武士の商法(士族の商法) Bushi way of business (this expression is usually used to mean a poorly-run business as it gives the impression of someone engaging in something that is not their specialty, meaning that they will most likely fail because of inexperience)
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
慣れない商売に手を出して失敗すると「士族の商法」と揶揄されることもあった。 Those who started an unfamiliar business and failed in the business were ridiculed because of Shizoku no shoho (the former-samurai way of business).
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ために、「士族の商法」と呼ばれた慣れない商売に失敗して没落する士族が続出し、政府への不満は征韓論や西南戦争へ繋がっていく。 As a result of this, people in the warrior class failed in their unaccustomed businesses called 'shizoku no shoho' (former-samurai way of business) one after another, and the discontent with the government led to the argument for Seikanron (the conquest of Korea) and the outbreak of the Seinan War
- Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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