
  • 壮絶な光景であった
    It was a sublime sight.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • その壮絶なることは想像も及ばぬ
    The sublimity is above conception  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • その戦いで彼は壮絶な死を遂げた.
    He met a heroic death in the battle.  - 研究社 新和英中辞典
  • その壮絶なることは想像も及ばぬ
    One can not conceive how sublime it is  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • その壮絶なることは想像も及ばぬ
    One can form no idea of its sublimity.  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 数度にわたる壮絶な突撃を敢行した。
    He repeated fierce charges several times.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 芸の上でしのぎを削りあった両優のやりとりは壮絶だった。
    These two actors were rivals in the performing arts, and their exchange of words was magnificent.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 騙された弥十郎は一人で多くの敵を相手に壮絶な乱闘を繰り広げる。
    Yajuro, having been tricked, fights alone a fierce battle against many enemies.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 不意をつかれた敵軍は混乱に陥ったが、所詮多勢に無勢であり壮絶な死を遂げた。
    The enemy forces were taken by surprise and fell into disorder, however, it was outnumbered after all, and Tesseki died a heroic death.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (切腹しなお、自らのはらわたを引きちぎり、敵に投げつけたという、壮絶な逸話がある)。
    (There is a heroic anecdote about him that he pulled his gut off and threw it to the enemy even after committing seppuku.)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 主だった神社仏閣も焼き討ちに遭うなどして一帯は壮絶な修羅場と化した。
    The principal shrines and temples were burned down, and the area was transformed into a horrific battlefield.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • やがて学校で丑松が被差別部落出身であるとの噂が流れ、更に猪子が壮絶な死を遂げる。
    After a while, a rumor spread out in school that Ushimatsu was from a buraku community, shortly followed by the brave death of Inoko.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • また、壮絶な切腹は畏敬の念を持たれることもあるが、切腹自体は自決のひとつに過ぎず、特に名誉と見られることもなかった。
    A heroic act of seppuku is associated with a certain reverence but seppuku itself was nothing more than an act of suicide and was not considered to be particularly honorable.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1615年の大坂の役では七手組組頭7人の内の4人までが落城と共に討ち死にする壮絶な最期を遂げた。
    In Osaka-no-eki (the Siege of Osaka) in 1615, four out of seven Nanate-gumi Kumigashiras died a heroic death at the time of the fall of the castle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 中山忠能の日記にも、「御九穴より御脱血」などと壮絶な天皇の病状が記されている。
    It was also mentioned in Tadayasu NAKAYAMA's diary in a heretical way how the Emperor was suffering from smallpox, 'the Emperor was bleeding from Kyuko (mouth, eyes, ears, urethral hall and the anus).'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 新入生入学時期にオリエンテーション時期が設けられ、各団体は校地内にブースを設け壮絶な新入生獲得競争が行われる。
    During the orientation period when freshmen enter the university, each group sets up a booth within the campus to fiercely compete for new students.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし、源競は獅子奮迅の活躍のうえ壮絶に斬り死に、平家方の武者たちにまで賞賛される。
    But MINAMOTO no Kiso died in a sword fight after putting on a display of frenzied activity and got praised even by warriors on the Taira family side.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 宇治平等院の戦いでは衆寡敵せず敗れ、兼綱は頼政を守って宇治平等院(京都府宇治市)にて壮絶な戦死を遂げた。
    In the Battle of Uji Byodo-in, they were outnumbered and defeated and Kanetsuna died bravely in Uji Byodo-in Temple (Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture) guarding Yorimasa.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 映画テクニックへの執着としては、ある意味、最高潮に達した作品であると思われ、二度と出来ない壮絶な撮影現場だったと伝えられる。
