
  • 然ルニ最早大使御帰朝以来既ニ数月ヲ閲シ候得共、何等ノ御施設モ拝承不仕、昨今民心洶々上下相疑、動スレバ土崩瓦解ノ兆無之トモ難申勢ニ立至候義、畢竟天下輿論公議ノ壅塞スル故卜実以残念ノ至ニ奉存候。
    However, although it has been a few months since the group returned home, we have not yet seen anything done about setting up such a place, and people and government are having doubts about each other these days; if anything happens, society shall collapse like mud, it means that the people's opinions are neglected and we feel much sorrow over this.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
