
  • という星
    a star located in the western part of Andromeda, called {'kei'}  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 宿という,天球上の星座の所在を明瞭にするための区分
    a divided celestial sphere use provide a clear indication of a constellation's position, which is named 'keishuku'  - EDR日英対訳辞書
  • 発起人代表者は小西晴美・中島良太郎・村田太郎・山本建三。
    The founders and representatives were Harumi KONISHI, Ryotaro NAKAJIMA, Keitaro MURATA and Kenzo YAMAMOTO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • なお長男・吾は夭折し、次男・菊池大麓は秋坪の実家・菊池家の養嗣子となった。
    While the eldest son Keigo died young, the second son Dairoku became an adopted heir of the Kikuchi family, Shuhei's family home.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 過去最高の174議席を抱えて迎えた1924年、清浦吾による清浦内閣が発足した。
    In 1924, with the record number of 174 seats occupied by members of Kenkyukai, KIYOURA Cabinet led by Keigo KIYOURA was born.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし最後の元老となった西園寺は山本権兵衛、清浦吾といった有力な候補たちに難色を示した。
    However, Saionji, the only remaining Genro, was reluctant to appoint such powerful candidates as Gombei YAMAMOTO and Keigo KIYOURA to Genro.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 門下として、米澤貞次郎(京大名誉教授)、諸熊治(分子研名誉教授、エモリー大教授)、藤本博(京大名誉教授)。
    His students include Teijirou YONEZAWA (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University), Keiji MOROKUMA (Professor Emeritus, Institute for Molecular Science; Professor, Emory University), and Hiroshi FUJIMOTO (Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉村は松本堂、藤本鉄石ら同志とともに大和行幸の先駆けとして大和国で倒幕の義兵を挙げることを計画。
    Yoshimura made a plan to raise an army for overthrowing the Shogunate in Yamato Province together with like-minded people including Keido MATSUMOTO and Tesski FUJIMOTO as a vanguard of the imperial visit to Yamato.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 京城の高手で中枢員議官の白南という者と対戦、四子(朝鮮ルールの二子)にまで打ち込んで「神童来」と言われる。
    In Takate in Keijo (old name of Seoul City in the period of Japan's rule) he played so well with four stones down to start the game (in the Korean rule two stones) against Haku Nankei, a Chusuin official, that he was called a 'prodigy.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 平田は清浦吾・田健治郎・大浦兼武らと並ぶ官僚系の山縣側近として人脈を形成した。
    Tosuke established personal connections as a Yamagata-affiliated government official advisor who was as powerful as Keigo KIYOURA, Kenjiro DEN, and Kanetake OURA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 藤本は吉村虎太郎(土佐藩脱藩)、松本堂(刈谷藩脱藩)とともに行幸の先駆けとして大和国で挙兵することを計画。
    Tesseki planned to raise the army in Yamato Province as the lead of Yamato gyoko together with Torataro YOSHIMURA (who left the Tosa Domain) and Keido MATSUMOTO (who left the Kariya Domain.).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後も清浦吾や岡部長職ら勅撰議員や他の華族議員の加入もあり、1年後には70名にまで増加した。
    After the foundation, imperial nominees such as Keigo KIYOURA and Nagamoto OKABE joined the faction and the number of the members reached 70 a year later.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 南郷や平田のもとで茶話会は清浦吾の研究会_(貴族院)とともに山縣有朋を支持して、超然主義を奉じた。
    Under Nango and Hirata, Sawakai joined Keigo KIYOURA's Kenkyukai (a study group) in supporting Aritomo YAMAGATA, supporting Yamagata's doctrine of transcendence.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • (後に伊藤は松本堂の密書を岩倉具視に届けたと弁明しているが、岩倉具視と松本堂の関係を考えればあり得ないことである。伊藤三弥と同郷の碩学森銑三は「脱走者三弥の言い訳に過ぎない」と断じている)。
    (Later ITO justified himself by saying that he delivered a secret letter from Keido MATSUMOTO to Tomomi IWAKURA; however, when one considers the relationship between Tomomi IWAKURA and Keido MATSUMOTO, the above is an unlikely circumstance; Senzo MORI, a great scholar who shares his hometown with Mitsuya ITO declares, 'It is no more than an excuse made by an escapee Mitsuya.')  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 近年の前衛書道の団体としては、この書道芸術院の他に、「星会」・「草人社」・「蒼狼社」・「現代書作家協会」があり、その他無所属に比田井南谷らがいた。
    The bodies for avant-garde calligraphy in recent years include, in addition to Japan Calligraphy Art Academy, "Keiseikai," "Sojinsha," "Sorosha," and "Gendaisho-sakka-kyokai" (an association of writers of modern calligraphy), with Nankoku HIDAI and others who did not belong to any of these bodies existing as well.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉村は松本堂、池内蔵太ら浪士とともに長州へ下り、藩主毛利慶親、世子毛利定広に謁見して、上京を説いている。
