
  • 奉公先
    one's master  - 斎藤和英大辞典
  • 奉公先の家
    an employment office  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 奉公先の質素な食事の中で「漬け物」は、奉公人にとって自由に摂れるほぼ唯一の副菜(おかず)であり、巨大なサイズの大鉢などに山のように盛られることが多かった。
    Among the simple meal dishes their employers provided, 'tsukemono' (pickles) was about the only side dish they were allowed to take as their choice from a large bowl.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 婚姻や丁稚奉公などで土地を離れる際には寺請証文を起こし、移転で新たな改帳へ記載することとされた。
    When leaving the domicile in the case of marriage, apprenticeship, etc., a person was required to have terauke shomon (certificate of the family Buddhist temple) and to be registered in new Shumon Ninbetsu Aratame Cho in new address.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • それを知った勇子は、帰郷するからと奉公先の魚問屋を辞め、下谷の伯父の榎本六兵衛宅に押しかけた。
    Hearing that, Yuko left the fish wholesaler with an excuse that she would return to her hometown, and rushed to the residence of her uncle Rokubei ENOMOTO in Shitaya.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 江戸時代中期以後の農業経営の安定化に伴い、進農業地域では譜代下人や質権奉公人は、年季奉公人(ねんきほうこうにん)に転化する事例も見られたが、途上地域では幕末までこうした譜代下人が存在した。
    Due to the stabilization of the farm management after the middle of the Edo period, the fudai genin or shichiken hokonin turned out to be nenki hokonin (apprentices) in advanced agricultural areas, however, in developing areas, such fudai hokonin existed till the end of Edo period.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • これまで11歳の時に江戸上野の「松坂屋いとう呉服店」(現在の松坂屋上野店)へ奉公に出、すぐに番頭と喧嘩をし、日野に戻ってきてしまった、と伝えられていたが、ごろ発表された石田村の人別帳控により、数えの11歳時は石田村に在住しており、奉公には出ていないことが判明。
    Until now, it has been said that he went to work at "Matsuzakaya Ito Gofuku store" (present-day Matsuzakaya Ueno store) in Ueno, Edo at the age of 11, but soon quarreled with the head clerk and returned to Hino; according to a newly published copy of Ninbetsu-cho of Ishida village it became clear that he was living in Ishida village when he was 11 years old, and therefore had not yet gone to work at the store.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もっとも、述した様に侍は自弁である為、軍装に関してはかなりの自由裁量が認められており、弓・鉄砲又は槍の替わりに薙刀を武家奉公人に持たす事で様々な武器を扱った。
    However, since each samurai paid his own expences during the military service as mentioned before, the war outfit was almost left to the discretion of individuals; each samurai used various arms such as a bow, a gun, a spear or even a Japanese halberd carried by Buke hokonin.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その最大の原因は、子どもたち、とくに女児が親から幼い弟妹たちの子守を、あるいは奉公先などで他家の幼児の子守を命じられて学校に行くことができないためだと論じられた。
    The biggest reason was that the children, especially girls, were told by their parents to baby-sit their little brothers and sisters or other families' children at their workplaces, and that this burden prevented them from going to school.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 人々が奉公や結婚その他の理由で他の土地に移る場合には、移動するものの年齢・性別・所属・宗旨などを記載して村役人の送一札とともに移転にある新たな檀家寺に送付して移転の手続とした。
    When a person moved to a different place due to service, marriage or other reasons, the person's age, sex, the temple he or she belonged to and religious Doctrine were entered in the Terauke shomon and sent to the new danka temple along with the Okuri issatsu (expository writing) made by village officers as a procedure for relocation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • お蔭参りとは、庶民が奉公先から抜け出し、伊勢参りに出かける人が急増する現象のことで、江戸時代には元和(日本)3年(1617年)、慶安年間(1648年~1652年)、宝永2年(1705年)、明和8年(1771年)、文政13年・天保元年(1830年)というように約60年周期で自然発生的に繰り返された。
    Okagemairi is the phenomenon that the number of the common people who got away from their service to pay a visit to Ise-jingu Shrine increased drastically, and it occurred spontaneously and repeated various times such as in 1617, 1648 to 1652, 1705, 1771 and 1830 at about 60-years intervals.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 弘化元年(1845年)江戸に出て大垣藩用人に武家奉公した後に旗本など奉公先を転々とするが、長崎奉行牧義制の納戸役として嘉永5年(1853年)のオランダ使節来訪問題に対応し、続いて箱館奉行堀利煕の用人としてその樺太・蝦夷地巡回に随行するなど対外問題に遭遇、更にその経験を大阪町奉行鳥居忠善に買われて貿易問題を担当して同家の家老として抜擢された。
    After GO went to Edo (present-day Tokyo) to serve yonin (officer handling domestic economy) of the Ogaki Domain in 1845, he frequently changed the person whom he served including hatamoto (direct retainers of the bakufu), after which serving as officer in charge of storage room, of the Nagasaki bugyo Gisei MAKI, he handled receiving the visit from the Netherlands envoy in 1853 and later on he took office as yonin for the Hakodate bugyo Toshihiro HORI to attend him on a tour to Sakhalin and Ezochi (inhabited area of Ainu), encountering a variety of foreign issues; moreover, his rich foreign experience was thought highly of by the magistrates of Osaka Town Tadayoshi TORII to be selected for a chief retainer of the Torii family in charge of trade issues.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • この御家人制は平安時代以降の土地制度である荘園公領制に立脚した守護地頭制に由来し、御家人に対して祖伝来の所領の地頭に任命する本領安堵、また武功に対して新たに地頭に人目し所領を与える新恩給与による御恩を受ける代わりに鎌倉殿の課す軍役や京都大番役、鎌倉番役を課す奉公によって成立している。
    The lower-ranking vassal system originated from the Shugo and Jito system based on shoen koryo sei (system of public lands and private estates) which was the land system after the Heian period, and it consisted of honryo-ando (acknowledgment for inherited estate) where gokenin were appointed to Jito of the territory inherited from the ancestor and military service imposed by Kamakura-dono or the service of Kyoto obanyaku (a job to guard Kyoto) and Kamakura Banyaku (guards of Kamakura), instead of giving a favor by shinon-kyuyo (granting new domains) where Jito was newly given a territory for their deed of valor.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
