
  • 改元して慶応元年、物外は第一次長州征伐の調停役を依頼され、願書をしたためて朝廷に奉呈する
    The era name was changed into Keio, and Motsugai was asked to be a mediator for the First conquest of Choshu, so he made a petition and submitted it to the Imperial court.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • このため、斉敬は国事扶助の任に耐えずとの理由により辞表を奉呈するが、2人に対する孝明天皇の信頼は篤く、辞意は認められなかった。
    In light of the above, Nariyuki submitted his resignation on the grounds that he could no longer be effective in assisting the Emperor with affairs of State, but Emperor Komei had deep trust towards those two rejecting Nariyuki's resignation.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 横浜港に入港したエルトゥールル号の司令官オスマン・パシャを特使とする一行は、6月13日に皇帝親書を明治天皇に奉呈し、オスマン帝国最初の親善訪日使節団として歓迎を受けた。
    After arriving at Yokohama Port, the party led by a special envoy Osman Pasha, who was also a commander of Ertuğrul, presented a letter from the Sultan to the Emperor Meiji on June 13 and was welcomed as the first goodwill mission to Japan from the Ottoman Empire.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 新党構想などの準備を着々と整え、満を持しての再登板に望むことになった近衛は、閣僚名簿奉呈直前の7月19日、荻窪の私邸・荻外荘でいわゆる「荻窪会談」を行い、入閣することになっていた松岡洋右(外相)、吉田善吾(海相)、東条英機(陸相)と「東亜新秩序」の建設邁進で合意している。
    Having worked steadily on the preparations for the framework of the new political party, Konoe, who was about to face a long-awaited comeback, held the 'Ogikubo Meeting' at Tekigaiso, his private residence in Ogikubo, on July 19, just before presenting the list of cabinet ministers, and he agreed with new cabinet members Yosuke MATSUOKA (Foreign Minister), Zengo YOSHIDA (Minister of the Navy) and Hideki TOJO (Minister of the Army) to work toward the founding of a 'new order in East Asia.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