    Yoshimura went down to Choshu, together with roshi including Keido MATSUMOTO and Kurata IKE and had an audience with Yoshichika MORI, who was the lord, and Sadahiro MORI, who was the heir, and tried to persuade them to go to Kyoto.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 大和行幸の先駆けとなるべく大和国で挙兵して天誅組を結成し、吉村虎太郎、松本堂とともに天誅組三総裁の一人となる。
    He raised an army and set up Tenchu-gumi (royalist party to inflict punishment) in Yamato Province in order to take the lead of Yamato gyoko (Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province), and became one of the three presidents of Tenchu-gumi together with Torataro YOSHIMURA and Keido MATSUMOTO.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 12月27日に発生した難波大助による昭和天皇狙撃事件(虎ノ門事件)により当時の第二次山本権兵衛内閣は総辞職に追い込まれ、枢密院(日本)議長であった清浦吾内閣が発足した。
    With the attempt on the life of Emperor Showa (then Prince Regent) by Daisuke NANBA on December 27 (Toranomon Incident), the second Gonbei YAMAMOTO cabinet was forced to resign and was replaced by an administration under Keigo KIYOURA, who was chairman of the House of Peers (Japan).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • もっとも、第1次山本内閣の後を受けて大命降下した清浦吾は、海軍拡張(八八艦隊の建造費用)について海軍と合意できず、海軍大臣候補が得られなかったため、組閣を断念している(鰻香内閣)。
    For Keigo KIYOURA, however, who was given an imperial command after taking over the first Yamamoto Cabinet, it proved impossible to gain consensus in regards to the Navy expansion (construction costs for fleet 88) and to obtain the Navy's ministerial candidates; therefore, he gave up on forming a Cabinet (Manko Cabinet).  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1934年7月 斎藤実・清浦吾・若槻礼次郎・高橋是清・一木喜徳郎(枢密院議長・以下枢相)・牧野伸顕(内大臣府)・西園寺公望(元老)
    In July 1934, Makoto SAITO, Keigo KIYOURA, Reijiro WAKATSUKI, Korekiyo TAKAHASHI, Kitokuro ICHIKI (Chairman of the Privy Council), Nobuaki MAKINO (naidaijin), and Kinmochi SAIONJI (genro)  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 吉村寅太郎は松本堂、藤本鉄石、池内蔵太ら攘夷派浪士と語らい、大和行幸の先鋒となるべく大和国へ赴くことを決議。
    Torataro YOSHIMURA talked with Joi ha group of masterless samurai such as Keido MATSUMOTO, Tesseki FUJIMOTO, Kurata IKE and resolved to go to the Yamato Province to lead the vanguard of Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 天誅組は中山忠光を主将、吉村寅太郎、松本堂、藤本鉄石を総裁とする職制を整え、自らを「御政府」または「総裁所」と称した。
    Tenchu-gumi put the office organization in order with Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA the commander-in-chief and Torataro YOSHIMURA, Keido MATSUMOTO, and Tesseki FUJIMOTO president; the members called themselves 'the government' or 'presidency.'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 那須信吾は中山忠光を逃すべく決死隊を編成して敵陣に突入して討ち死に、藤本鉄石も討ち死にし、負傷して失明していた松本堂は自刃した。
    Shingo NASU organized a death squad in order to make Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA flee, entered into an enemy camp and died in battle; Tesseki FUJIMOTO was also killed in battle; Keido MATSUMOTO who had lost eye sight from an injury committed suicide.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかしこの事件により、第二次山本権兵衛内閣は責任を取る形で総辞職を余儀なくされ、代わって枢密院議長の清浦吾に内閣組閣の大命が下った。
    This incident, however, forced the second cabinet of Gonbei YAMAMOTO to take the responsibility and resign en bloc, and subsequently Keigo KIYOURA, Chairman of the Privy Council received an Imperial command to form a new cabinet.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • その後も貴族院_(日本)では、山県側近の清浦吾の研究会_(貴族院)と平田東助の茶話会という2大会派が超然主義を奉じて、政党政治の排除の動きを行った。
    In the Kizokuin (the House of Peers), the two major factions, the study group led by Keigo KIYOURA, who was the close associate of Yamagata, and the Sawakai led by Tosuke HIRATA, continued to believe in transcendentalism and tried to eliminate party politics.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 当時の研究会は結成母体となった子爵議員と清浦吾を筆頭とする実務に通じた勅撰議員が力を有しており、男爵議員の立場は弱かった。
    In the Kenkyu-kai at that time the viscount councilors who were focal members for forming the faction as well as the nominated members of the House of Peers who were sufficient for know-how including Keigo KIYOURA had power, thus baronial members were in a vulnerable position.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 以後は、陸軍・内務省・宮内省・枢密院などにまたがる「山県系官僚閥」を形成して、陸軍では桂太郎や寺内正毅、官僚では清浦吾や平田東助らの後ろ盾となって政治に関与するようになる。