    In a way, it seems to be his best film that reflected his techniques and it is said that a set like that will be never seen again.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 元綱は敵の猛攻撃を押し返し奮戦したものの、激戦の末、弟の盛継とともに壮絶な戦死を遂げた。
    Mototsuna fought to the last man against the enemy's fierce attack, however, he and his younger brother Moritsugu, died a fierce death in battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その壮絶な死は「烈女勇子」と国家主義者が喧伝して世間に広まり、盛大な追悼式が行われた。
    The news about her brave death was spread among people by some nationalists praising her as 'the chaste and strong-minded woman Yuko' and a grand memorial service for her was held.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 東海道線との間で壮絶な旅客獲得競争を繰り広げたことが後世まで有名になっている(官鉄との競争)。
    The famous story, which has been handed through the years, states that the Kansai Railway Company had a fierce battles against the Government Railway Company to get more passengers.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • バーチャルテニスボール43を巡ってライバルプレーヤ42とリアルキャラクタ10とが壮絶なラリー(打ち合い)を展開する。
    A real character 10 plays a dramatic rally (a series of strokes interchanged between players) with a rival player 42 stroking a virtual tennis ball 43. - 特許庁
  • この壮絶な早良の死はその後の桓武を苦しめ、崇道天皇の号が贈られたが、桓武に始まる平安朝は長く早良の怨霊に恐れ苦しむこととなる。
    After Imperial Prince Sawara died heroically, Emperor Kanmu was scared and suffered from the Prince's curse for a long time, since Emperor Kanmu's era started as the Heian court, the respective title of Emperor Sudo was given to Imperial Prince Sawara.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天正10年(1582年)、本能寺の変の際は京都に随行しており、信長の長子織田信忠を守って二条城に篭り、最期に黒母衣衆としての意地を見せ、奮戦して壮絶に討死した。
    In 1582, on the occasion of the Honno-ji Temple Incident, he had followed Nobunaga to Kyoto and had stayed in the Nijo-jo Castle to guard Nobutada ODA who was the heir of Nobunaga and proved himself as a kurohoroshu and fought bravely and died in battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 関東一円では、武芸に優れているばかりでなく、世に受け入れられない者の代弁に努めたという将門は、その壮絶で悲劇的な死とも相まって、長い間、逸話や伝説として人々に語り継がれている。
    Because of the efforts he made to stand up for the downtrodden and social outcasts, and his heroic, tragic death in battle, he has long been the subject of anecdotes and legends among people throughout the Kanto area.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 二俣城主として今川氏の最盛期に貢献し、桶狭間の戦いで主君を守るため壮絶な戦いを繰り広げ戦死した宗信は、後世、その忠節への敬意も含め「遠江国松井氏中興の祖」とも呼ばれる。
    Later, Munenobu was called 'Chuko no so, the Matsui clan of Totomi Province' with respect for his faithfulness since he contributed to the prime of the Imagawa clan as castellan of Futamata Castle and fiercely defended his lord while being killed in the Battle of Okehazama.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 総大将の義清は船戦に慣れた平氏軍を前に大敗を喫し、海野幸広や同母弟の義長らとともに矢の雨に浴びせられて、壮絶な戦死を遂げた(水島の戦い)。
    Yoshikiyo suffered a crushing defeat as supreme commander by the Taira clan's army who were accustomed to fighting on ships, and along with Yukihiro UNNO, his younger paternal half-brother Yoshinaga and many others, he was killed in a fierce battle from a barrage of falling arrows (the battle at Mizushima).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1467年、応仁の乱が発生すると、細川勝元率いる東軍に属し、西軍の山名宗全の軍と洛中にて壮絶な死闘を展開し、その勇名を全国に轟かせた。
    In 1467, when the Onin War erupted, Tsunemoto belonged to the eastern army led by Katsumoto HOSOKAWA and was engaged in fierce and mortal combat with troops led by Sozen YAMANA of the western army inside the capital, earning great renown for his bravery across all parts of the country.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 室町時代初期に書かれた『義経記』での忠信は、義経の囮となって吉野から一人都に戻って奮戦し、壮絶な自害をする主要人物の一人となっている。
