
  • それでもジョンはレッスンを続け,次第にダンスを好きになっていく。
    Still, as he continues with his lessons, John gradually falls in love with dancing.  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • 2人に碁が好きかと尋ねられた昨庵は、下手の横好きなどと謙遜して答え、話を交わす内に次第に2人と馴染みとなった。
    When the two men asked Sakuan if he liked playing Igo, he answered in a humble manner saying he is crazy about it though he is no good, and gradually became familiar with them as he conversed with them.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • しかし松平武元が死去すると次第に幕政を老中に任命した田沼意次に任せ、自らは好きな将棋などの趣味に没頭することが多くなり、結局祖父・吉宗の期待には応えられなかった。
    After the death of Takechika MATSUDAIRA, however, he wound up gradually leaving the Bakufu affairs to Okitsugu TANUMA, who was appointed as Roju, and increasingly indulging himself in pleasure like Shogi (a Japanese board game resembling chess) and so on, which means that he ran counter to his grandfather Yoshimune's expectations after all.  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