    Eventually, he formed the 'The Yamagata Bureaucratic Faction' across the Army, Ministry of Inner Affairs, Imperial Household Ministry and Privy Council in order to facilitate his involvement in politics by becoming a supporter of Taro KATSURA and Masatake TERAUCHI in the Army as well as of government bureaucrats such as Keigo KIYOURA and Tosuke HIRATA.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 立憲政友会を与党とした第1次山本内閣がシーメンス事件のスキャンダルに見舞われた際には、茶話会は清浦吾率いる会派・研究会_(貴族院)とともに、海軍予算7,000万円減を成立させ、3,000万円減の衆議院と対立。
    When the first Yamamoto administration with the Rikken Seiyukai Party as the ruling party was involved in the Siemens scandal, the Sawakai and the Kenkyukai (within the House of Peers) led by Keigo KIYOURA decreased the navy budget by 70 million yen and entered a conflict with the House of Representatives that had suggested a budget decrease of only 30 million yen.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 1914年(大正3年)4月、第1次山本内閣総辞職、清浦吾流産を受け、窮した元老は再び大隈重信を首班指名して大命を降下させ、特に昭和戦後に非常に悪名高くなった第2次大隈内閣を成立させた。
    In April, 1914, due to the mass resignation of the first Yamamoto cabinet and the abortive attempt to form the Keigo KIYOURA government, the Genro (elder statesmen) had no alternative but to nominate Shigenobu OKUMA as the shuhan again and order him to be imperial commander letting down the imperial command and made him establish the second OKUMA Government, which resulted in infamous one especially after the Showa War.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 米内光政と東條英機は、自らの路線を否定されて辞めるので出席しても仕方がないというケースであるが、第3次近衛内閣総辞職時の近衛文麿は病欠で「91歳の清浦吾より悪いのか」と批判された。
    In the cases of Mitsumasa YONAI and Hideki TOJO, it was pointless for them to attend a conference when their own policy lines had been rejected and therefore they were resigning, but at the time of the entire third KONOE Cabinet resignation, when Fumimaro KONOE did not attend a conference because of illness, he drew a lot of criticism that said, 'Is he in a worse condition than 91-year-old Keigo KIYOURA?'  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久3年(1863年)8月、吉村寅太郎、松本堂、藤本鉄石ら尊攘派浪士の天誅組は孝明天皇の大和行幸の魁たらんと欲し、前侍従中山忠光を擁して大和国へ入り、8月17日に五條市代官所を襲撃して挙兵した。
    In August 1863, the Tenchugumi (Heavenly Avenging Force,) a group of masterless samurai (roshi) who revered the emperor like Torataro YOSHIMURA, Keido MATSUMOTO, and Tesseki FUJIMOTO, raised an army in order to charge ahead of Emperor Komei's Imperial Trip to the Yamato Province and, led by ex-chamberlain Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, they went to Yamato Province and attacked the magistrate's office in Gojo City on August 17.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 一方で、現役の貴族院議員の首相は伊藤博文を始め、松方正義、大隈重信、桂太郎、西園寺公望、高橋是清、清浦吾、加藤高明、若槻禮次郎、近衛文麿、東久邇宮稔彦王、幣原喜重郎、吉田茂などかなりの数に上った。
    On the other hand, serving Kizokuin councilors who became the Prime Ministers were Hirobumi ITO, Masayoshi MATSUKATA, Shigenobu OKUMA, Taro KATSURA, Kinmochi SAIONJI, Kirekiyo TAKAHASHI, Keigo KIYOURA, Takaaki KATO, Reijiro WAKATSUKI, Fumimaro KONOE, Prince Higashikuninomiya Naruhiko, Kijuro SHIDEHARA, Shigeru YOSHIDA and more.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 特に単独の代表者は置かれず、「特務委員」後に「常務委員」と呼ばれる複数の議員による合議制(1916年の研究会規則では9名の常務委員を設置)であったが、次第に山縣有朋の側近である清浦吾が同会の指導者として浮上してくる事になる。
    The faction had no specific single representative but adopted council system (nine standing committees were to be appointed according to Kenkyukai regulations in 1916) organized with multiple members called 'Tokumuin' (special committees) or later called 'Jomuin' (standing committees), but later, Keigo KIYOURA, a aide to Aritomo YAMAGATA, gradually became influential as a leader of Kenkyukai.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • 文久3年(1863年)8月大和国では公卿中山忠光、吉村寅太郎・池内蔵太(土佐藩士)、松本堂(三河刈谷藩士)、藤本鉄石(岡山藩士)、さらには河内国の大地主水郡善之祐らも加わった天誅組の変が勃発し、続いて但馬国では沢宣嘉(前年京都から追放された七卿の一人)・平野国臣(福岡藩士)らによる生野の変が連鎖的に発生した。
    In August 1868, the Tenchu-gumi incident was caused in Yamato Province by Tadamitsu NAKAYAMA, Kugyo (the top court officials), Torataro YOSHIMURA, Kurata IKEUCHI (the Tosa clan), Keido MATSUMOTO (the Mikawa Kariya clan), Tesseki FUJIMOTO (the Okayama clan), and Zennosuke NIGORI, a powerful landlord in Kawachi Province, and this rapidly led to Nobuyoshi SAWA (one of the seven court nobles who were exiled from Kyoto in the previous year) and Kuniomi HIRANO (the Fukuoka clan) causing the Ikuno incident in Tajima Province.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