    In "Gikeiki" (a military epic about the life of Yoshitsune) written in the early Muromachi period, Tadanobu was described as one of the main characters who commit a fierce suicide after the brave fight in Kyoto where he was back alone from Yoshino as being Yoshitsune's undercover.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 突撃した大友軍は親将が杉長門を一騎討ちで討ち取るなど、初期はよく戦ったが、数で勝る大内軍は鶴翼の陣に切り替え、前後左右から少数の大友軍を攻め、壮絶な死闘が展開された。
    In the beginning, the swooping down Otomo army successfully fought the enemy such that Chikamasa defeated Nagato SUGI in a one-on-one fight -- On the other hand, since the Ouchi army outnumbered the Otomo army, it changed their battle formation to kakuyoku (crane's wing), and encircled and attacked the Otomo army, which resulted in a fierce and desperate battle.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • ライバルプレーヤ42が表示画面41のバーチャルテニスコート44に入場後、バーチャルテニスボール43を巡ってライバルプレーヤ42とリアルキャラクタ10とが壮絶なラリー(打ち合い)を展開する。
    After the rival player 42 enters a virtual tennis court 44 on the display screen 41, a real character 10 conducts a dramatic rally (a series of strokes interchanged between players) with the rival player 42 stroking a virtual tennis ball 43. - 特許庁
  • ライオンは、魔法使いをおどかしてやるといいかもしれないと思って、大きく激しく吠え、それがあまりに恐ろしげで壮絶だったので、トトはびっくりしてライオンからとびのいて、すみっこのついたてを倒してしまいました。
    The Lion thought it might be as well to frighten the Wizard, so he gave a large, loud roar, which was so fierce and dreadful that Toto jumped away from him in alarm and tipped over the screen that stood in a corner.  - L. Frank Baum『オズの魔法使い』
  • 天正14年(1587年)、戸次川の戦いに参戦していた父の存保は「まだ千松丸は豊臣秀吉に謁見してない。自分が亡くなったら必ず秀吉に謁見させ、十河家を存続させるように」と家臣に伝えて、壮絶な戦死を遂げた。
    In 1587, Masayasu SOGO met a heroic end in the battle of Hetsugigawa, leaving word to his vassal 'Senmatsumaru has not had an audience with Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI yet. Be sure to have him have an audience with Hideyoshi after my death, to succeed me and carry on the name of the SOGO family.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 堕落した僧界の現状を恥じる赤裸々な内容が壮絶な同経文は、「我皆相代わって悉く懺悔す、更にまたその報いを受けしめざれ」という贖罪の決意を明らかにした末文も相まって、現在も真言宗各派において宗教家の自覚を促し自戒する経文として広く唱えられる。
    This sutra, with fierce content of naked facts with shame of the situation of corrupt world of priests, combined with the last sentence that clearly stipulates his determination of atonement 'I make every confession in lieu of everyone, and also will suffer for it,' has been wide spread as a awareness-raising and self-reproaching sutra among various sects of Shingon even now  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 小笠原家は代々、総領家(本家)が糾法および小笠原流礼法全般をとりしきり「宗家」となっていたが、惣領家十七代の小笠原長時とその子小笠原貞慶は、戦国大名として武田信玄らと壮絶な戦を繰り広げる中、弓馬礼法の伝統を絶やさないため、永禄5年(1562年)、従兄弟筋にあたる小笠原経長に糾法的伝と系図、記録を携え、弓馬術礼法の道統を託した。
    The position of 'Soke', or Grand Master, who was in charge of "Kyuho" and the Ogasawara style of etiquette, was passed down in Soryo-ke (the main branch of the family) for generations, but in 1562, to prevent the horseback archery technique from dying out, the 17th head of the family, Nagatoki OGASAWARA, and his son Sadayoshi OGASAWARA, who as daimyo (Japanese territorial lord) in the Sengoku period were involved in fierce battles against Shingen TAKEDA, handed the art of "kyuho", the family geneology and records to their cousin, Tsunenaga OGASAWARA, entrusting him with passing on the arts of archery, horsemanship and courtesy.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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