportunity to heighten our art and is itself a form of training.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
